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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

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Also, why do people on here always have to be "I thought of that before everyone else, here's a quote to prove it".


But if they don't do that, then how will people know to give them all the blowjobs?

Edited by michaellynn4
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Man, it's going to be weird not seeing the bumper cars there any more. My son and I love those bumper cars. But if SFOG is promising something big, I hope they deliver on it and give us something nice. This has been a recurring thing with Six Flags lately. SFSL, SFOT and SFOG have all removed their bumper cars. What's Six Flags got against bumper cars??

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I'm so happy. I was really worried it was going to be Sky Buckets (and this would suck more than you think, because not only would they be gone but is SFNE is any indication they'd probably just leave all the towers there rusting away).


I don't ever bother with bumper cars anyway because Knoebels ruined all other bumper car rides for me.

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So, are the Bumper Cars going to be gone immediately? Or after this season? If they're gone immediately, that would seem to indicate something of a larger scale is coming next year. If at the end of the year, it's probably either a JLBFM, 4D, or Zamperla Giant Discovery (themed to Lex Luthor!)

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Man, it's going to be weird not seeing the bumper cars there any more. My son and I love those bumper cars. But if SFOG is promising something big, I hope they deliver on it and give us something nice. This has been a recurring thing with Six Flags lately. SFSL, SFOT and SFOG have all removed their bumper cars. What's Six Flags got against bumper cars??


SFSTL took our bumper cars away for a Boomerang

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Probably another Justice League. I don't mind them but I just wish that the chain would change up the theme a little bit. I get it, cloning the ride is cheap, easy, and the GP doesn't care. But it would be cool to have a villains version of this or a superhero specific version. That would make them a little more unique.

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^I agree, it makes obvious sense to just clone them, but it would be so nice (for enthusiasts anyways) if the parks did more to maintain their unique qualities. I can't argue with the economics behind it, especially considering the vast majority of customers will not know it's a clone, but it's still disappointing as an enthusiast to see too much copy and paste among the chain.


Don't get me wrong, I will love having a Battle for Metropolis if that's what we get, I just wish it was unique and wasn't at the cost of whatever thrill ride or coaster we could be getting instead.

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^Although I've been riding those Bumper Cars since I was a wee little theme park enthusiast, I'll have to admit I'm relieved. They always got a horrific line and, as posted before, they are not Knoebel's bumper cars.


The idea for a Justice League dark ride fitting in there is a good one - taking that out will kind of get rid of the "Cotton States Exhibition" section of the park. It will be like there is a little bit of Dixie in the heart of Metropolis


I still haven't gotten over the removal of the Wheelie though, so maybe I'm just cranky, old and weird.

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^I'm big on nostalgia and preservation, so I am right there with you. Honestly, I wish Wheelie stayed and Sky Screamer was build on the other side of the midway somewhere along the lake.


As for Battle for Metropolis, they could actually build it so the entrance is inside of Metropolis Park. I hope they do that and don't sacrifice Cotton States Expo. I am still mad that when they built Sky Screamer and shortened the length of the ivy tunnel, the took down the Cotton States Exposition entrance sign and never bothered to put it back. It's like the park is trying to remove all the themed areas, when they could keep them without really investing much at all. I mean, they already had the sign.... (look I'm already ranting like a cranky person too)

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^Agreed -


I remember when the Wheelie was over by the Great Gasp (where Goliath is now) and was red, white and blue with a red, white and blue lighting scheme. That was before it replaced the Drunken Barrels in the Lickskillet section of the park.


With all the talk of Splashwater Falls earlier, I was reminded of my "Employee Yearbook" and Splashwater was heavily featured since it was the new hotness that year.


Also - the MindBender crew picture was of them sitting on the track, going up the inside of the loop

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This is actually pretty clever.


Telling people on social media that you're removing a ride and making them think it's something like Mindbender or Monster Mansion kind of works in their favor. Then when they announce that it's just the bumper cars people will be relieved or indifferent. Had they not done that and just announced out of nowhere that they were removing the bumper cars it would have been met with infinitely more bitching.


Sure people will still bitch, especially because social media is a cesspool of humanity. But this is a great way to minimize it (though I'm sure in the end, controlling bitching on social media isn't too high on their list of priorities).

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It does sound like the justice league ride and while that is supposed to be a good ride I was hoping for something bigger for the 50th. However, it seems odd to announce this so early if it is just going to be justice league. Announcing this early just sounds like it is something big that they need to get started on soon.


Guess we'll just have to wait and see. The telling thing will be when it officially closes. If it closes almost immediately I have doubts on it being justice league.

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It does sound like the justice league ride and while that is supposed to be a good ride I was hoping for something bigger for the 50th. However, it seems odd to announce this so early if it is just going to be justice league. Announcing this early just sounds like it is something big that they need to get started on soon.


Guess we'll just have to wait and see. The telling thing will be when it officially closes. If it closes almost immediately I have doubts on it being justice league.



The park could turn Joker Funhouse Trains backwards and that would be a bigger thing than what you guys got for your 40th (Banners?)

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It does sound like the justice league ride and while that is supposed to be a good ride I was hoping for something bigger for the 50th. However, it seems odd to announce this so early if it is just going to be justice league. Announcing this early just sounds like it is something big that they need to get started on soon.


Guess we'll just have to wait and see. The telling thing will be when it officially closes. If it closes almost immediately I have doubts on it being justice league.



The park could turn Joker Funhouse Trains backwards and that would be a bigger thing than what you guys got for your 40th (Banners?)

Truth. Although the park president has already claimed that big anniversaries come with big presents and we should expect something big. Of course, they would count something like Justice League as big. People are quick to mistake the word "big" with the word "coaster"

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I think for the 50th anniversary, a new roller coaster could be added, possibly an S&S Free Spin, like Coaster Studios said. Dodge City Bumper Cars doesn't take up that much space, so something like that can be added there.


For people who want Justice League: Battle for Metropolis, that would also go well. Monster Mansion is SFOG's only dark ride, so for people who want less chills and more thrills, SFOG can do that.

Edited by ThrillDude200
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Ajc is saying it will close at the end of today so that makes me think it isn't justice league. No need to close it in June to put justice league in.


I'm still holding out hope for a coaster (hopefully RMC)

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The park has basically confirmed on Twitter that the ride is closing today. They have two posts that suggest it and then retweeted one that basically confirms it will close down for good today.


Such a strange sudden way to close a ride, but I don't mind too much. If it was any other ride I would be ditching work and making the trek down to the park to get my last rides in.

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The park has basically confirmed on Twitter that the ride is closing today. They have two posts that suggest it and then retweeted one that basically confirms it will close down for good today.


Such a strange sudden way to close a ride, but I don't mind too much. If it was any other ride I would be ditching work and making the trek down to the park to get my last rides in.


Definitely very quick to close it down. I would have expected them to give at least a few weeks notice in case people wanted to ride it one more time.

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