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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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  downunder said:
Awesome photo, boy is it flat but maybe the flat trajectory of some of the airtime will give airtime like Millie's last hill going past the station.


If I had to speculate about the airtime, I would say that the 2nd hill will most surely be an ejection, given it's short height and the fact that the train will be hauling donkeys going into that hill. The other, smaller airtime hill later in the ride is the big question mark. I'm betting the turns that have small hops (jump turns) like in the Mega-Lites are going to have small pops of air. Butttttt it's all speculation and we'll find out in just under 3 months!


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I'm very much looking forward to rider reactions to this coaster and the subsequent analysis. I'll be over in October for Halloween, maybe I'll have to head north east from LA instead of east to Orlando - that ghastly Intaminless wasteland.

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^You've got to be getting it on bad days. I've ridden it on really cold days, and it literally almost stops on the 3rd hill. But on those warm, humid Ohio nights in July, that ride is flat out NUTS. I used to get off work at 5, go back to my room and chill for a bit, then go back a little before closing to get one of the last rides of the night in the back row. Didn't care how long the wait was. Can't even count how many times I did that.


But as far as I305 topping MF, I'm not entirely sure. We'll have to see. It might end up being one of those situations where I can't put any hyper above Magnum. I don't think any hyper can touch Magnum, and maybe no giga can touch MF. They're certainly very different rides, so who knows! If anything can hold it back, it'll be the restraints (no pun intended). You won't have that flying sensation you get on MF.

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^I'm basing why I think I305 might top Millie IMO simply because it looks like it does more, but only time will tell.


I've been to CP '03, '04, '05, and '07 & I don't think I've had a great ride on MF since '03 - though bear in mind a bad ride on MF craps over most everything else I've ridden anyway.

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  Skycoastin Steve said:
^You've got to be getting it on bad days. I've ridden it on really cold days, and it literally almost stops on the 3rd hill. But on those warm, humid Ohio nights in July, that ride is flat out NUTS. I used to get off work at 5, go back to my room and chill for a bit, then go back a little before closing to get one of the last rides of the night in the back row. Didn't care how long the wait was. Can't even count how many times I did that.


But as far as I305 topping MF, I'm not entirely sure. We'll have to see. It might end up being one of those situations where I can't put any hyper above Magnum. I don't think any hyper can touch Magnum, and maybe no giga can touch MF. They're certainly very different rides, so who knows! If anything can hold it back, it'll be the restraints (no pun intended). You won't have that flying sensation you get on MF.


Yeah, I've talked to some of the ops and they say the ride cycle time goes from like, 3 minutes in the morning to 2 minutes 50 seconds at the end of the day.


I can never say I've had a "nuts" ride on MF, maybe my first ride when I was 12 because I didn't know any better. It's just an all around fun ride for me, and seems like everyone else agrees. All the pictures I take of the ride, everyone's smiling and putting their hands in the air.


Seems like the only negative reviews it gets are from the airtime lovers; because MF doesn't offer much. I'm a fan of floater air, and that 3rd hill is absolute bliss to me. It never seems to dissapoint! I always used to ride in the back, but I've seen that it gets better toward the front.

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^Yeah, the front of the train on the 3rd hill is wonderful floating air. My main love for the back seat is the first drop and the nice whipping action around a few of the overbanks, especially the last one.


Airtime fiends are silly. There's a lot more to a coaster than airtime. Sometimes I just think that young enthusiasts see how much old enthusiasts rave about airtime and automatically think that's the gold standard for coaster fun. While airtime is awesome, a coaster doesn't need it to be great.

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The next few weeks for I305 should be interesting:

- The new gift shop/ photo booth build begins vertical construction.

- The queue will begin taking shape (which it already has)

- The trains will arrive by week's end or next week.

- The pull through begins

- electrical work continues


Optimistically, We'll begin to see cycling by Early March.[/code]

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  themeparkman25 said:
I think we all just need to embrace trims as an inevitability of life...


Trims, eh? That's interesting, since MF was allegedly designed (at least partially) around that idea that trims should never be necessary.


Not so for this one, I guess.


Oh, and I'm sure this ride will be better in exactly the same way that SFMM's Revolution is better with OTSR than with just lapbars.

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I am a lot less excited about I305 now, boo trims! The complaining is inevitable but as far as I am concerned - justified.


Maybe Dick Kinzel doesn't want to have I305 higher than Millennium Force on coaster polls, along with not wanting I305 actaully taller than MF.

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This sucks

worst place they could possibly put them too!


I wonder if those strips are trims going all the way up too.


Why couldn't they have put them on the next hill.


I really do not think the airtime hills are gonna be the most aggressive things about the ride, I think the first "S" turn is gonna be the most violent part of the ride.



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