Midgetman82 Posted July 16, 2014 Share Posted July 16, 2014 The best thing you could ever do at an amusement park, carnival, or water park when you're a single rider is to make friends with people while you're there, usually while waiting in line for something, and group up with them after that ride to hop on rides that require multiple riders. It usually requires me to step out of my comfort zone whenever I do it, but the times I've done it I've had a blast! It's especially cool when you're convincing someone to ride something they're scared of and offering to go with them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mater Posted July 16, 2014 Share Posted July 16, 2014 I'm getting a serious 'emo teen who recently got broken up with' vibe from this whole thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
3Mutts Posted July 17, 2014 Share Posted July 17, 2014 I can understand the no single rider policy for some rides but the one that gets me is the no single riders on a Ferris Wheel. I like riding these types of rides but I have stopped riding them because I go to parks by myself. Â THIS! That single rider policy so dumb just because some politician thought that being alone caused the issue at Wildwood and not because of bad parents putting a 6 year old on by herself! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TunaSled Posted July 17, 2014 Share Posted July 17, 2014 I'm getting a serious 'emo teen who recently got broken up with' vibe from this whole thing. I almost get a "disgruntled ex-employee" vibe, with the naming of a management company on his very first post and another on his third. He registered for the sake of making this thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechanic Posted July 17, 2014 Share Posted July 17, 2014 The company he specifically complained about, Modern Midways, doesn't even list a Zipper among its attractions on their website. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Yeti Posted July 17, 2014 Share Posted July 17, 2014 Pair up with another single rider. Â Â I tried to do exactly that on Friday, June 27th of this year at a carnival in Countryside, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago) and nearly got arrested and thrown in jail for it. They had the Zipper at that carnival, I tried to go on alone, the operator would not even budge to let me on by myself, then I asked around if anyone was available to ride the Zipper with me, and they complained to the police. And not only did I not get a chance to ride one of my all time favorite carnival rides for the first time in almost 3 years, but I nearly end up spending the night, possibly even longer, in jail. Â I really have a hard time believing this. Yes, there are some real bitches and bastards in this world, but the notion of someone going out of their way to call the police on you because you wanted to ride a Zipper because you're a single rider is just too unbelievable. Â It could be that after asking if someone would ride with him, the people he asked complained to the police. If it was the carnival management, then I'm guessing he made a scene and maybe he deserved to be escorted out of the carnival. Â I think frost man deserves a break, but he also needs to give these carnival companies a break. I'm sure this policy was not created to alienate single people and that it is a safety/insurance issue which is probably why larger carnival companies actually have such policies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simon8899 Posted July 17, 2014 Share Posted July 17, 2014 Agree that going with friends is far more fun - but as said before as I travel to visit foreign parks. And while friends are willing to do one park in a week with me they are not willing to visit 6 in a week. So like next year I will travel next year 3 weeks alone for parks and then meet up with friends for a week in New York. Â But normally a polite manner will help in either spotting and asking another single rider to team up - or even ask the ride attendant. And if you are nice and polite I guess most attendants are willing to let you wait top of the line until another single rider pops up and let you team up. Next to that its always smart to check out the ride sign to see ride regulations and then decide if you really need to ride. Like with Parque De Attraciones in Madrid the Tornado having 1,87 height limit - so did not queue for it. Of couse I was slightly disappointed but not as much as if I had queued for half an hour and then turned down. Â For example, Six Flags America's Rodeo requires riders to pair up. Â That is an example I do not understand as Dancers here run single riders and never heard there is a problem. But reading the ride entry sign and knowing it I would skip the ride as I can ride it here on carnivals alone. I mostly even ride them alone with friends as I am quite tall and fin it rather cramped with two persons - mostly putting one of my legs on the other side of the car. On German carnivals there are even riders half standing inside having the lapbar only over their knees - no problem with ride attendants. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Angle O. Descent Posted July 17, 2014 Share Posted July 17, 2014 I'm getting a serious 'emo teen who recently got broken up with' vibe from this whole thing. I almost get a "disgruntled ex-employee" vibe, with the naming of a management company on his very first post and another on his third. He registered for the sake of making this thread. Â When I read 'almost arrested by police', and no age displayed on their profile, my guess would be a middle-aged pervert... think about it - when was the last time you have seen an emo teenager who was just dumped by their girlfriend almost getting arrested for simply wanting to go on a ride with other people? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joshuadrooney Posted July 17, 2014 Share Posted July 17, 2014 If anyone was interested, by the way, the carnival company that operated that fair is Modern Midways. Â Â Nobody is interested. You sound like the sort of whiner I wouldn't want at my carnival. If I had one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jonskinny12 Posted July 17, 2014 Share Posted July 17, 2014 I remember back in the late 80's or 90's at SFgadv, they wouldnt let a single rider in the last occupied row of a train. Very strange policy they used to have. Â Not sure if it's still this way, but Lagoon has/had the same policy on a few of their coasters for the first and last rows. I never understood it. Maybe it's because those lines are always longer and they wanted them to be full on every train? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
behemothman08 Posted July 18, 2014 Share Posted July 18, 2014 funny, I don't see the Zipper listed anywhere here. I don't know, I might be blind or something. Does anybody else see the Zipper listed anywhere on there? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
denning Posted July 18, 2014 Share Posted July 18, 2014 I can understand the no single rider policy for some rides but the one that gets me is the no single riders on a Ferris Wheel. I like riding these types of rides but I have stopped riding them because I go to parks by myself. Â Isn't the concerns on ferris wheels that single riders may be using them to commit suicide. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nannerdw Posted July 18, 2014 Share Posted July 18, 2014 I've always had to pair up with people on the Zipper. I got crammed in there with two other random people once. Good thing we were all really skinny. Like other people have said, it's a safety restriction to make sure people remain positioned properly in their seats. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canobie Coaster Posted July 18, 2014 Share Posted July 18, 2014 I rode a Zipper at a county fair a few weeks ago and had to find a partner. It took 10-15 minutes, but eventually I found someone who was trying to ride alone. It's funny to see the reactions of others who haven't been on a Zipper before. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OrlandoGuy Posted July 19, 2014 Share Posted July 19, 2014 Hmmm whats lamer? Going to parks by yourself or taking the time to search the ride catalogue for a carnival company based on what is clearly a troll post? Cmon guys...besides the OP whos just trying to cause problems, there are lots of people who go to parks by themselves, and are probably reading this thread. Personally, I wouldnt feel comfortable in a park by myself but I wouldnt suggest a single rider to go make friends or stop doing what they like to do. We all like roller coasters and want to enjoy them with or without the company of others; either one is fine but lets not make those who choose to go alone feel bad (except for the obvious troll OP). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tarheel1231 Posted July 19, 2014 Share Posted July 19, 2014 Do you think this is because of the 'flume dog' incident? Uhhh... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
singemfrc Posted July 19, 2014 Share Posted July 19, 2014 Interestingly (and I only looked because I had read this thread earlier) I looked at the Zipper from Butler Amusements that is currently at the California State Fair did not have a "no single rider" sign that I could, wheras last year Butler had huge signs proclaiming no single riders. I wonder if they are actually allowing them this year or they've just decided they don't need a sign. I don't care for zippers (or paying $6 for a ride) so I didn't attempt to board. Â Anyway, though Im not sure if the OP was really trolling, its not ride to proclaim there are "single rider policies" like this is some wave taking over the nation. I've seen it several times on Zippers, but never on any other ride. I never knew why but the safety reason for keeping people in the seat certainly sounds plausible to me. There certainly isn't any conspiracy against single riders out there - single riders are good for a park, they fill otherwise empty seats. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jerryd Posted July 19, 2014 Share Posted July 19, 2014 A smaller single rider in a zipper tub can turn sideways and come out from under the bar. Now most adult sized riders can not  Many years ago a local show had a policy of 2 kids per tub or if you occupied more than 1/2 of seat you could ride single. At one spot several of us kept riding the zipper repeatedly until the guys running it gathered us up and said one more ride for you guys. What followed was the 20 min ride with care given to load for effect and a operator that knew how to make each tub spin. Our group walked over to the starship 2000 where that guy was trying to finish us off with a extra long ride.  It also seems that every Tween girl is being taught that single middle aged guys are evil and to be avoided. Last year at a carnival several of them decided to complain to the sheriff about my being behind them in a queue line. Nothing more than a who are you and what are you doing etc. Complaint they made was I was following them around the grounds. Now if you where to have a camera I could only guess what they would claim! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GayCoasterGuy Posted July 19, 2014 Share Posted July 19, 2014 ^That's a shame. I don't know what's got into people. A couple years ago, I asked a woman (probably in her 20s) on American Eagle if she wouldn't mind if I rode with here (2 friends were riding together, and I was gonna go solo). She had this whatever/annoyed/shocked look, raised her hand to her cheek and turned around. It was so strange, I thought I was in the Twilight Zone. That wasn't my only strange/odd experience lately attempting to pair myself up with another single rider. People are slowly losing the ability to connect with each other. People used to be happy if you asked to ride with them... of course, I was a kid/teen back then. Â There was a death on Texas Cyclone around 1979 where a girl was alone in the back seat, and was seated improperly. She was either seated sideways, standing, or somehow "sitting on her feet." Either way, she was fell out as the train *snapped* over that first drop (which was re-profiled by 1984 to remove the snap). The Texas Cyclone most likely already had seat dividers, but those are removable (plus, there is a video with 3 kids riding TC together in one seat when the ride was new-ish). Â This may have been the incident for Six Flags to have a chain-wide "no single riders in last seat" rule. There was something about there needed to be a witness to the rider(s) in the last seat (with there being no one behind the last seat, there had to be 2 in that last seat.) I can understand the reasoning, but that rule was dropped sometime in the early 90s (can anyone confirm exactly when?) Â Unfortunately for me, I haven't been on a Zipper since 1999. I grew up riding them and never had a problem going alone as a kid, but totally understand the new rule. People do stupid (or ignorant) stuff, and things have to change. All you gotta do is take a glance at all the stupid high fences with aggressive warnings around Six Flags rides. From pictures I've seen, European rides sometimes have no fence around them. I could never understand why we have (now) have such stringent amusement park rules/fences/gates, etc., but the El (subway) here in Chicago (and anywhere, for that matter) can run with no gates on the platforms whatsoever. It makes some sense that people are more likely to act-out in an amusement park, but the level to which it's come is staggering! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
frost man Posted July 22, 2014 Author Share Posted July 22, 2014 Â Â I'm calling serious BS on this one. Am I the only one that thinks you possibly being arrested is BS? I mean unless you through a big hissy fit like my 5 year old or something and became a public nuisiance? Really, you want us to believe that they said you couldn't ride alone, you said something and they almost called the police? I think that's crap. And guessing by the fact you didn't put your age in your profile, I would say your a new teenager who just wants to complain because you didn't get what you wanted. Anyway, your whole post and attitude is BS, grow up and deal with it. Â So according to you, people 18 years old or older have absolutely no right and no business going to carnivals at all!? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
frost man Posted July 22, 2014 Author Share Posted July 22, 2014 (edited) In the case of the Zipper, the no single rider policy was implemented by the manufacturer after concerns arose that a single rider might be able to twist sideways and out from under the lap bar. Enforcement is strictly up to the operator, as was discussed in the thread on Zippers. I once rode one at the CNE as a single rider. The James E. Strates Shows, however, enforce it. It depends on the ride and the park. I've ridden Waldameer's Spider by myself without a problem. Try to make friends with the owner/operator of the carnival. That's how I got the Zipper ride of my life from a friend of mine who was determined to make me sick, and failed. Problem is, he only did it once, but that was enough. Â I have ridden solo on the Zipper countless times and have found it totally impossible to twist myself sideways, even on purpose. That lap bar that is attached to the door of the gondola is too tight a fit to allow anyone taller than about 3 and a half feet to turn sideways on the Zipper, even on purpose. Plus the inside shape of the gondola in relation to the position of the lap bar also makes it impossible for one to twist sideways, even on purpose. The manufacturer just wanted to make a russ to enforce total alienation of single adults, just as 9/11 was a suspected inside job, just to make a russ to usher in the New World Order. Edited July 23, 2014 by frost man Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
michaellynn4 Posted July 23, 2014 Share Posted July 23, 2014 ^... Â Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
frost man Posted March 27, 2016 Author Share Posted March 27, 2016 It's time for a huge boycott against Chance "Nazi Germany/North Korea" Rides, Inc! The following rides are manufactured by Chance Rides and should be avoided by everyone;  Zipper  Aviator  Carousel  Century Wheel  Giant Wheel  Freestyle  Pharaoh's Fury  Revolution  Alpine Bobs  Yo-Yo  Wipeout  and Skydiver.  I repeat, stay off everything manufactured by Chance Rides, Inc! Put Chance Rides out of business! Because of the tyranny at Chance Rides, even the insurance companies that sell carnival ride insurance are strictly forbidding all carnivals nationwide from allowing single riders on certain rides such as the Zipper. Give Chance Rides two options. Either get rid of "No Single Riders" or get rid of their rides. Stay off all of their rides until either single riders are allowed back on, or all American carnivals no longer set up anything manufactured by Chance Rides anymore. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KBrylczyk Posted March 27, 2016 Share Posted March 27, 2016 ^ Dude, I don't know why you've got this vendetta against Chance, but holy crap. What happened in the past two years? Did the owners of the company kidnap and murder your family? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gbioryl Posted March 27, 2016 Share Posted March 27, 2016 (edited) I guess S&S is discriminating against fat people because there is a 250 lb weight limit on Supreme Scream? These manufacturers are not trying to discriminate against you as a single rider. They are trying to cover their butts from lawsuits. Â It's time for a huge boycott against Chance "Nazi Germany/North Korea" Rides, Inc! I repeat, stay off everything manufactured by Chance Rides, Inc! Put Chance Rides out of business! Because of the tyranny at Chance Rides, even the insurance companies that sell carnival ride insurance are strictly forbidding all carnivals nationwide from allowing single riders on certain rides such as the Zipper. Give Chance Rides two options. Either get rid of "No Single Riders" or get rid of their rides. Stay off all of their rides until either single riders are allowed back on, or all American carnivals no longer set up anything manufactured by Chance Rides anymore. Â You seriously want to put a company out of business because they don't let your whiny single riding BW on their rides? You're pathetic. Â Pair up with another single rider. Â Â I tried to do exactly that on Friday, June 27th of this year at a carnival in Countryside, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago) and nearly got arrested and thrown in jail for it. They had the Zipper at that carnival, I tried to go on alone, the operator would not even budge to let me on by myself, then I asked around if anyone was available to ride the Zipper with me, and they complained to the police. And not only did I not get a chance to ride one of my all time favorite carnival rides for the first time in almost 3 years, but I nearly end up spending the night, possibly even longer, in jail. Â I'm calling BS. The ride operator would never call the police just because you turned and asked for other single riders. Like another poster said you must have been making a scene and cussing up a storm and being an absolute jacka$$ of yourself and judging by the way you're going after them personally and trying to smear them like this I proves that you were doing just that. Â I have ridden solo on the Zipper countless times and have found it totally impossible to twist myself sideways, even on purpose. That lap bar that is attached to the door of the gondola is too tight a fit to allow anyone taller than about 3 and a half feet to turn sideways on the Zipper, even on purpose. Plus the inside shape of the gondola in relation to the position of the lap bar also makes it impossible for one to twist sideways, even on purpose. The manufacturer just wanted to make a russ to enforce total alienation of single adults, just as 9/11 was a suspected inside job, just to make a russ to usher in the New World Order. Â 1) Why would the manufacture want to alienate single riders? What benefit is it too them? Did a single rider cut off their CEO once on the highway and now they just hate single riders? It makes no sense. Â 2) I had a friend named Russ but his mom and dad manufactured him because they loved each other not to alienate single riders. Â 3) Until the New World Order tries to take away roller coasters please leave politics at the door. Â ^ Dude, I don't know why you've got this vendetta against Chance, but holy crap. What happened in the past two years? Did the owners of the company kidnap and murder your family? Â Â No, they created a Russ and he doesn't like guys named Russ. Maybe it was a Russ that kidnapped and murdered his family. Edited March 27, 2016 by gbioryl Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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