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About Her0ofLime

  • Birthday 09/16/2001

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  1. Because Shrek is love, Shrek is life. "It'll all be ogre soon, Donkey"
  2. I'm going to the park tomorrow and i'll probably bring back some pictures. Hopefully there's construction. In other news, I think this is a great idea: Re-themeing Gotham City to Gotham City Carnival. The area already LOOKS like a carnival in the middle of a city park. The carnival games and remote control trucks could finally fit the theming. Mindbender could actually be given a STORY. Like, say, Riddler turned an ordinary fair coaster into a Mind-Bending thrill ride. It just makes too much sense to not work.
  3. EDIT: I was either hacked or something else, cause i started spamming chat and blaming it on people, and I think i know who it is
  4. I HAVE AN EXCLUSIVE NEVER BEFORE SEEN PICTURE OF AN ARROW!!! I hope you enjoyed this high detail picture of the one arrow that is not listed on rcdb and was built in North Korea NEVAR BEFOR SEEN
  5. Tell us everything. Because I am too nosy to stand for vaugeness.
  6. Cheetah Hunt: Front row Kumba: Very back Montu: Both front and back Sheikra: Front and back for airtime Gwazi: Don't Air Grover: Don't Scoirpion: Front row Sand Serpent: If you want to
  7. On a SATURDAY?! Get there early and stay late unless you want to wait for 4 hours. Which has happened to me before. On a saturday, in mid-october.
  8. I see people complaining about how Intimidator 232 and Apollo's Chariot don't deserve their places, but at the same time, Leviathon and SFOG Goliath? Really?
  9. Great Escape - 7 La Ronde - 10 Six Flags America - 9 Six Flags Discovery Kingdom - 10 Six Flags Fiesta Texas - 11 Six Flags Great Adventure - 11 Six Flags Great America - 13 Six Flags Mexico -10 Six Flags Magic Mountain - 6 Six Flags New England - 10 Six Flags Over Georgia - 11 Six Flags Over Texas - 12 Six Flags St. Louis - 10
  10. The train guy at BGT is WAY more reliable than the dippin dots guy. On my visit he predicted Falcon's Fury would open in August, and look what happened.
  11. And from what i've seen it attracts a lot of GP. The first thing I ever hear when I go to the park with distant family is "Does it have a water park?" and the first thing I hear when I say there is one and it comes with park admission is celebration. It also gets to be one of the most crowded places in the park. I had to wait in lines even when it had rained earlier that day on one of my first visits to the water park. Really the last thing I want to hear in this thread is people complaining about the water park expansion. Not only did it have some really fun slides, it was a smart buisness move.
  12. "Dear diary, today I learned that everyone in the SFOG thread hates waterslides."
  13. NO! That's so annoying! I've never ridden Cliff Hanger, but it looks awesome seeing that drop once you push yourself forward over the edge. And to think that that awesome name will be turned to Dive Bomber makes me even more infuriated! I totally feel ripped off - kind of what Over Texas's water park did a few years ago, but at least they kept one side of their drop slide without the capsule for the variety... Honestly what they're doing now is awesome. Those floor drop slides are much better and less dull than the "over the edge" ones. I just feel like it's a total rip off. It's like taking a coaster, turning it backwards and repainting it, and calling it new. So making a old roller coaster/water slide better is a bad thing? That's like hating on an RMC remake because they couldn't think of an original name.
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