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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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Something cool I noticed about the newest teaser video is that at around 1:18 the sign he's standing next to changes. When the video isn't glitching the sign says "no need to rush" and when it starts to glitch the sign reads "rush." These videos are awesome! Busch Gardens marketing team is doing an extraordinary job with advertising this new attraction.

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I hate to be mr negative here, but something doesn't pass the smell test on this new blog site. 2 issues stick out like a sore thumb. First, new user on this site, 2nd, brand new blog created, 3rd, brand new twitter account created, all happening within 24 hours of this information coming out, PLUS, they have a free live.co.uk account which can be created from anywhere, just tried it. So, either this person has stolen the information, works for the design firm, or works for the park. Then, on top of that, they want "correspondents" who visit parks on a regular basis but only for those in the Orlando market.


So, I would say if this person was really into theme parks, they would have started with their own domain name and website (godaddy.com does it on the cheap for no more traffic than they will get initially) and they would have slightly more contact info than a clandestine e-mail address. There is NO WAY i would sign up to be a "correspondent" sending a few sentences about myself not knowing who I'm working with, the profile on this site and blogspot are empty, but thats not too uncommon.


I could go on and on, but won't bore you, it's just something doesn't smell right....I have a strange feeling the park might be up to this, but then again, who cares, if the pics and drawings are legit, horray! Looks to be a fantastic ride.


I would bet if the park didn't want them out, they would've already had their lawyers working this weekend sending out cease and desist orders to google (blogger.com/blogspot.com) as well as the creator if they could find him/her and the pics would be down by now.


just sayin'


A quick google search shows this info is all over the major enthusiasts sites and as far up as Canada on news sites, so someones been busy.

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^ Yeah, I've actually sent them an email and asked them to stop spamming our forums. "technically" the way he's spamming is within our guidelines, but at the same time everything is completely at my discretion. I don't like this site. I don't like the way they are advertizing here. And I refuse to support it. I would recommend others do the same.


--Robb "Something seems really fishy about them..." Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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^ I'm glad I'm not the only one who recognizes this. I noticed other sites that I found in my search were only allowing the link to be posted. IMO if the park wanted this stuff out, they would put it out officially in some way, shape, or form. While it could be the park doing this, and I want to think they are, I have my doubts they would go through this much trouble to leak things just for the enthusiasts (I could be wrong, but doubt it). The videos are great and the BGT marketing folks are doing a remarkable job.

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Actually, a member of Orlando United found out that one of the design firms for the ride had all the plans for the coaster online, most were password protected yet some didn't. He got the concept art and blue prints from there. Those forums have rules against posting leaked images in the forum, so they were taken down, and this guy created the website to post those images.


Although possibly the park didn't protect the few files for a reason, they didn't show much about the ride it-self.

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Actually, a member of Orlando United found out that one of the design firms for the ride had all the plans for the coaster online, most were password protected yet some didn't. He got the concept art and blue prints from there. Those forums have rules against posting leaked images in the forum, so they were taken down, and this guy created the website to post those images.


Although possibly the park didn't protect the few files for a reason, they didn't show much about the ride it-self.


Just to clear this up a bit. Yes, the pictures in these files were available on a contractors website. They were available for anyone to download, some where password protected zip files, some were not. I originally posted them to Orlando United, and they took them down. That night I got a message from their mods asking to explain the situation and they would go from there. Once I explained how the files were obtained, they agreed it would be okay to post them on their forum. In the mean time, another user asked if he could host the files at his blog. I said it may not be a good idea, but I didn't prohibit him from doing so, as the files are not mine either. Thats when I found out about this park secrets blog.


I do not run that website, but I can say that the files are indeed legitimate.


Back on topic though, how about the supports for the tower structure? To my knowledge there hasn't been anything done like that before. Usually you think of supports as being symmetrical for the most part, but to see the supports for this tower, it truly is one-of-a-kind.

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I've known parks to "leak" stuff thru anonymous, first time posters to various websites. Also I have heard from a PR person that sometimes the park wants the type of buzz marketing leaked info/pictures can generate...


This could be one of those things...then again it could be not. Im just gonna enjoy it for what it is lol...

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^^^^So, what you are saying is, that someone was attempting to hack the design firms web server and ran across files that someone forgot to password protect. Assuming that's what happened, it can still be considered stealing. Just because you leave your bike out in the middle of your yard, doesn't mean someone else can come into your yard and take the bike. If it's not excplicity shown on a company's web page or linked to it, doesn't mean you can backdoor in and take what you want.


I'm with Robb, I love the videos and can't wait to see what the BGT marketing department has in store for us next. Besides, the concept art might not even be what they are going with.

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^ I think what they are saying is that someone went to the site, the firm had pictures of maybe "recent projects" readily avaliable to view/download. The same thing happen to the harry potter contruction. One of the firms had the project pictures on it not knowing it will make the rounds thru the coaster community. I dont think it was any hacking or james bond activity involved. This isnt more like a bike in the front yard but like a stand with tomorrows news already on it for free...

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^^^^So, what you are saying is, that someone was attempting to hack the design firms web server and ran across files that someone forgot to password protect. Assuming that's what happened, it can still be considered stealing. Just because you leave your bike out in the middle of your yard, doesn't mean someone else can come into your yard and take the bike. If it's not excplicity shown on a company's web page or linked to it, doesn't mean you can backdoor in and take what you want.


I'm with Robb, I love the videos and can't wait to see what the BGT marketing department has in store for us next. Besides, the concept art might not even be what they are going with.

No, the all the plans were on a page of the website and could be downloaded. Most of them were protected, but two (I believe) weren't protected and could be viewed by anyone. Someone found that page and posted the pics on another forum.

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Interesting they went with Intamin's older more costly track type more so than the new 305/Ferrari World coaster.Looking cool so far.


Perhaps the newer type is only for increased speeds and forces? If this coaster is smaller and similar to Maverick, then maybe there is no need for the bulkier I305/Rossa track.


^ EDIT: beat me to it, but both of us posting the same thing at (almost) the same time just reinforces that more.

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