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What are some loud rides and coasters?

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I have to agree that S:TE overall makes an unecessary amount of noise. For lifts, X used to be insanly loud, but since they retrofitted the rollbacks with rubber it's reduced the noise. Goliath(SFMM) and Firehawk(KI) are two lifts I find to be noisy as well. As for the loudest roar I've heard on a B&M....I'd have to go with Riddler' Revenge.

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Overall loudest, I would say Superman the Escape. You can tell when it is running from anywhere in the park. At the WCB we just listened for it to know when it was open. Of course other parks have similar situations, but when you think of all the other loud rides SFMM has(like Riddler, Goliath, Colossus, etc.) it is incredible that it still stands out as much as it does.


However....., My pick for loudest ride is the shattering glass sound on Dinosaur in Animal Kingdom. That is the only ride where I actually cover my ears. It is not the "loudest" in that you can hear it anywhere outside of the ride, but the speaker is soooo close, it's pumped up so loud, and it is the most ear splitting screaming screaching sound I have ever heard. Even thinking about it makes me cringe.

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I agree with whoever said the lifts on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.

Took a ride on it today, and the "clank"'s the lift made echoed through the caves, which just made it louder.


Still, it's nothing compared to S:TE.

I have noise-canceling earbuds for my iPod and I have no problem blasting music at nearly full volume. S:TE however, I find it hard to not cover my ears walking under it while it's running.

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I agree with whoever said the lifts on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.

Took a ride on it today, and the "clank"'s the lift made echoed through the caves, which just made it louder.


Still, it's nothing compared to S:TE.

I have noise-canceling earbuds for my iPod and I have no problem blasting music at nearly full volume. S:TE however, I find it hard to not cover my ears walking under it while it's running.


The lifts on Big thunder mountain are the loudest I've heard in terms of actually hearing a coaster for myself in person, but I've seen videos of S:TE, and I think it easily takes the cake. The Incredible Hulk is pretty loud too, but I just love that sound.

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Son of Beast's lifthill makes an incredible amount of noise. Forget trying to say even a word to the person next to you, because the likelihood of them hearing you the first time is pretty low.

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  • 2 years later...

1. SEFK scares the crap out of me when I'm near it and it cycles

2. All the Intamin launch coasters that come to my mind are louder than the average coaster.

3. S&S drop towers are really loud.

4. Most B&Ms are loud but I wouldn't say that they bother me.

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