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You Might Be A Coaster Nerd If....

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you carry RollerCoaster Tycoon around on a flash drive to install on any computer you come across...


If your briefcase/laptop bag for work has a folder dedicated to coaster drawings or concepts...


If you take years of engineering and design classes for an incredibly small job market...

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  • 1 month later...

...when you were 10 and Kingda Ka was first opened and you were really excited to ride it because your family had planned a trip to Great Adventure, only to find out that the very same ride you were pining to ride just so happened to have a major malfunction and would be closed during the time you were going to said park, so you ran to your room and cried for a couple hours.

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...you find HULK (and Doctor Doom's Fearfall) on a Playmobil box!




And you freak out because Playmobil started to make funfair rides ('til the day they make coasters....):



A Break Dance!



A Wave Swinger!


This Ferris Wheel is ugly, though... The gondolas are too big in comparison to the wheel size. :(

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This is one that No Limits users should hopefully understand.


...if the first thing you do after watching a POV video on YouTube is accidentally hit your E button.


(Yep, I just did it myself haha.)

.... I have never done that before....

I do this on a daily basis

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This is one that No Limits users should hopefully understand.


...if the first thing you do after watching a POV video on YouTube is accidentally hit your E button.


(Yep, I just did it myself haha.)

Yep, definitely guilty.


...you become excited when you stumble upon music that is theme park-related (happened to me last night, there was a commercial on TV that had the Twisted Colossus animation music).

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