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What are you most looking forward to in 2014?

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Since I've always felt that November 1st signifies the true "end" of a theme park season, let's start looking forward to 2014!


What are you most looking forward to next year? What coaster or attraction excites you? Maybe a new park or a park new to you? Taking a TPR trip? A job in the industry?


Post the things you are most looking forward to in 2014!

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I'm most excited to ride my first RMC- Goliath at my home park of SFGAm! It is obviously the coaster I am most looking forward to.


I would also like to do a west coast trip sometime in early 2014 since I've never done Knott's, SFMM, or CGA. I am undecided where I'll take my summer trip, the Virginia area is the frontrunner now because I really want to get on I305, though my girlfriend wants to go to Kennywood also- and if I end up going there, I'll HAVE to do Knoebels and ride Flying Turns. No reason to not stop at Hershey on the way, also, and get lots more laps on Skyrush.


I do have a Dells trip planned as well. I just bought a Waverunner, and really want to ride it in the Dells, but if I do go, I might skip Mt. Olympus altogether. I can just head down the street to Timber Falls to get my coaster fix on a much better one than Mt. O has to offer .


I'm REALLY looking forward to the 2014 season!

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The 2 New RMC coasters for sure.


Also is it me, or is 2014 kind of a slow year for theme parks?

I don't see this. If anything it seems even the smaller regional parks are at least adding something. Maybe not as many coasters but still going to have some great attractions in 2014.

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Liseberg's Helix.


It's so impressive that even my non-coaster-riding friends are amazed and want to see it up close! They also loved the whole park when we last visited in 2012, so it was decided last April that we'll re-visit Liseberg in August 2014.


I'm also waiting eagerly what the Finnish parks (Linnanmäki, Särkänniemi and Power Park) will conjure for the next season.

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I'll go with Goliath at Six Flags Great America during TPR's Mini New Hotness Trip, along with Mammoth at Holiday World. I'm hoping to check out the new Seven Dwarfs coaster at the Magic Kingdom, too.

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I'm really looking forward to Goliath at SFGAm.


Trying to work with my company right now on relocating to Florida, so that would be really exciting if it actually came to fruition.


That's about it...


Oh yeah, I'm also taking a little trip to Scandinavia. No big deal.

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For sure Goliath at SFGAm. Luckily for me I can drive there in 5.5 hours or fly there in an hour so there may need to be multiple visits depending on how good Goliath is. On paper it looks great! I am also looking forward to Banshee but with caution. It looks great on paper as the biggest and baddest invert but B&M has lost is mojo lately in making rides that are thrilling so we will see. Hopefully it has the intensity of Raptor or better. And only because Valleyfair is my home park I cannot wait to see how Route 76 turns out. If it turns out anything like Knott's boardwalk area combined with all the new LED lighting on the rides for night time we may have a winner here.

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Having been to Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens this year, I'm going to Pennsylvania and visit Hershey Park and hopefully a few others too like Kennywood, Knoebels, and Dorney Park. I haven't been to Hershey Park in 2004 and Knoebels in 2000 (I think). Kennywood and Dorney would be my first time visits if they happen. I'll still end up going to Kings Dominion too as I really can't wait to see the improvements for their 40th anniversary.

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I will apply for the Disney International Program at Walt Disney World and I've already applied for the international program of Disneyland Paris. If both these opportunities don't work out, I will definitely do the Mini New Hotness Tour!

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There's plenty of things, hoping to join the industry sometime soon, but maybe not for a couple of years. As for Parks, being local to Orlando, the Harry Potter expansion piques my interest, along with the Seven Dwarves Mine Train Coaster, can't wait for that credit! I wish I could take a TPR Trip, but the finances just aren't in order for one right now. Perhaps in 2015 maybe!


In other news, saw in another thread someone mention some sort of TPR International Snack Exchange (Think it was TPDave and his Triscuits). I love me some Crispy M&M's, hate that they aren't available in the states anymore! Perhaps that can become a real thing!

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About roller coasters, Medusa and Helix for me. Goliath comes next.


2014 would basically be a busy but boring year until I pass my SAT test and finished applying for colleges which means there might be a zero roller coaster year but what comes next is my college life in US which means tons of great coasters! Studying hard for SkyRush, NTaG, i305, Bizarro, El Toro must be fun as well. Plus, I have TPR forums and NL2!

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