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What Ride makes you Nervous the Most?

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Detonator - ive been on so many drop towers, even ones that are much higher than detonator, but there is something about not being able to see anyone around you and then the countdown. It scares me every time where rides like hurakan condor have failed to!

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The few rides that freak me out a little - any kind of Power Surge. That and the Sateillite (formally the Salt & Pepper Shakers) @ Knoebels. That thing is just insane lol. And, as much as I hate to admit it, it still freaks me out a little to cable snap on the Flyers there.


Rides that freak me out more are any kind of Skycoasters. I begged my friend to go on with me the first time I rode one but I was scared sh*tless once we started lifting up. I want to go on another but I will be shaking pretty bad in my boots LOL.


Another ride I was pretty scared to go on was Big Drop @ Vegas. I was OK until we got off of the second elevator ride to the top...I saw helicopters BELOW us. That was pretty freaky lol.


I was also pretty scared on Alien Encounter at Disney (dunno if it's still there). I was younger then and it was before my extreme riding days but I thought the ride itself was scary!

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  Manny In England said:
From what I've seen of Giant Drop in Queenslan, Australia, that makes me pretty nervous.


Yeah. That's the scariest ride I've been on! When I ride a new coaster type I'm usually a bit nervous. But it usually turns out fine.

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  HCLcoasters said:
Maxair and any ride in it's family. They just kill my stomach so I'm afraid to go on them for fear of getting sick and not getting a good ride for it.


Agreed. To this day, Maxair is the only ride to make me nauseous.


Out of just plain fear for my safety, any "High Roller" commonly found at fairs.

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Topspins or pretty much any inverting flat ride, stick me on a coaster any day (even V2 at sfdk) but hangtime on a flat ride just is uncomfortable for me. Drop towers also freak me out, although I finally rode Supreme Scream at Knott's so my fear of them has been eased...although the only Intamin tower I've ridden was Freefall at SFMM

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Even after the countless times I've been on it, Supreme Scream at Knott's makes me nervous every time going up the tower. After it drops, I'm totally fine.. but it's the suspense you get from going up the tower so slowly and waiting a couple of seconds at the top.


Zippers make me really nervous as well, they just don't feel/look safe to me.

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Nothing really makes me nervous anymore. The only thing I've done that made me slightly nervous was bungee jumping at the fair, and even that only made me nervous briefly while standing over the edge.

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The only thing that makes me nervous is motion sickness. I guess that's not the same as being scared of a ride. Still, if someone made me ride this right here, I'd be really worried about losing my lunch!


Seriously, what kind of iron stomach do you need to ride Tango?

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^ Don't talk pish Steve!!!


There's only one type of ride that REALLY makes you nervous!


Words cannot describe how scared Scottish Steve actually gets on ghost trains! Everyone should go on a TPR trip just to ride one with Steve for the sheer hilarity!

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