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SFNO/Jazzland Discussion Thread

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Here are a few more photos that are quite distrubing:




Also, there was a post over at Westcoaster that doesn't sound to promising about the park's future:




Here are a few of the pics, but click the link above for nearly 50 photos showing all the destuction. IMO, I don't think this park will ever re-open:








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The only ride that looks totally slvagable is Batman as the Station is built high enough to keep most of the electronics and mechanicals out of the water. Anything else is nothing more then scrap metal and garbage fiberglass.


The structural steel is the least expensive parts of these rides, yet is the only thing still there.


The park is gone and there won't be a real need for it in the area for QUITE a while now. Six Flags woudl be very smart to take whatever they can and get out of the situation. the question is still up in the air as to whether Batman belongs to the park or to the city.

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You could always send the coasters down under if they want...


On a serious note, it is very sad to see the park in that state as it would have held many happy memories for a lot of people and that is how they would have wanted to remember the park.


One down side is that if the park closes, then that is one that I will have to remove from my trip to the states....bummer!

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OMG That is to sad. It looks really bad. However, I agree with Robb, I tink it will never open, again.

But when it never open again, what will they do with the attractions?


I would have to think that, after being underwater for nearly what? three weeks now, there are few attractions that could be salvaged.



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That looks really bad. I remember looking at one of the sites for SFNO and seeing the pics of the park when it was Jazzland and what Six Flags spruced up. Sadly, Six Flags really did make the park look better! It's such a shame for a park to get updated so nicely and now it's distroyed.


I'll take what's left of the Sally darkride, Jocco's Mardi Gras Madness. That sounded like a really fun darkride.

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I can't imagine that it will ever open again.


As to how it was doing before the disaster, it was doing ok, but not great. As much of a tourist city that NO is, it's really not known for coasters, and I don't think the park would have lasted that much longer unless they kept adding nen rides year after year. I don't think NO really had the market for it, considering all of the discounts that were offered throughout the year. It's sad to see the park go, but hopefully a few rides can be saved.


At least I got to ride everything before all this happened. It was nice to have a few good coasters nearby, instead of having to drive to another state. Oh well.

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I don't know how Jazzland was, but SFNO in 2004 sucked some serious donkey balls. All the rides suck and the park has a sort of half assed themeing to it. It is a shame for the park to get lost but in reality if it had to be any Six Flags park, I would choose it. Mega Zeph sucks REALLY bad, it was so rough and the patended Gerstlaur rattle was just as bad on MZ as any other coaster.


It is a tragedy that the park is likely to be lost, but compared to everything else that Katrina affected, this issue is so miniscule....

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^ I have heard that Megazeph quickly went from a very good coaster to something almost unridable. I won't miss that coaster. But when we were there, other than the lack of shade, and lack of enough to do to fill a day, I thought the park was quite nice!


--Robb "The Sally Dark Ride was probably my favorite thing there!" Alvey

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Robb, in 2004 I have to say I too noted the lack of shade, and the fact that it was like 98 degrees out with unbearable humidity, the untire 3 hours that we stayed was unbearable. I had seen your onrides of Mega Zeph and read what you had said about it being awesome so I thought it was going to be a REALLY GREAT ride, but it just shook, shuffled and bashed you to the point of being unbearable. The park as a whole kinda reminded me of a mix Visionland, Michigan's Adventure and SFKK. It really was a clean park, and in general it was pretty decent looking but the rides were really crappy, and the employees were really dull and kinda mean.


It was a shame, the park had potential but Six Flags royally mucked it up. The entire park just seemed half assed...... kinda sad in one sense, but in the other it isn't a huge loss if it doesn't open again.

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The old man said


One down side is that if the park closes, then that is one that I will have to remove from my trip to the states....bummer!


I'd still like to go to New Orleans though, just to see how it's going and to listen to all the music (if people are still playing it)...Just like we still want to go to New York...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last week the levee that runs along the park was opened in three places to let the water drain.

As you can see in the link to the park pics, especially the one of megazeph, the levee is next to the park and actually was keeping it under water.


It is being drained now.


You know how things are as far as info and what will happen.

All I know so far is there are usual steps to go through as far as ins adjusters, what can be saved, what can't, cleanup then rebuilding.


As of right now, as soon as it is deemed safe and work can begin, I will be going into the park.

That of course will be for cleanup and rebuilding.

Remember though how things can change quickly round this place


Hmmm, Texas park closing, Our Park in need.

You just never know

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I dont think Mega Zeph will be demolished. The only parts that need replaced are the ones under water. The rest is completely fine.


What really helps it out obviously are the steel supports. No real work should be needed to be done to those except a deep check on the structural integrity and bolts. I really dont think its wise to scrap an entire ride when only 20% of it should need replaced, maybe 30%.

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