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TPR and Theme Park Artwork

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  • 4 months later...

Ok, sorry to revive an old topic...(I've seen tons of revivals the past week or so). I was originally tempted to make a new topic but used the search to dig this one up instead as it's art-related...and I'd like to see more artwork posted.


Anyway, before I show the pic, I'm sure you guys know who MC Escher is. If not, he's known for weird illusion-type perspective drawings like the never-ending staircase and the 2 hands drawing each other. Just Google Escher and you'll see.


Now, I decided to do the Impossible Waterfall (Not sure what it's really called) or you can now say, Impossible Flume! This took 4 days or so to pencil-outline and to ink it with a .005 tip stippling pen. I will also post the Mantis stippling soon. It's done, but I just need to scan it, resize and yea..you know the drill...post it on TPR. Anyway, enjoy!


Wee! We're gonna.....SPLASH!!

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^me confused


welcome to the boards!


See first page of this thread.....


Excellent artwork from all of you guys. Wish I had kept up with my little doodles and sketches back in my school days, into something more.


Keep up the great work, everybody!


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This is a peice of art that I did for my Advance Placement Art class. I took a picture, that my sister had taken of me and my cousins at magic mountain, and messed around with it on photoshop. I got it to where I could make a stencil out of it. So I made this picture with it.

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Yeah I'd so pay you for a hand drawn coaster picture! Thats seriously amazing, I could NEVER do anything like that! And I'm serious, I'd love to buy a piece of art from you! Don't ever quit drawing man, you've got a gift...


Colin C

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