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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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Honestly, to me "World's tallest and fastest Gigacoaster" sounds like the world tallest/fastest coaster, period. For someone who's not a die-hard enthusiast, Gigacoaster seems to refer to something along the lines of "a very big coaster", not "a coaster between 90m and 120m"...

I can see why they are confused.

Edited by KingRCT3
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^True. And in this industry you really have to pay attention to every word otherwise you may be tricked (which is perhaps what they intend to do sometimes) like when alpina blitz was announced and they said "70 meters long drop"

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I really hate buzzfeed: http://www.buzzfeed.com/staceygrant/all-of-the-nope?fb_action_ids=814491431921835&fb_action_types=og.comments


The list was already meh, but I facepalmed when I saw the two super loops on the list.


Oh, I was just about to post that! Seriously, I think that that is one of the dumbest things I've read in a long time.

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I was at Mt. Olympus queuing for Hades 360 (or queuing to get my spine readjusted) when i overhear a guy obviously trying to impress the two ladies in front of him. It was early in the season so they had one of the test dummies sitting out.

Guy: You see those test dummies over there?

Girl 1: Yeah?

Guy: Some kid died last year on this ride, so they have to test it to see if it's safe.

Girl 2: How did he die?

Guy: When he went through the loop, he fell out and got decapitated.

Girl 1: Ooo that's so scary.

Guy: If you ride with me, i'll keep you safe.

Girl 1: Okay


I have never cringed so hard in my life.

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I was at Mt. Olympus queuing for Hades 360 (or queuing to get my spine readjusted) when i overhear a guy obviously trying to impress the two ladies in front of him. It was early in the season so they had one of the test dummies sitting out.

Guy: You see those test dummies over there?

Girl 1: Yeah?

Guy: Some kid died last year on this ride, so they have to test it to see if it's safe.

Girl 2: How did he die?

Guy: When he went through the loop, he fell out and got decapitated.

Girl 1: Ooo that's so scary.

Guy: If you ride with me, i'll keep you safe.

Girl 1: Okay


I have never cringed so hard in my life.


This is what happens when your home park is Mt. Olympus. I thought CGA had bad GP!

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Honestly, to me "World's tallest and fastest Gigacoaster" sounds like the world tallest/fastest coaster, period. For someone who's not a die-hard enthusiast, Gigacoaster seems to refer to something along the lines of "a very big coaster", not "a coaster between 90m and 120m"...

I can see why they are confused.

If you really wanna get technical, one could argue Fury's the tallest coaster without a launch, or in other words, the world's tallest (traditional) coaster.

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I was at Mt. Olympus queuing for Hades 360 (or queuing to get my spine readjusted) when i overhear a guy obviously trying to impress the two ladies in front of him. It was early in the season so they had one of the test dummies sitting out.

Guy: You see those test dummies over there?

Girl 1: Yeah?

Guy: Some kid died last year on this ride, so they have to test it to see if it's safe.

Girl 2: How did he die?

Guy: When he went through the loop, he fell out and got decapitated.

Girl 1: Ooo that's so scary.

Guy: If you ride with me, i'll keep you safe.

Girl 1: Okay


I have never cringed so hard in my life.

Even for GP, that's a horrible pick up line, if that's what he was intended.

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My cousin and I when we went to KD and stuck in line at Volcano:


'Is this the Alpengeist?'


When I went to BGW, the people in line beside us for Verbotlen:


'Where's that Intimdator at? Is that the blue one? Or is that Kingda Ka?"


Later that day, we went back to Apollo's Chariot, and by then the BGW Landscaping Project of 2015 was being started. She saw the construction site while we were on the lift. She asked if a coaster was being built, like other people were asking while in line. I just said 'What coaster? BGW never mentioned anything about a coaster. Its just some more shops.'

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Honestly, to me "World's tallest and fastest Gigacoaster" sounds like the world tallest/fastest coaster, period. For someone who's not a die-hard enthusiast, Gigacoaster seems to refer to something along the lines of "a very big coaster", not "a coaster between 90m and 120m"...

I can see why they are confused.

If you really wanna get technical, one could argue Fury's the tallest coaster without a launch, or in other words, the world's tallest (traditional) coaster.


I hadn't thought of it like that. F325 actually just gained a couple points in my book.

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Honestly, to me "World's tallest and fastest Gigacoaster" sounds like the world tallest/fastest coaster, period. For someone who's not a die-hard enthusiast, Gigacoaster seems to refer to something along the lines of "a very big coaster", not "a coaster between 90m and 120m"...

I can see why they are confused.

If you really wanna get technical, one could argue Fury's the tallest coaster without a launch, or in other words, the world's tallest (traditional) coaster.


That's indeed the best way to describe Fury.


That IGN video was actually pretty well-made, I mean at least the guy got the subtility of that marketing catch-phrase, and even talked about strata's. But yeah, the comment section is full of you usual GPness...

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Random kid next to me on the lift for Alpengeist:


Him: I love this ride. Did you know it's the tallest roller coaster in the park?


Me: No It's the second tallest with the third tallest drop. Griffon is 205 feet and Apollo's Chariot is 170, but AP has a 220 foot drop.


Him: No it's this one. I know that because I timed the drops for this and the "Blue One" (Griffon), and this one was longer.


Me: That's because Griffon is vertical, while this one is curving downwards. There's more track length on this drop, so it takes longer.


Him: You're stupid, you can see the top of griffon from this ride, so Alpengeist is taller.


*Ride drops and he shuts up, until we hit the break run.


Him: I know the most about roller coasters in my family, so I know I'm right.


I swear did not make a word of this up.

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