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The "Rant" Thread


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^That's strange. I work at a baseball stadium on game days, and I have the EXACT same problem!!! They also expect you to memorize every job there. It's quite frustrating.


I work at a high school, and our Varsity Baseball team made it to state. I was supposedly sent information on this to put on the electronic sign that doesn't work....yet.


I wish I was on the Scandi trip.

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^ Because everybody's entititled to their own opinion...


For example, nobody cares about bashing SF because experience shows that SF parks are dirty, have lazy employees, horrible operations, dirty pathways, and expensive food/drink/goods/fluffy overmedicated bunnies, etc. But you try to defend SF for improving their image and everybody attacks you.


Same with parks like Knoebels... Nobody expects other enthusiasts to bash the smaller, less corporate parks because it's not normal. Maybe the kid had a horrible ride on Phoenix and prefers to ride the coasters at KD. Or maybe he is one-sided and prefers KD to every park in the world. When somebody bashes Knoebels for having "boring" rides, I'm pretty sure other enthusiasts would jump all over them, calling them a fanboy or ignorant, etc...


Another example... Everybody loves BGW, but I think it's overrated. Aside from the roller coasters and water rides, there's really nothing else left to do. Sure Da Vinci's Garden is pretty and there is atmosphere in some parts of the park, but its mainly a park filled with generic carnival rides and flowers. I rarely spend a full day there because once you've seen all the shows, and ridden all the coasters a million times, there really isn't that much left to do there...


[/long winded rant]


Perhaps it's the way the opinion is presented. Or that when you have an opinion on EVERYTHING, people don't want to listen to you anymore.

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^ I lost my prescription glasses not too long ago and I was pretty mad since those were expensive.


^^ Everybody has an opinion on "everything" as long as they've experienced it whether it's food, video games, theme parks, cars, cities, cruise lines, hotels, sports teams, movies.... you get my point and yet we still listen. We read reviews of products online before we try them and read/watch movie reviews before we see one.


Opinions are everywhere... Heck you even stated your opinion on other people's opinions.

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I'm mad because I have a headache from not having my glasses. When you have glasses and then you lose them, you really realize how bad your eyes really are.


Rant=I hate it when someone you don't want to hang out with keeps on following you and you try to tell them subtly and without hurting their feelings but they just don't get the message. That happened to me today and finally I had to just tell the guy to stop following me and that I didn't want to hang out with him. I felt kind of bad afterward but the guy was really weird so I was glad to be away from him.


Well, I'm off to take some aspirin for my headache, see ya.

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^^ Everybody has an opinion on "everything" as long as they've experienced it whether it's food, video games, theme parks, cars, cities, cruise lines, hotels, sports teams, movies.... you get my point and yet we still listen. We read reviews of products online before we try them and read/watch movie reviews before we see one.


Opinions are everywhere... Heck you even stated your opinion on other people's opinions.


My rant: When posters don't know when to not reply. To EVERYTHING they've posted. This is a forum, not you're personal communication device.


HINT: Posting for posting sake: see above two posts.

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Ugh, 2nd week of constant thunderstorms!



I really don't like grammar nazis that go find every single one of your posts, and just spend time being an English Teacher grading the post. I mean, I know I my spelling and grammar aren't perfect (In 6th grade I was in English improvement, 7th grade I was with the "special" people, and in 8th I was back in English improvement). i mean if i talkd lik this den i culd undrstnd, but I don't.


If you are a Grammer Nazi/Grammer Stalker who won't leave you alone then I dislike you, but if you give out a correction here and there, and your just trying to help. I thank you very much.


(I posted this rant here instead of an anime board that I USED to be a part of)

-Matthew "please don't stalk my posts" K.

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Ugh, 2nd week of constant thunderstorms!


I really don't like grammar nazis that go find every single one of your posts, and just spend time being an English Teacher grading the post.


If you are a Grammer Nazi/Grammer Stalker who won't leave you alone then I dislike you, but if you give out a correction here and there, and your just trying to help. I thank you very much.


-Matthew "please don't stalk my posts" K.



Nazi is a proper noun. Therefore, it needs to be capitalized. Grammar is spelled "Grammar".


Sorry, I just couldn't resist!



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Pet Peeve: I really hate when people leave those little protective covers on their phones. The plastic ones that come stuck on the screen. Now I understand leaving them on for a while but when it starts to peel from the corners, and like... gathers lint, wow it bugs the heck out of me. Just take it off!


I saw this two times today. Sorry if you're one of these people, but holy crap, just go buy one that's supposed to stay on.

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When I was at SFMM the other day, I saw some little kid peeing on the back wall of Terminator's third set of switchbacks while the gangbangers who were apparently his parents stood and watched.


What is wrong with some people?



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I just read a story on CNN that a 19 year old is facing up to 158 years in prison for killing 19 cats. I also saw a headline on CNN stating that a man only received a one year prison sentence for raping a 4 year old girl. Obviously both crimes are horrendous, but where's the justice?

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^ Agree 100% percent with you on that one. Blew my mind whne I saw that.


My rant is at Wolf Cameras online store. I ordered a camera on their Saturday that said was in stock and ready to ship. Well, it turns out they lied and will be around 4 weeks til it ships. So what do they do, they charge me already despite what their "policy" is.

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^Aye, that was one of my biggest peeves with the PSP when I first got it. It plays video, just make sure its .MP4, not your typical MPEGs and AVIs.


My current rant, daytime television. The only thing I can ever find on TV at noon are reruns of Home Improvement. Augh augh augh augh.

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My Internet Connection is terrible. Everytime I use my computer for 30 minutes or longer, it will always tell me that I am not connected to the Internet. This can last either 10 minutes or it can go on for 4 days. Then it just connects. But then it just unconnects from the Internet within hours.

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I really hate "otakus". Those are the kind of hardcore anime fans who only like the Japanese-language anime and hate the English dubs simply because they're in English.


They're more annoying on YouTube, when you watch the anime and you see a bunch of comments saying "the English voice actors suck" or "they ruined this joke'.

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People now say I'm supporting the death of music by supporting Rock Band and Guitar Hero. I hate people treating the guitar for GH like an actual instrument with a burning passion, but I said the drums were a good way to learn rhythm. That's what I actually did less than a year ago before ever being behind a drum set, and my school band teacher invited me into band yesterday, which is not something that requires invitation, nor have I ever heard of someone being invited. And honestly, you don't think this:




Requires more talent than this?




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I really hate "otakus". Those are the kind of hardcore anime fans who only like the Japanese-language anime and hate the English dubs simply because they're in English.



Well umm, the correct term is Weeaboo, or a Wapenese person


Otaku - Someone who extremely loves anime, gos to cons, collects manga, etc


Weeaboo - Someone who hates the English culture, and thinks Japan is the best place ever because it has anime.




This user is a Otaku, but at least he has common sense.



I like anime, and I want to collect, but I need $$$

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