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The GCI Mystery Project

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Did anyone consider (besides me, apparently) GCI's Facebook posting on January 13??


Their post was:


Great Coasters International, Inc. Ni hao


That's how you say "hello" in Chinese.


My bet is a Chinese park.






Ni hao lao ren!


Sounds like that would be the case.

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Well, being another Pittsburgh resident, I agree that it would fit well. It just doesn't seem logical. They are building a new coaster for the upcoming season. To make a second one in two years, would make this park a lot more recognized. It would set the wrong idea. Kennywood is 'Family-Orientated'. A coaster was well due, and we are getting one. I don't see us getting a second one. Land would also be an issue. The piece of land that the old management bought would not fit with what we are seeing here, as far as I know.

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Die. KI's Flight Deck may have a stupid name now, but it's still my favorite suspended coaster.


/SoB can burn, though.


If it makes you feel any better, of all of the Arrow suspended coasters I've ridden, Flight Deck (at least when it was still Top Gun) was my favorite. And for Son of Beast, I rode it with the loop and loved it. But honestly, considering how many incredible rides I've gotten on GCI's, I wouldn't be upset to see either of them go.

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Here's my guess.


It's going to Silver Dollar City. They will take the trains, lift motor, PLC and anything else salvageable from Ozark Wildcat and use them on this new ride and OzCat will be no more. While I would be sad to see that ride go away, it would make financial sense to take the costly equipment from one ride, and re-build another because I doubt it would be possible to "move" OzCat to SDC anyway. This solution gets Silver Dollar City a woodie (which has been rumored for some time) and it does it in a very cost efficient way.


I also think this ride will be going where the water play area and Wilderness Waterboggan (I think that's what it was called at SDC) used to be.


I haven't looked at the topography of that section of the park, so I could be totally wrong, I'm just going off of memory from the last time I was at the park which was the year that Powder Keg opened.


And yes, it will be better than Prowler!



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Could this be the replacement for Eagle's Fortress? It kinda fits into that topography.


Just a thought.


That makes perfect sense Guy. I agree, in a way I mean Eagles Fortress was insane, what better way to replace it but an out of control GCI. I mean still for me Thunderhead leaves me insanely confused.Riding in the front and back each have their own different kinds of air time. I can't choose which is better!. Now making a completely terrain GCI would be insane! Especially down hill like this one is showing itself to be.

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^^I'm gonna throw my hat in and also say it should be at Silver Dollar City. With Celebration City closed, SDC could use a wooden coaster. It looks like it could fit the terrain. I also agree with Robb. They should use parts off Ozark, that is, if they don't move it first.

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As much as I wish this was headed for SDC, there's simply no topography match that I can see. Both TNT's valley and the valley below PK have been suggested, but neither are really that close to the rendering. Besides, the park just emptied out a whole lot of room on the back side. I think they'll work on re-developing that area first before they go off building a giant terrain woodie.


Someday soon though...

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^ Really? Having been to almost all of the major China parks I can't think of any of them that aren't almost totally flat.


Well looking at the pics of some china parks and the possibilities of future ones that have hilly terrain. Overall, the place is quite hilly...


Wishful thinking...Ghost Town in the Sky!


Thats really wishful thinking


But that would be quite nice, a major coaster like this could save the park, for comparison The Raven at Holiday World.


Think about it, would you have even heard of Holiday World if it was not for The Raven.


Heck I dont think we would even be discussing GCI's future plans if it were not for The Raven...

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But that would be quite nice, a major coaster like this could save the park, for comparison The Raven at Holiday World.


Think about it, would you have even heard of Holiday World if it was not for The Raven.


Heck I dont think we would even be discussing GCI's future plans if it were not for The Raven...

I'm afraid I don't understand your logic here...

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^^^^ From what I have gathered over the years is that the twisty, airtime filled coasters of today were sparked by a little park putting in a great ride at a cheap(er) price.


Think how many wooden coasters that you ride and love today were made after 1995/1996. CCI is responsible (in my opinion) for the wooden coaster renaissance of sorts. CCI and GCI have built a plethora of good quality wooden coasters for the past 10-15 years, even sparking Intamin and S&S to get into the Wooden Coaster Business as well. I dont think Son Of Beast would have been built, if it was not for this renewal of wooden coasters.


CCI had only built 7 coasters before they built the Raven, then parks started to take notice, and soon many small parks started building these new wooden coasters (Michigan's Adventure & Lake Compounce come to mind). And GCI would not even exist. Or Gravity Group.


I just think that if it were not for the Raven's success, I would have never heard of Holiday World, Michigan's Adventure, Lake Compounce, Mt. Olympus, Waldameer Park. Nor do I think there would be El Toro, Thunderhead, Shivering Timbers, Boulder Dash, Balder, The Voyage, Hades, or ,yes, even Prowler!


But this is my own opinion...

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Just because I am bored, I checked out Silver Dollar City on Google Earth, and it seems to me that there are a TON of amphitheater like terrain there that would be fitting to the examples shown on page one of this thread.




You can't see much on that map because you can't zoom in too far. If you know how to read a topo, check this out:




There are some areas that are nearly identical to the 3D land rendering provided on the first page. Remember that "up" is not necessarily north in the rendering provided by GCI.


This concludes my weird internet research of a park I have never been to. I guess I was just trying to validate Robb's guess. Enjoy!!!



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^My guess is The Raven put CCI on the map, made every park and their mother want CCIs, CCI went bankrupt because they took on too many projects on the cheap and couldn't afford to keep open, and GCI was formed with one of the former CCI workers. That's my guess.


Unless my woodie history is a bit off, which is a possibility.


Not quite...if you replace all the GCI's in your post with TGG's, then you would be correct.


GCI existed about half a decade before CCI filed for bankruptcy.

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