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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I have been on IJST at PKI about 50 times and I thought it was a great family ride. It could have been alot better but I will take it. Yea there may not be any steep drops or it may not make you fell like your strapped to a rocket durning the launch but its not supposed to. The Helix on IJST was freaking sweet and the turns and what not are taking at a very quick speed. I think this is a great addition to all 3 parks.

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Kings Dominion announced today an expansion to their Waterpark, WaterWorks. The new expansion will include a Proslide Tornado, a second Wavepool and a Family Raft ride.


They also announced a price drop of $5 off a regular one-day admission ticket, making the new price $44.95. The price will also drop for a Junior/Senior admission making the new price $24.95.




Kings Dominion To Lower Daily Admission Price For the First Time

DOSWELL, VA (December 14, 2006) - Kings Dominion, the Mid-Atlantic’s premier 2-in-1 theme park and waterpark, will reduce the price of its regular one-day admission ticket and will debut a multi-million dollar waterpark expansion for the 2007 season.


Next year, the price of a regular one-day admission ticket (valid for guests ages 3-61 who are 48 inches and taller) will be $44.95, a reduction of $5 off a regular one-day admission ticket in 2006 ($49.95).


In addition, the park has introduced the new Junior/Senior ticket (valid for guests ages 3-61 who are under 48 inches tall or ages 62 and older) for only $24.95. This new pricing structure offers drastic savings for families in 2007. A child ticket in 2006 cost $34.99 while senior citizen pricing was $39.99. The new Junior/Senior ticket offers substantial savings of up to $20 per ticket. Children age two and under will continue to receive free park admission.


The park is also re-introducing the Starlight admission ticket. Starlight admission will be offered for just $29.95 to enter the park after 4 pm. This new ticket will allow guests to visit for a lower price and enjoy the evening hours at Kings Dominion.


This new pricing structure marks the first time the park has decreased its price of admission since opening in 1975.


Reduced ticket prices are not all that’s new at Kings Dominion. The park’s waterpark, WaterWorks, is receiving its first major expansion since 1999. Located inside the theme park, WaterWorks is adding three major new attractions that offer something for everyone.


“New water attractions, new price, new year,” said Richard Zimmerman, vice president and general manager of Kings Dominion. “We know our guests are looking for ways to stretch their entertainment dollar and next year, Kings Dominion will be an even better value. With our expanded waterpark, and our unparalleled collection of roller coasters, rides and attractions, no other park in the Mid-Atlantic can offer so much fun and excitement.”


Beginning with Tidal Wave Bay, Kings Dominion is adding a second wave pool to the waterpark. Filled with hundreds of thousands of gallons of water, Tidal Wave Bay will offer hours of swimming adventure.


The new Tornado attraction combines high thrills with spinning and churning wet spills. Extending 65 feet into the air, the Tornado provides riders with a unique water experience that everyone will want to ride again and again. Finally, the addition of the Zoom Flume, will give families the opportunity to enjoy a rafting adventure together. Four riders at a time can climb aboard the raft and “zoom” down the curving and tilting raging water path.


“Summer fun has always been about thrill rides and cooling off at the waterpark. The addition of these great attractions to WaterWorks will bring something new and memorable for our guests,” Zimmerman said.


Zimmerman also noted that 2007 will be the first full season that Kings Dominion is part of the Cedar Fair Entertainment Company of theme parks. Cedar Fair , based in Sandusky, Ohio, purchased the five Paramount parks last July. The company now owns and operates 12 amusement parks and four waterparks in North America.


WaterWorks features a number of exciting water attractions that appeal to all ages. The interactive water features of Surf City Splash House provide lots of laughs along with lots of splash. Big Wave Bay, the park’s existing wave pool has 650,000 gallons of water and hours of fun, while Lil’ Barefoot Beach provides quieter water play for the park’s youngest guests. For waterslide thrills, WaterWorks is home to several unique waterslide experiences, including the four exciting slides of Pipeline Peak: the Night Slider, the Power Plunge, the Turbo Twister, and the Rip Slide. The addition of the Tornado, the Zoom Flume and Tidal Wave Bay round out the collection of water fun in WaterWorks.


Kings Dominion will reopen for its 32nd season on March 31. Construction on the new WaterWorks addition began immediately after the park closed for the 2006 season. WaterWorks, and its new attractions, is scheduled to open in late May 2007.


Kings Dominion is a 400-acre theme park that’s home to more than 200 rides, shows and attractions. The park brings the best of Hollywood entertainment to the Mid-Atlantic with one of the largest coaster collections on the East Coast; two children’s areas—Nickelodeon Central and KidZville; and WaterWorks, the park’s waterpark that’s included with admission.


Kings Dominion is owned and operated by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company.

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I am glad to hear about the 2nd wavepool cause the 1st one is tiny for the crowds PKD gets and the new slides sound awesome...They really need some new ones since they have been taken alot out lately.


Interesting thing is I would have thought they would have dropped the Paramount logo from the park, But in all the recent shirts/merchandise and THIS press release they refer to the park as Kings Dominion.


Another Dorkish observation I drive by the park when I have a VRE job (commuter rail) and ALOT of the neon was out on the park sign and I figured they would have just redone the sign for this year rather than replace the neon but yesterday the sign was decked out with new (not different) Neon lights and they even made the scrolling text on the sign Bolder. So I guess the Paramount logo is staying.

Does this seem odd to anyone else?



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Not surprising, I think they should just remove the hill


It is a maintenance nightmare........nobody wants it, why do you think nobody else in America has bought one?




I love this effect, like nobody knows where it is located


I wonder if it will open this year


Don't know if it means anything but XLC used to have its own page on the site, now it is just mentioned on the thrill rides page.



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Grrr. I HATE Cedar Fair. What is going on in those heads of theirs. They better make something good in place of it.


I like this move by CF. I was against this ride when it went up in 2000-01. KD has so many of these small steel coasters (not one of the park's steelies breaks the 3,000 ft mark). I didn't even ride this one until this past year and I got a nice headache. Good riddance and I hope this paves the way for something nicer down the road.

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I rode it once this year since a friend needed the credit. 1 train operation and a really jarring rough ride on the second half (and is this thing even big enough to have 2 halves!?). The launch was really intense and thrilling, as was the first drop, but I never cared for the ride from the beginning; its location, the capacity, the length.


Poor Nicole, maybe missing out on another credit.

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The site says its available immediately so I would almost say its probably already in pieces somewhere on the property.


I can always see it (big hill) from the Train. so I can give you guys an update if it is still standing which I am pretty sure it is since it is still on the website (It was standing 2 weeks ago.......but so was SOB's loop)


Most parks keep the rides up in case a potential buyer wants to ride. (See Drachen Fire)



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Grrr. I HATE Cedar Fair. What is going on in those heads of theirs. They better make something good in place of it.


I like this move by CF. I was against this ride when it went up in 2000-01. KD has so many of these small steel coasters (not one of the park's steelies breaks the 3,000 ft mark).


Now glad that it didn't go into PGA afterall (another Paramount park lacking any coasters at all over 3K feet cept for the horrid Grizzly). Still stings though that we lost our Great American Scenic Railway for this mistake.

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This greatly rubs me the wrong way. There's no launched coaster in the Mid-South area. Hypersonic would be big business at Carowinds but NO! instead of giving them ANYfrickinTHING for their 35th anniversary, CF is selling rides that would make sense. Bah humbug.

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