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The "Rant" Thread


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One thing that bugs me is when they make hospital patients leave in wheelchairs when it's time for them to go. If they can walk fine, no need to transport them. The liability thing is stupid. If you fall and trip in school, you don't sue the school. Heck, why not put everyone in a wheeled device so no one gets hurt and we would turn into the people on Wall-E. If you've been in the hospital for 2-3+ days, I'd think that walking out of there would give you much needed exercise, but no! The hospital staff have to act like paper will seriously injure someone and force you to be lazy. People are too overprotective these days. If this rant has been mentioned before, 300+ pages is too much to look through.

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Ugh, the stupid referees at the OSU Vs. USC game which OSU should have won.


Intentional grounding with less than a minute left when a man was right there?


Yet, they don't call an obvious face mask and an intentional grounding on their QB (the name escapes me right now).


Oh, and USC is overrated.

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I did not particularly enjoy the Puyallup Fair. Out of all the fairs and parks I've visited, it was by far the most ridiculously annoying I've ever experienced. Several midway employees had attitude problems and acted like control freaks...it was ridiculous. Also, the guests would not listen and did follow loudly repeated and very obvious, simple instructions. The operations were disorganized and unclear, and not everybody was polite if for some 100% understandable reason you didn't do what they wanted you to. I was extremely bothered by several midway employees, and still am. They were worse than the guests, who were just acting dumb.


One moment I'll think I was just "calibrated wrong" today (if that's even what calibrate means, lol), and I was just being a hypersensitive idiot.


The next moment, I'll feel justified, since no other park (or even fair) has come even remotely close to getting more than just ever so slightly on my nerves. More specifically, none has ever actually made me angry! I don't even hate Fun Forest (I like it), and I thought that place was on the extreme edges of not-well-run. Too bad I was wrong about that!


(P.S. Hope nobody saw me there. I just could not stop loudly ranting and talking nonsense all day...and no, that's not what made people get control freaky on me, as it wasn't around those people.)

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Like many other people, I am very upset with Kanye West's actions at the Video Music Awards last night. He had no right to interrupt Taylor Swift's moment in the spotlight.


But kudos to Beyone for giving Taylor back her moment...


--space "the MJ tribute was pretty amazing" mtfan

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My cat died because some of my nabors are inpatient and would rather use poison, then call a Human Society, to put the cat down humanly. Plus, what happened if a cat got out of someones house and fell for the trap.


R.I.P, Bebe. My Cat ( 06-09 )



Maybe the neighbors should have called the humane society. Then, they could have put the cat down humanely. What would have happened if a cat, from another house, got out and fell for the trap?




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(Rant about myself) - I made an AMAZING Intamin on RCT3 and I didn't save the track design yet and I quit the level where I built it. I *thought* I took screenshots but I don't even have those. I had it all done with shrubbery, supports, a lake, station building, and a little courtyard outside the line. I hope I can find the screenshots at least...

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OMG where to begin!


I'm fed up with the people that call Tom Brady a "system" QB. It doesn't exist. There is no such thing as a "system" QB. It was just a phrase created to undermine the greatness that is Brady.


I'm sick of shitty music. I just can't stand it anymore, it literally drives me crazy. I honestly can't take having to be in the vicinity of any shitty music (most pop, hip hop, rap, some country, metal, etc). I'm taking music back, damn it! It's war!


I'm sick of slow people. Yes, just slow people. They slow me down...

I'm sick of babies.

I'm sick of lines.

I'm sick of waiting... for anything.

I'm sick of having to sleep. It's a waste of my time.

I'm sick of not having a poker bankroll.

I'm sick of slow drivers and traffic lights.

I'm sick of smokers.

I'm sick of alcohol.

I'm sick of ...people...


OK, I think that about does it for today.

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Good God, people! Learn to speak! "9" does NOT sound like "Nah". "4" is not "foe". "Ask is not "axe".


It has always annoyed me when people would type/text saying things like "dis" and "dat" instead of "this" and "that. People are now starting to actually SPEAK like this. OMG. I feel sorry for people who know English as a second language. It's probably very hard to understand many people.

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OMG where to begin!


I'm fed up with the people that call Tom Brady a "system" QB. It doesn't exist. There is no such thing as a "system" QB. It was just a phrase created to undermine the greatness that is Brady.


I'm pretty sure the term "system" QB was created a long time before Brady was in the league.


But how would I know? I'm only 20-something.


If it makes you feel better, we will call Matt Cassell a system quarterback instead of Brady.

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About 4 months ago my mom got me my first cell phone, a Samsung Omnia.


Before she bought me my phone, I told her that I would really like to get a Palm Pre when they become available, even though the release date was set for after my birthday.


Anyways, She ended up getting me a phone and there was only a 30 day exchange. The Pre came out 2 days after the exchange was up. I am now locked into a 3 year contract with a phone I dislike and there is nothing I can do.


To cancel my contract would put me $400.00 in debt and to buy the Palm Pre to replace my Omnia while staying on the contract would put me $600.00 in debt.


I hate Contracts. I mean how can anyone expect you to keep a phone for 3 years, especially when the rate at which technology advances increases every day.


To end, My Omnia is in perfect condition, not one scratch, not one drop and I hope things stay that way for the next 3 years...



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Man, my family is jinxed with our vehicles. A few weeks ago, the tire on my truck was loosing air because of a nail. Last Saturday our Toyota Camry had an oil leak and the guy fixing it, keeps saying it'll be done this day and that. And now our Toyota van's engine is messed up. It made a loud noise and it started to smoke. Grrr....


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Good news: I just found a bunch of awesome CDs in my dad's enormous collection, featuring The Beatles (Rubber Soul, A Hard Day's Night), U2 (The Joshua Tree) and R.E.M. (Out of Time).


Bad news: Only Rubber Soul is being read on my computer for some stupid reason. For everything else, it's like absolutely nothing is inserted in the disk tray.


EDIT: Actually, it looks like my computer stopped reading any disk for right now. Gah.

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Why do people think it's OK to take up two parking spaces when the parking lot is overflowing?


On the subject of parking lots, I had to act a fool during lunch hour at work in front of my coworkers.


We were going to lunch at this restaurant and the parking lot is kind of small considering the shops and grocery store that is in the same location. I pointed out a spot in front of us, but the guy driving made the turn wide with the intent of backing up and straightening out the car. Before he could back up, a lady in a SUV pulls right up on us in an attempt to make us give up the spot so she could take it. Seeing what she was trying to do, I jumped out the car and asked her to move back so he can straighten out the car and she wouldn't.


Ya'll know what happened next.


Needless to say, she backed up that thang up so we could pull in. I don't think she even came into the restaurant . Really, I shouldn't have to shout and get crazy to get people to remember what manners are. She was "too strong" for that. People down here are so rude.


I left and went in the restaurant yelling at no one. I was fuming. Five minutes later, I happened to look at my horoscope. It said I would have a sense of serenity about me today. And keep in mind that I am a professional worker and I won "Volunteer of the Year" based on my people skills.


Terry "Almost dragged a b%tch out of the car and drove that thing into a canal" Weaver

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Speaking of bad parkers...


The weather guy at my work doesn't think that motorcycles should be allowed to park in parking spots. A co worker parks his bike in a regular spot and used to park at the front of the spot and the weather guy would start to pull into the spot and see his bike there. Well, today, the bike owner parked in a normal parking spot but at the front of it so you can see it when you pull in. What does the weather person do? He pulls his cross fire into two parking spots so that his passenger door was literally inches away from the bike. As I was coming in, I seen the bike owner was doing something outside and pointed out what the weather person did. Well, he moved his bike so it seems the weather guy took up two spots. I guess enough people was saying stuff to him that he moved it. I said the guy with the bike, if he had his old bike, let his bike fall down and scratch his car up. IF he would have parked normal, it wouldn't have caused anything, but since he didn't, if he did, it would have. But his bike is a 09 and he wouldn't want that to happen. Another co worker said that he wished he had a clunker bike so that he could park it as close to his drivers door as possible. You don't mess with bikers by saying that bikes don't deserve thier own parking space.

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