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More dumb Facebook comments about Fury 325 getting stuck on the lift hill.


-They will end up doing away with that ride before the end of the season

-One huge expensive dangerous mistake. Somebody's going to get killed.

-3 times in one week?? WHY is it still open?? Close the ride and maybe attempt ti fix it for once.

-People stop making excuses for this ride! Hellooooooooooo! Shut this B---- down and work the KINKS out. The first Family that loses a family member to this ride will shut it down for them. Hell the kinks should be gone by now????????????

-What its gonna take someone getting hurt or dieing? Close it down! New or not

-People are ignorant to keep getting back on it!

-What if they got stuck upside down...then what? They need to shut it down until they fix this problem that keeps occurring. Not safe at all.

-Some day its going to fly off the track and kill everyone on it

-im so serious...if I hear ONE MORE TIME that Fury 325 got stuck AGAIN...im going to have someone drive me to carowinds and Im going to go to whowever runs carowinds and or the stupid ride and say "ya'll need to get this ride working. aint nobody gonna ride it no more if it keeps stopping" Get that sh** under control!!!


Why, humanity?!

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More dumb Facebook comments about Fury 325 getting stuck on the lift hill.



-im so serious...if I hear ONE MORE TIME that Fury 325 got stuck AGAIN...im going to have someone drive me to carowinds and Im going to go to whowever runs carowinds and or the stupid ride and say "ya'll need to get this ride working. aint nobody gonna ride it no more if it keeps stopping" Get that sh** under control!!!

"ya'll need to get this ride working. aint nobody gonna ride it no more if it keeps stopping" Get that sh** under control!!!

aint nobody gonna ride it no more if it keeps stopping


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Poor Carowinds, this park's gonna need to pull a top thrill dragster and have signs in the queue saying, "Occasionally a train may come to a stop on the lift hill..."


The unfortunate dark side of social media is that people who don't know anything about a given subject will post about it anyways, because want to get attention or be a hero.



Overheard at Valleyfair... "This is stupid. The park should really only close Power Tower for storms, because that will attract the lightning away from everything else."

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  • 2 weeks later...
More dumb Facebook comments about Fury 325 getting stuck on the lift hill.


-They will end up doing away with that ride before the end of the season

-One huge expensive dangerous mistake. Somebody's going to get killed.

-3 times in one week?? WHY is it still open?? Close the ride and maybe attempt ti fix it for once.

-People stop making excuses for this ride! Hellooooooooooo! Shut this B---- down and work the KINKS out. The first Family that loses a family member to this ride will shut it down for them. Hell the kinks should be gone by now????????????

-What its gonna take someone getting hurt or dieing? Close it down! New or not

-People are ignorant to keep getting back on it!

-What if they got stuck upside down...then what? They need to shut it down until they fix this problem that keeps occurring. Not safe at all.

-Some day its going to fly off the track and kill everyone on it

-im so serious...if I hear ONE MORE TIME that Fury 325 got stuck AGAIN...im going to have someone drive me to carowinds and Im going to go to whowever runs carowinds and or the stupid ride and say "ya'll need to get this ride working. aint nobody gonna ride it no more if it keeps stopping" Get that sh** under control!!!


Why, humanity?!


SMH, sounds like a bunch of uneducated drama filled tweens.

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Yesterday at Valleyfair:


-"Renegade goes 90 mph." - Yeah... no.

-"I'm gonna die!" - I understand that this is a common GP saying, but you wouldn't believe how many times I heard it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My Mother in Law, who has never been to a Theme Park in her entire life, has just informed me that she thinks the Smiler is 'probably shut for a couple of weeks'


Not that weird but she said it with quite some authority as if she knew something we dont

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My mother-in-law, bless her heart, said "Yikes, did you ride that horrible carousel" after the spouse posted a picture of me on Nitro at SFGAdv going up the lifthill last year.

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Not to long ago, I got in an argument on whether the oldest coaster was in SFGA in Chicago of Lakemont in Altoona. I found it quite funny they thought SFGA had the oldest coaster, considering it has not been around that long.

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I was at Busch Gardens last weekend and some of my friends started talking about Big Bad Wolf. Then they started to talk about how it was shipped off to Cedar Point. They think Iron Dragon at CP was Big Bad Wolf at BGW and Cedar Point sucks for taking it.

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