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What are some loud rides and coasters?

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Superman at Six Flags Magic Mountain sounds like a jet taking off every time it launches. I thought it was louder than even Tower of Terror at Dreamworld, which is the same type of ride.

Edited by cfc
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Superman at Six Flags Magic Mountain sounds like a jet taking off every time it launches. I thought it was louder than even Tower of Terror at Dreamworld, which is the same type of ride.



Have to agree here Chuck, I found Superman to be very loud, especially when it launches and you are walking by the tower!

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I find Kumba to be quite uncomfortably loud now actually, I sometimes even wear earplugs when i'm riding when I have a headache (which with that ride, you will develop after a 5 run spree)


Also, I think they must have turned the volume up on MIB & spiderman it's quite piercing at times now.


I think I however am an old grumpy man at heart however so, you know.

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I seem to recall BBW having somewhat of a noisy lift but I don't remember it bothering me. Dominator is really loud when you're standing under the loop. Flight of Fear is pretty loud when it launches due to the fact that it's in an inclosed metal room. Hypersonic XLC was really bad when it first opened, I was scared to go near it because it was so loud.

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Storm Runner has a narrow uphill path that goes directly under the beginning of the launch block. When the brake fins go down prior to the launch and after the train launches, the sound is DEAFENING.

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The loudest launches are probably S:EFK and all the Intamin Accelerators


The loudest rollbacks can be found on pretty much every Arrow ride, especially X2, and the suspended coasters. However, the rollbacks that seem the loudest are the ones on the BTMR rides; the first lift in the small tunnel is just deafening.


And, just about every non-prefab wood coaster makes a ton of noise. This is why it is just weird to watch and ride El Toro; it's totally quiet.

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^Yeah, I'll admit that when I was new to coasters (V2 at SFDK was a very early credit for me), I seriously believed the ride so was scary that every single train of riders started screaming loudly immediately upon launching.


It actually didn't seem too far-fetched at the time, as I was so scared of the ride myself that I first rode it with my eyes closed part of the time, and it made enough of an impression to become one of my first #1 coasters.

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1. Superman: The Escape when i went in 2003.

2. Batman & Robin: The Chiller. Standing in the exit tunnel when it launched was deafening!

3. Batman: The Ride SFGAdv Lift has become crazy loud!

4. Green Lanteurn at SFGAdv, the whole thing in general is wicked loud!


The Loudest flat ride i think is Catapult at SFNE! I have heard that ride testing all the way from Batman on the complete other side of the park while walking into work! Great ride though! =]

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Superman: The Escape was quite loud when I went to SFMM, especially walking under it as just a single car flew by overhead...sounded like a fighter jet.


Also from what I remember as a kid, Sky Whirl/Triple Wheel at Great America had this high pitched whirring noise, I still remember exactly what it sounds like today.


And any non-sand-filled B&M. I thought Top Gun was called a "Jet Coaster" due to its jet-like noise when I was younger. I thought it was part of its theme.

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