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The GCI Mystery Project

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How is it betraying a company if you just buy a ride from another company? There's only so many rides you can buy from GG!


Why fix something that works just fine? I doubt Holiday World will get a wood coaster from any other company than Gravity Group after all they did build them the #1 wood coaster.

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What about a replacement for Son of Beast?


As far as I remember, Son of Beast is built on the more flat part of Kings Island, so the terrain doesn't really fit unless you were to terraform.


Not that my guess is by any means accurate, but my first thought when I saw these images in terms of the terrain was that of Six Flags Fiesta Texas with its interesting cliff sides and changing altitudes...

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I'm leaning more toward the side that this is just a conceptual rendering rather than a real coaster in the works. I just can't imagine any park letting GCII post renderings of their new coaster on their Facebook page before it's actually been announced. But who knows???

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I'm leaning more toward the side that this is just a conceptual rendering rather than a real coaster in the works. I just can't imagine any park letting GCII post renderings of their new coaster on their Facebook page before it's actually been announced. But who knows???



Viral campaigning and marketing procedure.

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I was just thinking it could be the valley at the back of Alton. But I really cannot see them investing in something like this (however great it may seem) now that they ahve just built Thirteen at one end of the valley and have Air at the other end. Wouldn't the Dark Forest seem a bit crowded?

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I was just thinking it could be the valley at the back of Alton. But I really cannot see them investing in something like this (however great it may seem) now that they ahve just built Thirteen at one end of the valley and have Air at the other end. Wouldn't the Dark Forest seem a bit crowded?


They already planned a wooden coaster. It was denied in the planning boards. Thank these people for this info on the wooden coaster .


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I'm going to think outside the box too and go with a possible replacement for BBW. Not necessarily where the final big drop was, but more like where the S-turn was running parallel with the bridge. Maybe part of a new themed country, say Spain? ...Though I wouldn't put any money on that.

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My guess is that Kings Island is going to remove both Son of Beast and Flight Deck and stick this there along with a few random flat rides.
^Not that that would be a loss in any sense... I would consider that a blessing for the park!


Die. KI's Flight Deck may have a stupid name now, but it's still my favorite suspended coaster.


/SoB can burn, though.

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^ I did not mean to sound like I was bashing Flight Deck at Kings Island as I too like the ride. I sure hope they keep it around because there are not too many Arrow suspended coasters left....and being being a fanboy and all. In any case the park if the park does keep the ride around, it really is in need of a new paint job.

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Did anyone consider (besides me, apparently) GCI's Facebook posting on January 13??


Their post was:


Great Coasters International, Inc. Ni hao


That's how you say "hello" in Chinese.


My bet is a Chinese park.




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How is it betraying a company if you just buy a ride from another company? There's only so many rides you can buy from GG!


Why fix something that works just fine? I doubt Holiday World will get a wood coaster from any other company than Gravity Group after all they did build them the #1 wood coaster.


The ride's manufacturer/builder is only half of the equation. A huge amount of credit should be given to the designer(s) of the ride. It is possible for an Intamin, which would be considered by many to be one of the smoothest steel coasters around, to have a poorly designed layout.


Although, for all I know, the Gravity Group could have its own design team - in that case the Gravity Group would get all the credit.


If I were running an amusement park, I'd have my own design team - that way the ride would be good because it was designed by the park, and not because it was designed by a certain manufacturer.

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