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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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These are my Trains! http://www.coaster-lab.com


As of August 2012 I am a designer at Gerstlauer but I have to inform you that these are not the actual train that are going to be used on the SW7 Coaster.


Thank you for all the enthusiasm about my designs. I have spoken to a lot of companies such as intamin at the IAAPA so who knows what could happen. I also talked to Robb a little bit about my company. Can you remember Robb?

Edited by Hhappy
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These are my Trains! http://www.coaster-lab.com


As of August 2012 I am a designer at Gerstlauer but I have to inform you that these are not the actual train that are going to be used on the SW7 Coaster.


Thank you for all the enthusiasm about my designs. I have spoken to a lot of companies such as intamin at the IAAPA so who knows what could happen. I also talked to Robb a little bit about my company. Can you remember Robb?


You have some great ideas on that site.

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Is there going to be an announcement about this or are they going to wait til opening?


Marketing for SW7 will begin in earnest once the park get their Christmas resort event out of the way. I don't think they want any distractions.


First reveal for Nemesis: Sub-Terra was 31st December 2011, so I am expecting things to begin in a few weeks - with a massive campaign through late January, February and into March.


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Alton Towers have revealed they will be adding two new themed SW7 rooms/suites for 2013 to the resort hotels, and there's a competition launching later this evening for AT enthusiasts via www.towersstreet.com.


You could win:


- One night stay for 4 people in one of the new SW7 themed room.

- Park entry for 4.

- Fastracks for 4.

- Behind the scenes tour of SW7.


It launches at 7.30pm this evening and there's updates via the TS Facebook page, too - www.facebook.com/towersstreet


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