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About Anac0nda

  • Birthday 04/17/1991

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  1. 1. Taiga 2. Helix 3. Skyrush 4. Expedition GeForce 5. Kärnan 6. iSpeed 7. Junker 8. Flug der Dämonen 9. Taron 10. Wildfire (Kolmården)
  2. I rode Taiga today. It is now my #1. In the backrow, every airtime is ejector, and every element is more intense than previous one, yet it remains smooth and very enjoyable (e.g. almost no lats). Theming is also very highly detailed, and the queue is very nice. I can't wait to ride it again! They really knocked it out of the park with this one.
  3. Alpina Blitz became my #160 and landed on number 12 on my top-list!
  4. I went to season opening, took some pictures and a very lucky video: Imgur album link
  5. Wow they are definitely not wasting any time on the construction! Did no expect to see the building frame already going up. Thanks for the pictures!
  6. Trackwork is done! Walked by to take a peek and it's looking mighty gorgeous
  7. I highly highly recommend visiting late summer or autumn, because the park has a lot of beautiful lighting and they stay open late (11PM) which means towards the end of the season the sun sets hours before park closure! I have usually visited in August-October and have been lucky so far as temperatures haven't been too bad (= bring a hoodie).
  8. Helix Kärnan Junker Fluch von Novgorod Winjas Force Mr. Freeze Reverse Blast @SFOT Tennessee Tornado Mystery Mine Dwervelwind Lisebergbanan Hmm... still looks like a solid top-10 to me If one would remove Mack and/or Gerstlauer, then this would really become a challenge!
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