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Everything posted by andrea

  1. today i put my picture on tpr for the first time yay!
  2. watching little house on the prairie haha ok maybe thats not too funny:(
  3. I love when it rains so I always go sit on the porch and enjoy it.
  4. I like them but im not crazy about em.
  5. Im happy that I saved my dumb friend from going to jail today and also that I get to start my classes so I can get this new job that pays good.
  6. Hey Elissa, will you make mine-Fall Out Boy fan.Thanks
  7. Im glad yall had fun at my home park but I really wish they would put in some REAL amusing rides instead of the milder ones cause they tend to get old kind of quick, but it's ok I guess when your bored and have nothing better to to.
  8. ^ Same here,I was trying everything to try and cheat my way back in here.Stupid me found out that it just was not possible, but thankfully it's fixed.
  9. OMG thank you so much GoldRusheROCKS for mentioning about the pete wentz pics,when I found them I was about to faint cause I think that he is gorgeous.That just made my year.
  10. Some of they're songs sound funny at first, but after you read the lyrics it's easy to understand.Btw THEY SOOOO ROCK
  11. I would say that it's pretty bad, but I cant stand popcorn.
  12. OMG,your sooo effin lucky,im so jealous.
  13. Um,maybe i'll just stay on the tommy and james site while you two are gone.
  14. Your daughter is so cute,and I looove the nutcracker.I bet she had fun!
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