Awww, I like GIBS alot. I felt very lucky that The Vu was running flawless the whole first weekend at sfog this month so i got a ride in Sat and Sun. I took a butt load of stereo pair 3D photos in the park which included i guess the last pics i'll ever take of the ride.
I took three decent pics of it
Here is one half of the stereo pair of one.
Here is the red cyan anaglyph 3d pic if you happen to have a pair of red/cyan or red/blue 3D glasses. No other ones will work.
By By Deja Vu
Lucky it was only 20 minutes.
Our policy was no more than 20. As soon as Maint arrived, the timer would start. If it wasn't running in 20 minutes we evaced.
The city is so screwed up and will be for a long time. No one in their right mind would try to bring a park back here. Only half the population has come back. I could write a whole list of whats wrong and why it will never be right but i don't feel like it.
The reason outsiders think the city is back is because Downtown and Historical French Quarter were basically the only areas not ravaged by the storm and flood. Of course thats where most all our tourism is and it is doing well these days.
For residence and the rest of the city is just a huge mess.
Probably always will be.
New Orleans could have benefitted from this disaster and come back way better than it ever was. I think that chance has passed.
New Orleans is pathetic.
This comming from someone born and raised here.
I tend to post things about the possibility of a park returning but i never have faith in any of it. I actually know it won't happen.
Just like this recent one.
Well, didn't they recently announce the new addition and subtraction? I would not put a lot of hope in what the attendant said.
I took this my visit the first weekend of fright fest. Maybe the last pic i'll ever take of it.
LOL, yeah. That sucks when it happens.
I couldn't take riding over and over for a shoot. I would probably be sick by run # 10. If i re ride coasters i generally rest after 4 cycles.
Certainly would like to do the shoot, but it is too much for me now.
It has been officially announced a couple weeks ago. And locals have watched it being moved for quite some time to SFFT.
SFNO Batman is becoming Goliath at SFFT.