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Top 3 Roller Coasters From Your Birth Year

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There were eleven (11) coasters brought into the world back in 1950, when I was born. I'm 64 now and of the eleven coasters I had the opportunity to ride only one. That ride was located at Marshall Hall just south of Washington, D.C.. I was stationed back that way in the late 60s and early 70s and visited that small park a few times. I remember it as a fast, cyclone style but don't ask me to swear on that. Of the eleven coasters built back in 1950, there are only three (3) of them still operating.


The first one is Hochschaubahn at Wiener Prater located in Vienna, Austria. It was known as Alpenbahn back in 1950.


The second coaster is the Little Dipper at Conneaut Lake Park, Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania, USA. This Kiddie coaster was closed from 2006 until 2009 but is operating now.


The third of the three still operating after all these years is Tyrolean Tubtwist located at Joyland Amusement Park in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England, UK. This is the world's only remaining operating example of a quasi-Virginia Reel, albeit powered and in miniature form. The base of the channel is concrete with two superimposed metal tracks providing current to power the motors incorporated within each tub. The four tires that a) guide each tub and b) make it spin are in contact with wood panels at the side of the channel. As such the whole circuit is powered, although there are one or two sections where the downhill gradient allows the tubs to more-or-less freewheel.

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Top 3 from the year I was born were.... hmmm?

1) Revolution

2) Screamin' Eagle

3) Texas Cyclone (I'd heard good things about this one)


A lot of corkscrews opened up this year plus the two Demons.


Top 3 that I've ridden

1) Whizzer (SFGAm)

2) Revolution

3) Thunder Road

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  jynx242 said:
1971 - there are still 6 in operation. It was a year of Mice and Mine Trains.


River King Mine Train - SFStL

Gold Rusher - SFMM

Toboggan - Lakemont park


Same for me...lot of pretty crappy coasters in that collection.


1971 - Instead of 'Of Mice and Men' we bring you: 'Of Mice and Mine'

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The only roller coaster I've been on from my birth year (1992) is Dutch Wonderland's Kingdom Coaster. For the park, the ride is perfect and quite good despite its size.


If I were to pick the top 3 coasters from 1992 that I have yet to ride (purely based off observation), I would go with:


1) Batman the Ride (original)

2) Arkansas Twister

3) Pepsi Mountain Streak


Wow 1992 was a pretty poor year for coasters outside of the first invert.

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Not many rollercoasters opening in 1986, and quite a few of them were relocated. I decided to only look at the rides that were brand new and not relocated from any other parks.


From what I can tell from RCDB, these are the "highlights" from my birth year, in random order as I have not been on any of these rides or similar versions:


Ultra Twister - Six Flags Great Adventure

Shockwave - Six Flags Magic Mountain

Shockwave - King's Dominion

Grizzly - Great America


The rest of the list seems to consist of small Arrow/Vekoma/Pinfari looping coasters and kiddie coasters.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was born in 1995 so Viper at Six Flags Great Adventure easily takes the cake for best ride of the year. Jk

1) Dragon Khan at Port Aventura

2) Viper at Six Flags Great America

3) Raven at Holiday World

I haven't ridden any of these coasters yet but I hope to in the future.

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Not many to pick from in '76 that I've actually ridden. But, I can pick three, only one of which I actually like!


1. Whizzer - Six Flags Great America (LOVE this coaster!)

TIE 2. Demon - Six Flags Great America (Just because I had to pick three)

TIE 3. Corkscrew - Cedar Point (First "big" coaster I ever rode, but still don't like it!)

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