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New Wanda Parks in China.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The photo of the wooden coaster, kind of reminds me of the last part of The Ultimate in England,

with it's meandering before arriving at the station (bottom of it's run).


Great aerial shots. Thanks for sharing them.

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Sorry, slight tangent, but...are those buildings under construction ALL high-rise apartments?


I just watched a documentary yesterday about this. China has this odd problem of overbuilding, since most of it's government officials think it helps the economy. In reality, when housing goes up like this, it tends to become abandoned. It's crazy. There are cities like this scattered around the country. Check it out below. At about 4:14, they're trying to turn one such abandoned city into a tourist attraction, with some rides.





At 4:14, that is Amazing World at the South China Mall. TPR did stop there in 2012. I think I may have even shopped in the now closed toy store that was featured. Back then there were only about 10 shops that seemed to be open in the mall, very creepy.

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Wanda has been what the Chinese market needed to give Happy Valley and Fatawild a kick up the goolies.


However this may be the worst photoshop I've ever seen.


This is Pony Express at Wanda Xishuangbanna. A ride similar to Pony Express at Knotts but with an extra Helix.

However take a look at this picture for more than a second any you may see why they need new advertising staff



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Wanda has been what the Chinese market needed to give Happy Valley and Fatawild a kick up the goolies.


However this may be the worst photoshop I've ever seen.


This is Pony Express at Wanda Xishuangbanna. A ride similar to Pony Express at Knotts but with an extra Helix.

However take a look at this picture for more than a second any you may see why they need new advertising staff




My, that's quite a concept for a coaster! I wonder how it works? I agree that they need someone who knows how to use Photoshop effectively!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Looks like an Intamin design indeed, so either it's a genuine Intamin, or a knock-off.


Is that bridge supposed to be a walkway, tho??

I am wondering the same, because you would have the climb that thing on hands and knees.


Looks good for a well themed airtime hill though so I'm just going to tell myself it's for an awesome coaster.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought this needed sharing


Wanda released some new concept art for Wanda Guangzhou. Love the concept of a duel loop and duel reverse spike tower.






While clearly not 100% accurate Wanda have been pretty good at least getting the basic concepts for their coasters across in their art. But who could really build such a thing? Premier or Intamin are the two that come to mind.

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I have no idea in terms of safety, but that's surprisingly impressive coming from them. The second inversion looks unique and surprisingly fluid. I love how, like with most of their designs, the pacing dies off quickly and the ride crawls through the last bit.

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