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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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This post to their instagram makes me scared.


I really hate them for doing this.


(Messing with us, not removing Mindbender)

Edited by boldikus
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I really hope it's splash water falls. I don't think they're removing mind bender because if they were, they wouldn't just randomly close it, they'd probably give some kind of heads up. This makes me think it's a ride nobody cares about like splash water falls.

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I'm not really sure if this is a clue as neither of these are close to 30 yrs old, but just posted to their Instagram. Thank god its a post not Mindbender related. Funny its not even my home park, I just loved SFOG so much I am concerned as to what could happen here.


Next clue tonight...


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I'm not really sure if this is a clue as neither of these are close to 30 yrs old, but just posted to their Instagram. Thank god its a post not Mindbender related. Funny its not even my home park, I just loved SFOG so much I am concerned as to what could happen here.


Next clue tonight...

Potential clue to a theme? I could get into a Batman VS Superman theme. (FINGERS CROSSED FOR DUELING RMC lol)

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What are the chances they are closing the Dodge City Bumper Cars, and putting a JLBFM installation there, next to Superman?

I don't think that area would be large enough to hold the attraction. I think a better location for a justice league ride would be in the old Axis Arena in Gotham City. They would have to build a new building, but there is a lot of empty space there.

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I am overly-concerned about this and that is disturbing me.


True, I've been going to SFoG since I was 3 (when the park was new ,) did work there for a couple of seasons in the 80's and have spent Easter Sunday there almost every year since I moved away.....but still - I just need to relax.


that being said.....I think I'll lose my #$@% if they do anything to Mindbender.

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I really can't see Monster Mansion closing without giving it a proper send off if at all. The ride is one of the original attractions and seems to have a long wait all day let alone it being one of the few true dark rides the chain owns. The fact that they've renovated it several times now tells me that they want to keep it around for as long as possible.

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I've been thinking about this a little longer and remember seeing a "Pulsar" Mack Shuttle Water Coaster on the rendering for Six Flags Dubailand. Seeing how Six Flags likes to install the same type rides throughout their parks, I could see one of these replacing Splashwater Falls.

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