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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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As much as an aberration as this was, just makes me even more terrified of Skyways


I mean, it easily withstood a wind gust 3 times that of what it's allowed to operate in so personally I'd say that's a +1 for Von Roll. I think it's hilarious that Sky Screamer was up in the air when it hit too. Apparently the seats were all slamming together Windseeker style.


Judging by the fact that the ride was already stopped this video was obviously taken after the strongest initial gust.


Dang, those things can take some wind. 0.o I will stop our tram if it gust above 50 and wait it out. As you said it kinda came out of the middle of nowhere. That ride on Sky Screamer though would of been great. Wonder if maintenance had to set the haul rope back into place...

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Is it possible for a Von Roll skyway to flip upside down during high winds?


No, because the wind would push it back down once it reached horizontal, barring any sort of crazy wind event with alternating direction of gust in the exact right pattern. Also, if that video was indication of the amount of sway in a 60 mph wind gust, you'd need winds well over 150 mph to even get it horizontal. On other words, a Category 4 or Category 5 hurricane.


Also consider that the cars are not clamped to the cables in any way, so that as they approached 200 degree rotation the cars would fall off the cable to their doom.

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Attendance seems to be at least on par with last year based on experience, but they're getting a little screwed by the fact that Christmas and Christnas eve fall on a Saturday and Sunday this year.


As for Justice league, construction is moving at a snail's pace. Lol

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Attendance seems to be at least on par with last year based on experience, but they're getting a little screwed by the fact that Christmas and Christnas eve fall on a Saturday and Sunday this year.


As for Justice league, construction is moving at a snail's pace. Lol


Yeah . . . For what it's worth, HITP at SFA is doing well attendance wise. But yeah, losing a weekend to Christmas Eve & Christmas Day being on Saturday and Sunday this year is a big kick.


And I wouldn't expect Justice League construction moving along quick in this weather . . . (but it must be nice that something is finally going where Batman & Robin: The Chiller/Movietown Water Effect used to be).


And what's it like riding Nitro in December?

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Attendance seems to be at least on par with last year based on experience, but they're getting a little screwed by the fact that Christmas and Christnas eve fall on a Saturday and Sunday this year.


As for Justice league, construction is moving at a snail's pace. Lol


Yup plus the weather screwed them for 2 days last week as well.

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And what's it like riding Nitro in December?


It's amazing. It doesn't feel as cold as you would think since you're too busy enjoying the ride than thinking about how cold it is. A ride like Sky Screamer feels much colder even though it really isn't.

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Man, I'm bummed that I haven't been able to make it up for HITP yet this year. I have off on Monday, but I'm conflicted because Rikki and I are in the process of moving. The responsible, adult thing to do is to use the downtime to continue packing and moving things, but...coasters.

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Man, I'm bummed that I haven't been able to make it up for HITP yet this year. I have off on Monday, but I'm conflicted because Rikki and I are in the process of moving. The responsible, adult thing to do is to use the downtime to continue packing and moving things, but...coasters.

I say COASTERS!! The boxes will wait patiently for you to get back

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I couldn't make it yesterday thanks to annoying family obligations (can we get a round of applause for the 'end' of Xmas?!) but I'm off Friday-Monday this weekend so I may go up more than once depending on weather. Maybe Friday & Sunday? Friday and Monday? All four days?

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We'll be there on Monday! I know Brit and I are going, it's very possible we'll drag my mom along too. It's fun to make Holiday in the Park a family affair and Nitro is her favorite thing ever so we can probably convince her to tag along.


Anyway, Boldikus... let us know if you're going, and Josh if we bump into you we'll definitely say hi. That would be awesome.


PS (Boldikus): Brit and I may swing by Friday on the way down to Delaware but we'll just pop in to pick up a few last minute HITP stocking stuffers from Merry Marketplace and to take a ride on Six Flags' most explosive coaster so if you're in the park that day let me know and we'll meet up for a ride.


I'll be headed there today. I've never been to Holiday In The Park before and I'm excited to get one last lap on all the rides


It's awesome, have fun. Buy a waffle.

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So we got there around 1:30-2pm and it was pretty quiet, but around 4-5 it became almost Fright Fest packed, all the kiddie rides were pretty packed, but none of the large coasters were really busy. We weren't really determined to ride much, though we did get on a few rides.


Nitro 1x

Batman 3x

Dark Knight 1x

Harley Quinn 1x

Skyway 1x

Skull Mountain 2x


We got smores and ate a bunch and enjoyed the atmosphere and I got some pretty decent pictures with my Note 4.

The lines for food were outrageous though, that's where 90% of the people were.





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I had my first waffle truck experience a couple week ago at the park and it was to die for!! I'm still thinking about it and wish they had a truck near DC. I doubt SFA has anything remotely as delicious as it. I'm not even a waffle type of person but it was outrageously delicious and sitting around chowing down by campfire with xmas lights galore was just so freaking cool.


JRice - have fun and thanks again for meeting up last time you were in town!

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