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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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4 hours ago, ricklap77 said:

No more Six Flags vs Cedar Fair = ONE company = less competition.  That being known it is time for that ONE company to be more profitable than ever and that is the number one goal of any company.

Yup. If they were at a crossroads involving a financial decision resulting in guest satisfaction increasing while profits remaining the same, as opposed to guest satisfaction decreasing with overall profits increasing, the choice would be the latter. This is a first hand example of large corporate America.

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1 hour ago, KBrylczyk said:

I wish I could say that's sad, but let's be honest, the restraint systems in those things were horrible.  I would LOVE for someone to start making a gravity-driven looping ship again but it seems we're now stuck with the ones that are fully motor-controlled. If they made a new Looping Starship with restraints that didn't push directly into my sternum the entire ride, sign me up.

I rode the Looping Starship at Great Adventure when I was 6 (I'm not even sure if I was really even tall enough for it but I think I wore a hat or something) and after experiencing those horse collars, I refused to ride anything with even a simple OTSR for like 5 years after. I was convinced that any ride that went upside down was guaranteed to be extremely painful. I finally got over my fear of OTSRs when I was 10 or 11, but thank you Looping Starship for disturbing my childhood 😂

The horse collars didn't really bother me as an adult because I could kind of hold it off myself, but it was a bit traumatic as a 6 year old hanging upside down basically by my ribs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kings Dominion has officially cut WinterFest starting this year.

Of course they've been selling season passes for months with "includes Haunt and WinterFest" listed right at the top, but hey...

I'm sure once they decide they haven't already taken enough away from Great Adventure then HITP will probably go away there too.

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19 minutes ago, Zand said:

Kings Dominion has officially cut WinterFest starting this year.

Of course they've been selling season passes for months with "includes Haunt and WinterFest" listed right at the top, but hey...

I'm sure once they decide they haven't already taken enough away from Great Adventure then HITP will probably go away there too.

Well....they haven't even posted hours for Haunt so I would wait until they do that before saying they cut WinterFest. Has it officially been posted anywhere?

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Officially announced? No(t yet). But instead it's just hiding in social media replies where they hope as few people will see it as possible because that's that the new Cedar Fair-led Six Flags chain does. I guess at least they didn't flat out deny it this time, maybe that's a start towards actually communicating with customers?





Edit: According to comments on Facebook the park is giving people refunds on season passes. I'll give them kudos for doing the right thing as far as that goes.

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It was officially announced, in my opinion.  They first announced a link to their website of the 2025 calendar and events, where Winterfest was removed.  Then when people questioned that omission specifically, the park replied to say it was not returning, at least this year.

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48 minutes ago, prozach626 said:

Luckily, when you own the largest theme park chain you can just lower the standards. That way, when HITP goes away from SFGAdv, it will just be expected.

Eh, I don't know about that, I feel like this industry as a whole is in for a tough couple of years. Events and hours being cut all over the place, ever increasing costs of admission and food and beverage, fewer new attractions than ever before it feels like, Legoland just had a massive round of layoffs. This industry is changing and I feel like for a lot of places it's going to be a struggle. 

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