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The "Rant" Thread


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A while back, I got an aftermarket cooler for my graphics card b/c it was overheating and loud as a jet engine. So I start taking stuff apart, knowing exactly what to do w/o the instructions, and he starts complaining that we shouldn't have bought this, made Geek Squad to it, etc.


Then he starts putting on the thermal grease. Bad decision to let him do that. I wanted to get a 3rd-party grease that actually works. He says it was a waste. I tell him to put a grain-sized dot on the chip and spread it out evenly. So he takes the whole tube of cheap-o grease and squeezes the WHOLE THING onto the chip, "just to be safe."


What now? 60C idling and 100C+ loaded! More than the stock cooler!

Now I have to convince him to let me buy something not from Best Buy (GASP!) and not use Geek Squad (*faints*) to fix something that can be done my ME for free and in about 5 minutes.

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I was playing Left 4 Dead earlier today, and I spent 20 minutes with these random people going for some achievements in the last chapter of No Mercy. We hid in a secret room where no infected come in, and we've only fired off maybe 2 rounds so far. We wait for the chopper, and right as we walk out of the room, a Smoker catches one of the guys. We have no choice but to run to the chopper, and we have to leave him behind, so I didn't get a single achievement out of it.

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What's with Doritos being overly cheesy now? They used to have a perfectly adequate amount of cheese. Then little by little they started adding more cheese. Now the regular ones just have too much for me to enjoy.

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A few hours ago I played Team Fortress 2 for like the second time ever and knew I needed to get it. I downloaded Steam, but I didn't want to spend money on TF2 to have my computer not be able to play it. So I thought I'd try the Portal demo to see how my computer could handle it. I set the resolution to the lowest setting and turned off all unnecessary visual effects and turned everything else to low. My computer froze.

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I'm really annoyed at my friend right now. He is 18 and wont stand up for himself. He is afraid his mom will kick him out, and make him live on the streets! Then, whats worst is that he can't even go to a simple two day vacation with my family, and his sister because of his mom. Shes trying to get him from coming over here because "my house is messy", when all she saw was the living room after a party!

Whats even better is that he couldn't come to the 4th of the July party because there was a surprise trip to this place called Fort Royal(I don't remember the specific name, if you live in VA you should know)


Also, he has to spend all his summer at home instead of going to the beach, party's(the ones we throw), and even going to his friends house, all because his of his mom.


-Matthew"I may need to be a mother to understand this, but that would be very difficult" K.

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^Yeah! It's like, "When you spell definite, do you spell it definate?" I agree totally.


Rant=I hate how our society is becoming so fat. I mean, take Target, which is a grocery store. It has FOOD on sale for you to take home and prepare, but people can't wait that long, so they go to the little food court thing in front and get MORE food to eat NOW. Also, our SMALL size drink at fast-food restaurants is the LARGE size at most European fast-food restaurants. I think it's a government conspiracy to fatten people up so they can eat us!!! (I'm just kidding about the conspiracy thing, of course)

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^Yeah! It's like, "When you spell definite, do you spell it definate?" I agree totally.


Rant=I hate how our society is becoming so fat. I mean, take Target, which is a grocery store. It has FOOD on sale for you to take home and prepare, but people can't wait that long, so they go to the little food court thing in front and get MORE food to eat NOW. Also, our SMALL size drink at fast-food restaurants is the LARGE size at most European fast-food restaurants. I think it's a government conspiracy to fatten people up so they can eat us!!! (I'm just kidding about the conspiracy thing, of course)


I know! and how at most fast food restaurants, they ask you if you'd like a size "medium or large" like a small size doesn't even exist!

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I mean, take Target, which is a grocery store.

The Target that I know of isn't a grocery store. Its more of a big box retailer like Wal-Mart and K-Mart.


Rant - Never take a 5 week course. Especially if big assignments (like speeches) are involved. I have to prepare a speech, take a midterm, finish a homework assignment for my English class, and start my English final in the SAME WEEK.


The only upside is that I'm trading (and recieving) a ton of theme park brochures this week.

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I know! and how at most fast food restaurants, they ask you if you'd like a size "medium or large" like a small size doesn't even exist!


And even if they put any emphesis on small, it's pretty big anyways, like about the size you'd expect a medium to be! And you just want a small drink, not a medium for free, right? Modern day fast food joints have simply lost touch with reality...... And if small's the size of medium, medium's the size of large, and large the size of...... well...... the size of the person that's giving it to you (in some cases)!

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Rant: it really bugs me when people spell 'definitely', 'definately".


Especially on TPR, where there is a conveniently placed a Spell Check button!


If you know how to use the Submit button, meet his friend the Spell Check button.

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Well, I lost my job this weekend, which honestly wouldn't be rant-worthy if I deserved to lose my job, or even if they had fired me by legal means. But I didn't deserve it, and what they did was completely illegal. In many ways. Allow me to explain.

First of all, you can't just fire a person. It's really not that easy. You have to do it in three steps. First, a verbal talk about a legitimate issue in the person's work. Second, a written account of the same issue if it has happened again since the first warning. Then, another verbal/written that has to be on the very same issue as the first two warnings, should it pop up yet again. And there has to be meetings and recorded observations of the employee's work in between each of those warnings. None of this was done in my case. Mostly because I didn't actually do anything wrong.

I'll tell you why I was fired. Because my boss is a cheap f@*$#er (if I'm allowed to say that). He thinks he can save money by getting rid of me for a single petty mistake (a mistake which, by the way, every other employee in that place has made more than once as well). He's not the smartest cheap person, however, because he hasn't taken into account the fact that somebody will still have to cover my hours, and I was the employee who was making the least in hourly wages. So while he's now signing less paychecks, he's actually handing out more money. What a tool. Not to mention that the other receptionist who will probably be taking over my shifts is an idiot. He's going to lose more money in customers that he'll lose because of her behaviour. She speaks to customers in condescending ways (eg. on Friday, I heard to greet somebody who showed up late because they didn't receive an email regarding a change in times by saying - not hello, but "Oh great, more people who don't check their emails!"... Yeah, nothing says "customer service" quite like that!).

Now as if all that wasn't quite bad enough, let's move on to the way I was treated before being fired. Let's start with the harassment issue. For a while I was kind of seeing a member (I worked at a sports club), and when I realized he was crazy (legitimately - anger issues, drug issues, etc.) I broke it off. I then became literally afraid to be around him because of his anger and because of the things he said. Now, obviously I told my boss exactly what happened and why I felt unsafe around this guy, and I made it clear that I would make every effort to continue to be civil and professional whenever this guy came into the facility when I was working, but that I couldn't be sure that he would be quite as mature. What did my boss then do? He hired the guy. Wtf is that about?? So of course the guy has since taken to harassing me every time I work with him. The whole situation is just not right. Who hires somebody after their employee explains that they fear the person?

If that's not enough, let's talk about the discrimination I faced. Part of the exuse to fire me was that it seemed like "my head wasn't in the game" and "it seemed to them that I didn't really want to be there". Really? Because there's another office staff member whose head wasn't "in the game" for a long, long time while she was planning her wedding. But nobody tried to get her in trouble for that, did they? Nope, and I'll tell you why, it's because the place is just like high school - she's part of the "in" clique, and she hangs out with my boss outside of work hours, so he ignores all the crap that she does. I was looking for a file she was supposed to create the other day, and when I looked in her folder on the computer, it had absolutely nothing in it to do with work. Care to guess what it was filled with? Wedding documents. Is that what she's being paid to do - plan her wedding? Because I was under the impression that she was hired to do work. And she somehow earned more hours than me by doing absolutely nothing. So yes, I feel that I was discriminated against because I wasn't "buddy-buddy" with the boss outside of work. I don't remember that being in my job description.

On top of that, they broke the law in regards to my work on more than one occasion. They've dangled my pay over my head as a threat, they've not trained me in WHMIS or any workplace safety training at all, even though I often use chemicals at work, and they leave me alone supervising children even though I'm underage and not trained to do so. I've put up with a lot of bull with these people, but now that they've fired me without just cause or notice, I'm going to go ahead and see what the Ministry of Labour thinks of it all.

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My Target has a grocery section. Super Targets have even more than normal Targets!



Yeah, one of the Targets by me is a Target Greatland with pretty much anything for sale.


Its still a big box store either way. All big box stores (should) sell groceries along with other stuff (clothes, electronics, toys, etc).


Jazzmin... You should have a talk with your boss about this. If you didn't do anything wrong while you were on the job, and were wrongfully terminated, perhaps you need to reason with your boss. Unless your boss is unreasonable. Then you should consider filing a lawsuit or contacting your Department of Labor. Especially if you felt discriminated/company broke the law, etc.


Argggh! I can't catch a Scyther in Pokemon! I'm in Safari Zone and can't seem to find one anywhere.

As for this... Scyther is an absolute pain to find and a bigger d!~k to capture. You may be playing a game that doesn't have Scyther (it has Pinsir instead) or you just need to be really patient.

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