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Which wooden coasters needs refurbishments/improvements.

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Roar in SFA (also known as Six Flag's roller coaster clearance bin), is the only GCI without Millennium Flyer trains. Just add the trains and BOOM!..."brand-new" ride.
I would expect this ride to get the RMC treatment when Six Flags wants to get around to doing it. Either this or Wild One.


Ummm, not sure about that one. The fact that that coaster dates back to 1917 is a big draw for the ride and radically changing it RMC-style would take that away. Actually, despite not being in its original location and having layout mods in the past, it's the 2nd oldest roller coaster in the Americas. Too bad it's in a sub-standard park.

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Does anybody know if anything is happening with Gwazi? When I went earlier this year, the open track was rickety-ing all over the g-damn place, and the closed track was rusting over...


Last I heard they were planning on bulldozing the whole thing to make way for a completely different ride. The humidity and storms in Florida can really take their toll on wooden structures like roller coasters (rot, warping, etc.), so it has probably been a nightmare for Busch Gardens to maintain that ride. Fun Spot America in Orlando made a great decision to have their new GCI woodie be a hybrid woodie. It will be much easier to maintain and be around for a much longer time, I bet.

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American Eagle at SFGAm could use some refurbishment. When I rode it, I thought it was fun, but it was kinda rough in some parts. Although, when I was at the park yesterday, it was only running one side, so hopefully that's what they're doing. It would be great if they could Iron Horse American Eagle, but the park just got an RMC (Goliath), so if AE did get RMC'd, it probably wouldn't happen for a while.


I heard a SF Great America insider say back in March or April when they were still working on Goliath that when they were done, they'd turn their attention to American Eagle. (Don't quote me on that, though.) So maybe after the 2015 40th Anniversary season, we'll get it in 2016.


But yeah, I agree. American Eagle has been riding rough in the last few years. I went on it once this summer, and I swear the red train bucked on the track on the lift hill. If I had my phone, I would've snapped some pics of how bad the lift is looking these days.

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^Oh Mean Streak... the most hated roller coaster in the midwest...


I think this ride is only hated so much because of the high profile park that it's in. The coaster does suck, but there are a lot of wood coasters that suck a lot more than Mean Streak does. I'd much rather ride Mean Streak than something like Roar at SFA, Wildcat at Hershey, Gwazi or Ghostrider... and even those coasters aren't completely terrible (except for maybe Gwazi and Roar).


I don't get the hate for Mean Streak. I had a feeling it'd ride rough because it was a wooden, but it wasn't as bad as some other older woodens I've rode in the last 5 years.

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In my opinion, we need Iron Eagle! They should i-box at least one side.

I'm genuinely curious as to why all of you who want Rocky Mountain to refurbish racing coasters only want them to do one side. What's the point?!?



I've thought the same thing. You think both sides are bad now! Wait until one goes untouched by RMC!!!!!

Topper track one side with the original layout and Iron Horse one side with crazy elements. Or moreover, connect them together and make it more unique.


Ooh, I really like that idea. Here's hoping we get that in 2016!

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My vote is for GhostRider, which leads me to a question...


Does anyone know, what exactly is it that happens to a ride (particularly a wood coaster) over the years that causes it to deteriorate so badly? GR was astonishing until about 2006, then it slowly started getting worse until about 2010 when it settled into the monstrosity it is today. What happens? Why? Is it something that's fixable / preventable?


Seeing Knott's do a good amount of reinvesting in existing rides makes me hopeful that one day, GhostRider may return to it's former (non-trimmed) glory. Is that a reasonable thing to hope for?

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I think the most fitting coaster to get RMC'd right now is The Boss at SFSTL. They have two wooden coasters outside of that one anyway, and it's layout seems to lend itself well to a kick-ass RMC design!


I do want Knott's to get some kind of topper track to bring it up to previous glory, but it's hard for me to argue getting anything more than topper track now that Twisted Colossus is finally happening!

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