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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

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While I think we've all known about this for a while, at least it's now "official"


Paramount's Kings Dominion Prepares to Premiere Thrilling Family Coaster in 2006


Paramount Pictures’ Blockbuster, The Italian Job Comes to Life at


MidAtlantic’s Favorite Theme Park


DOSWELL, Va.—Next spring, Paramount's Kings Dominion will debut its 13th exciting coaster complete with the thrills of a Hollywood blockbuster. With the addition of THE ITALIAN JOB STUNT COASTER, guests of all ages will experience a unique, fast-track coaster experience that brings to life one of the most thrilling movie chase sequences ever filmed in Hollywood.


Based on the high-action finale of Paramount Pictures’ The Italian Job (2003) starring Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron, Edward Norton, Seth Green, Mos Def, and Donald Sutherland, this exciting new coaster will take families on a high-speed stunt car adventure through movie sets and scenes inspired by the film’s climatic chase sequence.


From the moment they board their very own MINI Cooper S, park guests will immediately be surrounded by the sights, sounds and scenes of a Hollywood action movie. Asked to help “film” the final chase scene from the famous movie, THE ITALIAN JOB, riders quickly become stunt car drivers as their cars races out onto the track. Each MINI Cooper S is tricked out with audio special effects that add to the multi-sensory sensation of the experience, and as the custom stunt car MINIs peel out, everyone is transported into the stunt chase sequence. Drivers twist through a parking garage, dodge near-collisions, race down stairs, chase through tunnels and narrowly escape massive explosions triggered by gunfire from a menacing helicopter. Tires skid out one last time as the stunt cars crash through a billboard and splash down into an L.A. aqueduct concluding the chase sequence and their screen test trial as a stunt driver.


“THE ITALIAN JOB STUNT COASTER is the perfect complement to Paramount's Kings Dominion,” said Richard Zimmerman, executive vice president and general manager, Paramount's Kings Dominion. “Just like any great movie, this new coaster has surprise and suspense at every turn. The interactive experience totally immerses families into the thrills of the movie and they will want to ride it together again and again.”


THE ITALIAN JOB STUNT COASTER is scheduled to open at Paramount’s Kings Dominion in 2006.


Lights, camera, action – the ride experience recreates the six scenes of the climatic final chase sequence of the film:


Scene One Race through parking garage

Scene Two Fly down subway stairs

Scene Three Dodge police cars

Scene Four Screech to a halt and narrowly avoid gunfire from a


Scene Five Chase through sewer tunnel

Scene Six Plunge through a billboard and into an LA aqueduct


THE ITALIAN JOB STUNT COASTER is a multiple LIM (linear induction motor) launch circuit coaster. Trains are propelled in the station with drive tires and in the launch and boost zones by linear induction motors.


Linear induction motors are propulsion units that are used where either high thrust or high speed propulsion is needed. Propulsion is achieved when currents are produced by the interaction of an electromagnetic field generated by the LIM and an aluminum reaction plate on the cars. The currents produced by this interaction create a magnetic field that opposes the original magnetic field, thereby producing a force vector between the LIM and the fin. This force vector provides thrust to move the train.


Drive tires are propulsion units that are used when train movement and braking or holding is needed in low speed. All drive tires are capable of forward and reversing motion.


From the cool coloring, to the vanity license plates, these MINIs are as detailed as the ones found at the dealer. And – to make sure they provide the right level of thrill, even the cars’ wheels were specifically selected for the rapid acceleration of the train. 1,000 stunt drivers per hour will ride their MINIs through the coolest coaster in the MidAtlantic!


1,960 feet of rail track making up a two minute experience – the coolest ride in a MINI Cooper S ever. The MINIs climb to a height of 45.2 feet and the total stunt track elevation climbs higher to 53.3 feet of thrills. Beware of the 31.2 feet drop that takes place when you least expect it!


The ride catapults guests using linear induction motors at rapid speeds up to 40 mph. With the three peels out, and an 88 degree banked turn, these MINIs will earn guests a speeding ticket if they are not careful.


Each car is enhanced with surround-sound speakers, providing stunt car drivers with the ride of their life. From engine revving to the sound of squealing tires, guests will be totally immersed in the action.


MANUFACTURER: Premier Rides, Inc.


Italian Job Coming to PKD in 2006!


And here's the logo for 'ya!

Edited by robbalvey
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Yay another clone.


I wonder how this coaster will do. I know it is a "family coaster" but PKD has four family coasters. The park also has several faster launched coasters. I just do not think the park could have built a better coaster such as a flyer or a more intense coaster instead of a tame launched coaster

Edited by MSLSM
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^The reviews I have heard have been mixed. Some love it, and others hate it.



I saw a POV of the one at CW, and it looks fun, but not worth a long wait. Oh well, it will probably bring in more people, and give the kids something else to ride.

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I'm at least happy that Premiere is getting more work. Now that they have decent restraints on their rides, I kind of hope we see more stuff like Chiller or Mr. Freeze built.


Out of all the launched coasters built lately, people seem to forget that those were pretty damn good too!



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^ Sorry Elissa, but I figure I can tell you that the PKD version lost the Copyright or whatever on Outer Limits, and now it's only FoF. The PKI version is still Outer Limits though! Yes, I'm a complete coaster nerd!!!


PKI's Flight of Fear no longer has Outer Limits in it's name either


Lights, camera, action – the ride experience recreates the six scenes of the climatic final chase sequence of the film:


Scene One Race through parking garage

Scene Two Fly down subway stairs

Scene Three Dodge police cars

Scene Four Screech to a halt and narrowly avoid gunfire from a


Scene Five Chase through sewer tunnel

Scene Six Plunge through a billboard and into an LA aqueduct


Am I to assume this is a slightly modified version of the existing IJ:ST coasters?

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I'm excited about this. People can say all they want about how boring the others are, but I think this is good for PKD. The theming on Tomb Raider this past year was excellent and they are going to follow that up on the "Stunt Coaster".


What else is good is that all the whiney enthusiasts who are complaining about the ride won't be stinking up the lines while I wait. Everybody wanted some kind of B&M so to that I say, go down south about an hour, BGW has a nice pair to shut your mouths.



I'm ready to get shot at by a helicopter.

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I really love the one Premier ride I've been on (The Revenge Of The Mummy), and the other ones all look really amazing, to me. I'm glad they're getting to build more stuff! There rides are, at the very least, different! Not like, say, B&M where once you know the formula, you know what's going to happen with 99% certainty! That's boring. Premier looks to be building the kind of rides where no matter how many times you ride you never know what's going to happen next! I like that.


This coaster certainly doesn't seem to use really use Premier's full capabilities, but they already have one which does (Flight of Fear), and it looks like it will be a lot of fun, regardless! While it isn't anything amazing, I think it will probably be more than just another credit.

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I'm excited about this. People can say all they want about how boring the others are, but I think this is good for PKD. The theming on Tomb Raider this past year was excellent and they are going to follow that up on the "Stunt Coaster".


I would normally say its good for a park except they already have three other launches. I dont mind it being a family ride but c'mon, get some diversity!!!


The thing I disliked most about the ride is that 80%+ of the effects were'nt working when I rode, so the only thing I could really enjoy was the coaster part, and it wasn't all that good.

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I hated PKIs.....

When I went to PKI you needed to get a pass to ride it. They gave passes out when the park opened before the ride did... If you didnt have a pass you didnt get to ride... By 12pm they had a "all out of passes" sign up....


My time stamp was 12.30.... By 12 they had not even started testing....... I got in line at 2pm I didnt get on till around 3!.... so I had a 12.30 pass... and got on after 3pm................


I got the front seat.. So that was cool I guess.. but over all the ride sucked.. The launchs are tame. Launch #3 I didnt even know it had till I was told it did have it... I didnt feel the "fishtail".... Oh yeah... and when its 100*s out... The last thing I needed was fireballs going off in my face :?



The lameass sign saying "hahaha you didnt get a pass yet.. well you cant ride!"


A POV photo of the """water splash""

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I hated PKIs.....

When I went to PKI you needed to get a pass to ride it. They gave passes out when the park opened before the ride did... If you didnt have a pass you didnt get to ride... By 12pm they had a "all out of passes" sign up....


The passes to ride was when the coaster was testing out. When I went in July you could get on with out a pass if you had a Gold card they would give you a speed pass you could cut in line like a fast pass. The coaster is slow and very short.

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