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Which wooden coasters needs refurbishments/improvements.

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Hurler at King's Dominion is very rough on the turn, mainly due to the fact the train throws you around too much. It can definitely use a re-tracking on that part, and some new trains wouldn't hurt it either! That's what I've heard

Edited by Desalia
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  Desalia said:
Hurler at King's Dominion is very rough on the turn, mainly due to the fact the train throws you around too much. It can definitely use a re-tracking on that part, and some new trains wouldn't hurt it either!


Considering that GCI just rebuilt the first turn on Hurler at Carowinds, I wouldn't be surprised to see them redo Hurler at KD too.

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  gerstlaueringvar said:
Now back to the topic, I really think Blue Streak need to take out the headrests.


For sure! I would also like to see Viper, American Eagle, Rebel Yell, and Grizzly (KD) remove their headrests, and I would love to see all five get non-individual lap bars (like Cornball Express or Hoosier Hurricane) just to make them even classier. As for track modifications, KD's Hurler and Hoosier Hurricane desperately need them.

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  PaTim said:
As a matter of fact it seems as if adding a train that's more "submissive" to the track, such as the case with Hades 360 and Wildcat, actuallys makes it worse. With that being said, I've always wondered how GCI MF trains would perform on a coaster the size of Mean Streak in a scenario where it was completely retracked. It seems as if every single GCI that started with MF's is holding up extremely well, and some of their rides have been around for quite some time now. A lot of people will mention that these rides aren't very large compared to designs by other manufacturers, but at the same time rides of similar size(the 90 foot tall, 50mph range) that start with PTC's or any other double-axle trains seem to always get just as rough as the larger coasters if they don't get the proper maintenance.


I haven't tried the Timberliners but I would agree that seemed to be the case with Wildcat's Millenium Flyers. PTCs seem to have this thing going on that the front row of each car is smoother because the back takes all the punishment. Once they're abused the track, going for trains that treat everyone equally doesn't work. I don't see any solution not involving major rework except let the kids and newbs ride the wheel seats. I rode Grizzly ONCE last year in a wheel seat (otherwise love it), needed to be reminded that yes, it can be that bad.




As to the Hurler's, I didn't really have a problem (OK, in the good rows) until they added that trim brake, yawn. But they were having to work on them often just to keep them in such marginal condition.

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  Cullvion said:
^Oh Mean Streak... the most hated roller coaster in the midwest...


I think this ride is only hated so much because of the high profile park that it's in. The coaster does suck, but there are a lot of wood coasters that suck a lot more than Mean Streak does. I'd much rather ride Mean Streak than something like Roar at SFA, Wildcat at Hershey, Gwazi or Ghostrider... and even those coasters aren't completely terrible (except for maybe Gwazi and Roar).

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  coasterbill said:
  Cullvion said:
^Oh Mean Streak... the most hated roller coaster in the midwest...


I think this ride is only hated so much because of the high profile park that it's in. The coaster does suck, but there are a lot of wood coasters that suck a lot more than Mean Streak does. I'd much rather ride Mean Streak than something like Roar at SFA, Wildcat at Hershey, Gwazi or Ghostrider... and even those coasters aren't completely terrible (except for maybe Gwazi and Roar).


I've been on about 15 woodies (small #) and I could come up with 4 or 5 woodies that were worse than Mean Streak. Wildcat, Hades, Pegasus, Little Dipper and maybe another

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^I have to admit I was expecting it to be worse. It is still a terrible ride also due to how slow it is now but I felt that there was so much anticipation about seeing how bad it would be that maybe I initially felt it was worse than it really is. I ranked wildcat just above it because although I felt the roughness was slightly worse as there were constant vibrations all the way it still has a nice twisty layout with decent pacing, that was all.

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  • 1 month later...
  A.J. said:
I'm pretty sure that Wildcat's Millennium Flyer trains were just slapped onto the track without doing any re-tracking first.

I believe so as well. With some re-tracking it would be great as the layout is already quite unique I think.

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  • 3 months later...
  gerstlaueringvar said:
CP Blue Streak. It hurts so much at parts that even Mean Streak cannot compare with it.


WOW! Blue Streak is actually one of my faves! I guess you got a rare bad ride out of it. If you haven't already, try the middle seat instead of a wheel seat in any of the cars; the ride will be less rough.

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Yeah, I didn't think Blue Streak was anything special. I didn't really get any airtime, and while the ride wasn't necessarily rough, the trains made it feel like you were sitting right on the track.


Kill me, but my ride on Hades this summer wasn't rough at all. There is one part before the lift hill where there is a really steep, short drop where you get punched in the gut, but that's about it. Zeus was extremely rough though.

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  DoinItForTheFame said:
Mean Streak. Mean Streak. MEAN STREAK. Come on Cedar Point ... Just hand the coaster over to RMC and we will all be happy!



The Million Dollar Question. Do you have RMC Topper track/Iron Horse the layout OR Give RMC 25m to build whatever they want on the layout?

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^Iron Horse would give CP one more hybrid (which they already have) so I would guess a genuine wood coaster. Now, if they would build it from scratch or not is a different deal. I honestly don't care that much as existing layouts on the coasters they modified didn't seem to restrict or limit the awesomeness of their rides.

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American Eagle at SFGAm could use some refurbishment. When I rode it, I thought it was fun, but it was kinda rough in some parts. Although, when I was at the park yesterday, it was only running one side, so hopefully that's what they're doing. It would be great if they could Iron Horse American Eagle, but the park just got an RMC (Goliath), so if AE did get RMC'd, it probably wouldn't happen for a while.

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  Jackdude101 said:
Roar in SFA (also known as Six Flag's roller coaster clearance bin), is the only GCI without Millennium Flyer trains. Just add the trains and BOOM!..."brand-new" ride.
I would expect this ride to get the RMC treatment when Six Flags wants to get around to doing it. Either this or Wild One.
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I'm surprised people aren't mentioning Thunderhawk at Dorney Park! I love a good ol rough wooden classic, but this thing downright hurt! I had a nasty nasty bruise. The back on the bottom of the first drop vibrates badly. And the turn going into the final bunny hops slams you violently everywhere. Wildcat looked extremely smooth at Hershey compared to that. I think I can now take anything on!

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I've just remembered this as I'll be riding it in a few days: Coaster Express!!

Seriously, not just a bit of retracing. The options are these: let RMC make a hybrid out of it; let RMC make a topper track woodie out of it; or this


P.S. I actually haven't ridden it in a while but I'll do it just to make sure it is still my least favourite coaster.

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  RCF said:
  Jackdude101 said:
Roar in SFA (also known as Six Flag's roller coaster clearance bin), is the only GCI without Millennium Flyer trains. Just add the trains and BOOM!..."brand-new" ride.
I would expect this ride to get the RMC treatment when Six Flags wants to get around to doing it. Either this or Wild One.


RMC better not touch Wild One. That's too good (and classic) a coaster to jack with.


ROAR east on the other hand, isn't the best coaster ever, but I did ride it earlier this year and thought it was running pretty well with the new wood on the first few drops.


ROAR west, though, was abysmal when I rode it 2 weeks ago...and it's been running Millennium Flyers since it opened! FWIW, I haven't ridden a GCI that has swapped from PTC's to MF's and had a pleasant ride experience afterwards. Definitely don't think that's the solution for SFA here.


I also don't think the RMC treatment would be good since ROAR spends so much time relatively low to the ground. If anything topper track might be the solution. Or maybe topper track plus the train swap?

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