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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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Does anyone else find the lopsided-Cobra Roll funny? The first half is just so big, and then the second half is so tiny. Such a big contrast.


I think thats just the angle that the picture is taken from that makes it look like that, both sides of the Cobra Roll are more or less the same size. Also the bit that's censored looks like it is just an in-line twist which leads onto the the straight leading to the first lift hill. If the washing machine element is happening then it will be after that.

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Also, regarding the whole 'washing machine' element, I think we can discard that idea. While some people might find it good, the GP will probably puke their guts out on a regular basis


I can't speak for maintenance or spacing issues, but assuming most Europeans can handle insane 5-6 min cycles on crazy carnival flat rides, I don't think a washing machine element would make too many people sick.

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Does anyone else find the lopsided-Cobra Roll funny? The first half is just so big, and then the second half is so tiny. Such a big contrast.

I think it's to make the dueling work. Second half bigger and slower, so it would take more time to complete.

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This coaster will only be awesome to me if they can get the cars to cross over each other through the inversions.


Looks like that will happen. It will duel itself at many points through the ride.



Pov at 2:50


Wow. How accurate is this? Whoever did it did a really good job...

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This coaster will only be awesome to me if they can get the cars to cross over each other through the inversions.


Looks like that will happen. It will duel itself at many points through the ride.



Pov at 2:50


Wow. How accurate is this? Whoever did it did a really good job...


Nemesis94, I believe. He's done some very good recreations. It is taken that this is about 90% accurate of SW7 - considering the plans were released, and followed to a tee. The only part missing is before the lift hill (indoor section and possible secret element).

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The POV is accurate based on the initial designs which accompanied the planning documents. It is believed that the initial plans on the document are mainly correct, but there will be some revisions for the final design (as Alton do not need planning permission for the coaster, as it falls within the parks general development order area). Permission was only required for the bulk of the building.


But it's an awesome POV, I reckon there's a bit more to come from SW7 though.

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Yes, the park has very strict limitations on what can and cannot be seen outside the park.


If you go hunting, it is possible to see each of Air, Nemesis, Rita, SW7 and Oblivion from outside the park - but not from populated locations, and it's very difficult.


These rules have governed the park since it began and continue to govern it today.

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As far as I'm aware, yes, the height limit is still imposed on the park, along with the weird noise ordinances too. I know the lift isn't going to be very tall, think it came out shorter than Oblivion if I remember the plans. It's also a reason why the taller coasters are painted a darker color, or like on Rita, the taller sections of it painted that forest green color.


I'm really excited to have Alton Towers in my 2014 plans! I do feel sorry for this park though having all of these limitations, but it at least has turned out some pretty creative coasters!

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I'm always fascinated by the fact that the park could build such big rides regarding there height limit. It's a great thing they have elevated grounds so they can (let's call it) cheat the system, this also makes there rides blend into surroundings (Like Nemesis and Air). I was again surprised by SW7 insane lay-out and I'm secretly exited by how they're going to make SW8 (love to think that we see that someday ).I'm looking forward to ride all there rides too bad it will take at least 2 years.

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In the back of my head, I dread what would happen if the roppers won the court case. Hopefully sense comes to the judge and he dismisses the whole thing. Anyway, the coaster looks great and it should be very cool to walk in the pit, if the plans are still the same that is, with the public access areas.

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I honestly like a lot of the things Merlin does for their marketing. The community may find some of them to be obnoxious or overblown, but their rides are successful because they do such interesting and widespread craziness.


The contest to be the first ride Th13een? The months of buildup? How many websites ended up covering that? The Bottomless elevator shaft prank for Sub Terra? Building its backstory off of Nemesis? An entire haunt maze devoted to building up the back story for the Ministry of Joy? The creepy logos all over England?


Whether we like it or not, they have our attention, and that was their goal in the first place.

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