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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Quick poll:


How long does everyone normally spend in each park?


For me IOA has always been about a 6 hour park, whereas USO has always been at least a full day. I often hear that people prefer Islands to the Studios, but I can't figure out why.



When I'm there, I find ways to spend a full day at each park, but that generally involves doing rides multiple times and making multiple laps around the park. Since I get to USO once a year if I'm lucky, I tend to linger and absorb as much as possible when I have the chance to be there.

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I'm visiting Orlando this week and need my Transformers credit, any ideas how the lines are this week? I've done both parks to their entirety before so I won't be buying an express pass. Probably just a two park 1 day ticket, will it be worth it to enjoy the parks for a little bit? Thanks for any recommendations!

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Well this week is going to have a huge range of wait times. Are you visiting NYE? Because, you're gonna be packed in like a Tokyo subway. Are you talking next Sunday? Because that's gonna be your best bet, though I wouldn't expect the wait for Transformers to drop much below 100 minutes this week. There is always single rider, but even that may be ugly for a good portion of the week.


I wouldn't go in expecting to breeze through most of the popular attractions in both parks in one day, but you should still find enough to do without wanting to stab too many other people.

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^Thanks! I was not aware there was a single-rider line. Defnately will NOT be going NYE, was thinking either tomorrow the 30th or Sunday the 5th as you suggested.



May as well wait until the 5th. Crowds will have dispersed and you will have a much more comfortable time compared to the 30th.

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Two years ago today Captain Jake's Amity Boat Tours (also known as Jaws) closed the Boathouse for the last time to make way for The Wizarding World of Harry Potter: Diagon Alley. Take a look back at this amazing attraction's final day of operation including one last ride before Bruce the Shark bit the big one!




Edited by jedimaster1227
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So I have a question about the Universal Express pass and the 2 park ticket.


We're going to Orlando in February and it will be our first visit to Universal. We only have one day.


My first thought was to just go to IOA but now I'm thinking about getting the 2 park pass and the 2 park Universal Express pass because even though we'd like to spend most of the day at IOA I'd really like to check out Mummy and Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit (plus maybe a few other things if we have time).


My question is is it reasonable to do all of this in one day or should we just stick with IOA? We'll probably go on a Saturday since the parks will be open from 9 to 9 and since we'll have the express pass anyway so I would think crowds wouldn't be so much of an issue (let me know if this is a stupid idea). I really don't know much about this park so all the advice I can get would be appreciated. I don't want to rush through it since I know the theming is amazing and I'd like to take some time to enjoy it but since we only have one day rushing is kind of inevitable.


Also, besides the coasters is there anything at Universal Studios that we absolutely need to do (that's worth taking some time away from IOA)?

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^^ Depends on when you go but if you go on the right day, you can do almost everything at both parks in one day. Especially if you get the Express Pass. I also recommend MIB and the Simpsons ride is not bad either.

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When in February are you going? Feburary can either be super empty and crazy busy depending on the week/holidays. Weekend before, week of, and weekend after President's Day 17th will be quite busy but before that you'll find a fairly empty park - so much so I don't even know if I would recommend buying Express. Saturdays will be busier because of the Mardi Gras event but on less crowded week days you could do both parks by 6pm if you get there at opening.

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When in February are you going? Feburary can either be super empty and crazy busy depending on the week/holidays. Weekend before, week of, and weekend after President's Day 17th will be quite busy but before that you'll find a fairly empty park - so much so I don't even know if I would recommend buying Express. Saturdays will be busier because of the Mardi Gras event but on less crowded week days you could do both parks by 6pm if you get there at opening.


I'll probably be there on the Saturday or Sunday of Presidents Day weekend unfortunately... sorry, I should have specified. I'm expecting crowds but figured they wouldn't be as much of an issue with the pass. Is that the case or will it still be an issue?

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^ Crowds will be big but with the pass they will be manageable. Between Express and following basic theme park rules (i.e. get there at opening/be at gate for opening, don't each lunch at peak times, etc.) will help you out. At the Studios park the crowds will be focused on the parade/concert later in the evening which should help with crowds there as well. Many of the major rides offer single riders line so that is another crowd beating tool in addition to Express.

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So I have a question about the Universal Express pass and the 2 park ticket.


We're going to Orlando in February and it will be our first visit to Universal. We only have one day.


My first thought was to just go to IOA but now I'm thinking about getting the 2 park pass and the 2 park Universal Express pass because even though we'd like to spend most of the day at IOA I'd really like to check out Mummy and Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit (plus maybe a few other things if we have time).


My question is is it reasonable to do all of this in one day or should we just stick with IOA? We'll probably go on a Saturday since the parks will be open from 9 to 9 and since we'll have the express pass anyway so I would think crowds wouldn't be so much of an issue (let me know if this is a stupid idea). I really don't know much about this park so all the advice I can get would be appreciated. I don't want to rush through it since I know the theming is amazing and I'd like to take some time to enjoy it but since we only have one day rushing is kind of inevitable.


Also, besides the coasters is there anything at Universal Studios that we absolutely need to do (that's worth taking some time away from IOA)?


Besides the coasters, you absolutely must go on Transformers The Ride 3D! The wife and I liked it more than Spiderman.


I also agree with a few other posters and suggest Men in Black: Alien Attack. It's easily my favorite shooting dark ride!

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I would definitely try to do both if you get express like others have mentioned between Mummy, MIB (hands down best shooter dark ride out there), H:RRR (a personal favorite), Transformers and the new SImpson's area USF has a lot to offer. Trying to get both in and every major attraction while taking in all the amazing details could be a challenge. Good luck though, I could never go to Universal Orlando and not attempt to visit both parks.

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Also, besides the coasters is there anything at Universal Studios that we absolutely need to do (that's worth taking some time away from IOA)?


I'd argue that you've got it backwards. I'd start my day at IOA, but get over to USF by lunch and spend the majority of my day there. USF's must see attractions are Transformers, RotM, Rockit, Men In Black, Despicable Me, T2:3D, E.T., and Simpsons. Whereas IOA really only has Spidey, Potter, Hulk, Bluto, and Jurassic. Either way, you should be able to do everything in a day if you hurry and use single rider lines.

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