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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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^I don't think reliability depends on how forceful the coaster is. Most of the older B&M's are very reliable. I think it depends on the launch system itself and the technology used. LSM's have been around for a while now, and B&M is known for sticking to what they know, so I don't think the amount of forces on a ride make it unreliable.


B&M has also been testing the LSM's for the past couple of years.

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Also, I'm looking forward to the view from Crow's Nest, it should provide wonderful views of Thunderbird and Voyage. I have a feeling that if cameras are allowed on the ride (I have no idea what Holiday World's on-ride photography policies are), we will be seeing a lot of pictures taken from up there.

"Cameras of any size or type are only permitted on the following six rides: Holidog Express, Doggone Trail, Star Spangled Carousel, Gobbler Getaway, Prancer’s Merry-Go-Round, and The Lewis & Clark Trail. Absolutely no cameras are allowed on any of the other rides (even when the camera is secured in a pocket or fanny pack). For everyone’s safety, cell phone use is not permitted on rides."


Source: http://www.holidayworld.com/help-information/rules-services/

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^I don't think reliability depends on how forceful the coaster is. Most of the older B&M's are very reliable. I think it depends on the launch system itself and the technology used. LSM's have been around for a while now, and B&M is known for sticking to what they know, so I don't think the amount of forces on a ride make it unreliable.

Not how forceful the coaster is, but the launch. You can see that the most forceful launches out there are S&S's compressed air ones and intamin's hydraulic launches. I don't know how dodonpa is in terms of reliability but I doubt it is as good as a standard LSM coaster and as to intamin's system, well, let's say reliability is not its strong point. You could have really forceful LSM launches but then it would use a lot of power so, in a way, I would say there is a certain relation between how forceful and efficient a launch is and its reliability.

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(Did you know The Gravity Group guys - who designed Voyage - were consultants on that flick?)


I don't understand - on Polar Express the movie?


Yes, The Gravity Group (who designed The Voyage) served as consultants for the movie Polar Express (if you've seen it, you'll easily guess which part). Our Christmas animation, created by Steven in IT, includes an elf holding a mug with the design: Polar Expresso.

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^ Fun fact: In a former life, I was editor of a trade magazine called "Pizza Today." I remember running a column about specialty coffees and using "Ssssspresso!" as the headline, as the first "e" is not pronounced, plus it captured the sound of the steam. Thought I'd take a shot.


Random, I know. #SorryNotSorry

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Thanks for the reply! That's a pretty cool fun fact.




Oh yeah, I recognize TGG's airtimes!


Thanks for reminding me why I don't watch animated movies.


^ Fun fact: In a former life, I was editor of a trade magazine called "Pizza Today."


Best. Job. Ever.

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