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SFNO/Jazzland Discussion Thread

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I dont think Mega Zeph will be demolished. The only parts that need replaced are the ones under water. The rest is completely fine.


What really helps it out obviously are the steel supports. No real work should be needed to be done to those except a deep check on the structural integrity and bolts. I really dont think its wise to scrap an entire ride when only 20% of it should need replaced, maybe 30%.


It'll all come down to the cost. But I'm with you on this one, I don't think it'll be a casualty of the flooding. It's a fairly new ride which won't cost a fortune to repair.

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Yes, i can say that from the pics and the fact that my pickip was seen in one floating that everything in joccos is lost. basically because seeing how high the water was, all cars,electronics and most of the stuff inside as far as gags and animated things all went under water.

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Pic one taken just days before the storm


Next to Joccos Mardi Gras Madness is the Joccos stage which is covered by a tent and can be seen in pic 1 on right.

This is in the Mardi Gras section of the park. Notice the gold, purple and green colors which are the colors of Mardi Gras. Also note the sign over queue on left for Mad Rex and Signage and decorative work on front of Jocco tent and the ride. Also note the paint work on the midway.

Honestly, for the bad rap this park gets on the net, This aint bad. I think it looks great. Yes, there is a shade structure running down the midway.

Keep in mind that what you are looking at is actually a pier built up off the ground.

Yes, I know you are looking at it and see grass on the left but all this is raised 4 to 6 feet off the ground.

OMG! Look, there are actually trees!

Not that many but they are there.

If you go by what you read on the net you would think the place is baron and all concrete.

Well, That was that other park. I think it was called Jazzland.

Sadly this is what is now destroyed.


Pic 2. Identities crudely covered

This is exclusive photo that can only be found here at Theme Park Review.

I do not give permission to anyone to use it anywhere.


After park went to weekend operation fright fest work had begun. The Joccos stage was used for a fright fest maze. The construction of the maze was completed and guest would have seen this for the first time Sat but the park did not open due to the approaching hurricane. I walked through the maze and of course it was great! I absolutely loved the canvas that was made to wall out and tent joccos stage area. There was also a section of mirrors inside just like the old walk through fun houses.

So much hard work that no one will ever see.


Pic 3


The tent and maze after the storm. You can see some of the destroyed black walls that made up the maze.


There you go, My major contribution to TPR more than my usual few liners.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Kind of resurrecting an old topic but... I hope (and think) everything will move much faster than first expected. Every time you hear a deadline or some sort of date, whether it be draining, bridge repairs, electricity, or what not, has been drastically different than what was first said.


For instance, a week ago a major milestone was met in the New Orleans East area as half of the I-10 twinspan bridge that was heavily damaged has been reopened to traffic (completed 17 days early - a bonus of around $65,000 per day early was a bit of an incentive though!). Water draining originally was said to take months but has been completed for the entire area in about 6 weeks after the hurricane. Some officials made comments that citizens in Lakeview, a fairly wealthy area of New Orleans, would not have power for up to 8 months. However, Entergy spokesmen corrected that saying that energy can be restored fairly fast in that region.


My dad has one job to make repairs to a car dealership not terribly far from SFNO (just a couple miles down the interstate). They have the full intention of getting up and running as soon as possible no matter what hurdles are in the way and despite what happens to New Orleans East. There is no electricity there yet so workers are using generators to power their tools. A huge influx of workers have come to the city (this is both a blessing and a curse) and the recovery work around the area is simply unimaginable. I think this may be a good sign that the work needed to get done is being done much faster than originally expected.


It's still a huge task and hard days lie ahead (especially in some of the poorer areas of New Orleans where repair work is out of the question due to finances or extreme damage), but the citizens who are determined to stay, believe me that there's a lot, are being extremely resilient. I would hope Six Flags New Orleans also has this commitment and gets on its feet again as well. I am fully confident that their market in New Orleans will come back faster than expected, and I really hope the same can be said for Mississippi as well.

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Six Flags New Orleans Fansite is reporting this sad news.

Info quoted below.


"reports from various individuals within the Six Flags organization that the MegaZeph, perhaps the premiere roller-coaster in Six Flags New Orleans has been damaged beyond repair by hurricane Katrina. The sources reference severe footing problems with the soils surrounding megazeph, erosion, and damage to it's infrastructure due to the flooding/standing water in the park for a month after the storm struck."


At least I got my last ride on it's last operating day.

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Damn that sucks. It doesn't shock me, though.


To be honest, the way I've heard it has been running lately, is it almost better to put this one to rest and rebuild a new one of the park does in fact re-open?


--Robb "Hopefully the Gerstlaur trains are beyond repair too!" Alvey

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Let me say that the day after the park closed 04 track work started and continued up till opening 05.

The ride was really smooth. I swear it was. It was decent till mid season then started to decline quickly from there. So yeah, the report you got was true but it started out really great.

I even got the first ride when testing was comming to end before the weights were taken off the trains. really strange ride. I was in front row and it felt so slow but I was still feeling float air and it was

:shock: Glass smooth :shock: I swear! very interesting experience.

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I can only imagine with as swampy as that land already was how much the ride must have shifted off of footers, and footers being unstable = no ride!


It will be interesting to see what we hear next from SFNO.


That could provide some interesting rides though! LOL

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Wouldn't they be able to fix a problem with the foundation and soil? Unless the ride structure has already moved/shifted...


There are a few different methods they could probably use to repair the ride if there really was a need to (like if the structure was Historically Significant). Without knowing what exactly is damaged, I would say they might be able to repair it by shoring everything up with temporary structures, bringing in new fill to stabilize the earth on the site, and then reinforcing the footers and replacing all the damaged wood, but I'm sure the damage is so extensive that it will be easier and cheaper to just tear the whole thing down, regrade the site and rebuild the ride from scratch.

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Robb "Hopefully the Gerstlaur trains are beyond repair too!" Alvey


Are all Gerstlaur cars that bad. When we did Villain at Geauga Lake this year.

I was well disappointed with it, I love all the CCI wooden coasters I have been on but that one has to be the worst coaster I have here been on. It was just so rough and painful.




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