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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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^^ & ^^^ Or it could have nothing to do with that at all. I'm sure the actual engineers that are working on the ride and the project managers at BGT know the answer to that. Perhaps if we do a Q&A session with them at the park one day this is a great question to ask.



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I would assume that usually track design is determined by engineering requirements/cost efficiency and It may just be me, but all things aside I consider the "Box" Intamin track to look a lot better than the new "double spine" track like used on I-305...again just my opinion, glad to see more Intamin "BOX"...ha


Also, Kudos to BGT for having fun with the enthusiasts...I really like how some of the companies have embraced social media to get people excited for their upcoming attractions!

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So, as an absolute amateur...I just like to add that the box design seems to be very solid, too. I mean VERY solid...at least it looks like !


I guess it wouldn`t be any problem using both track designs for a very fast coaster...just my assessment.


And yes, me too thinking that that box design looks much better. The whole projects looks VERY promising...but it`s too far away so I hate it...


George "so now you all think I`m an expert...aaaaah" T

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Can't wait to see how this turns out. Here's to hoping for a BGW sister ride as part of their 2-year plan.


Well, Flordia got Kumba, Williamsburg got Griffon. If that holds true, then I can see BGT getting the better ride. But I am with you one that one.


What? You mean Florida got ShiKra, Williamsburg got Griffin??

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Can't wait to see how this turns out. Here's to hoping for a BGW sister ride as part of their 2-year plan.


Well, Flordia got Kumba, Williamsburg got Griffon. If that holds true, then I can see BGT getting the better ride. But I am with you one that one.


BGT: 1993 Kumba, 1996 Montu, 1999 Gwazi, 2005 Sheikra, 2011 Cheetaka?

BGW:1992 Drachen Fire, 1997 Alpengeist, 1999 Apollo's Chariot, 2007 Griffon, 2012 ????


B&M was supposed to build a coaster for both parks in 92-93,they did build Kumba but opted out of building one for BGW,obviously BGT won out on that one but clearly lost in 1999 when BGW got Apollo and BGT got Gwazi.I don't hate Gwazi that much,I actually used to like it,but lately you're lucky if you don't break a rib on it and Apollo is one of my favorites at either park.

Edited by doom1001
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The reason that the double spin is used is to reduce steel cost on the scale I305 and Formula Russo are being built on. If either of those coasters were built with the standards that MF had in track, then 305 would had cost 10 million more.


And if 305 was built on the scale of maverick, it would had had the normal Intamin track probably.


And likewise of the new BGT coaster, If it was being built on the scale of 305 then it probably would had been built with the double spin.


At least that what I gather, I could be wrong...

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