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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Bert the Conqueror to Feature Busch Gardens Tampa.


Tune in to the Travel Channel July 14 at 10pm to see Busch Gardens Tampa featured in an episode of the network’s newest show, “Bert the Conqueror.”


Hilarious host Bert Kreischer will conquer SheiKra and Montu with VP of Design and Engineering Mark Rose – and get up-close and personal with giraffes, tigers and more.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Busch Gardens Tampa's Park President Jim Dean has a special sneak peek and construction tour for Theme Park Review. Check out the video below!




Oh, man, I don't know about you guys, but I'm totally psyched for this thing now!!!



Edited by robbalvey
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Very cool! He must have recorded a bunch of different intros.

That's what I figured. But what a GREAT IDEA for such a personalized video. I mean, I totally understand that in theory it's quite simple - create one main video with multiple intros, but actually putting that idea into action and making it happen is not always as easy as it seems. I give a ton of props to BGT's PR dept for putting that together. I felt it was very well done and speaks to the kind of things that park PR departments SHOULD be doing.



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Since I work in the field of video production for a major corporation (no, not any theme parks) this is flat out awesome. I've already forwarded the video to people here to show how social media videos can be useful!


I think Jill and the gang down at BGT have a home run on the video here! Holy After Effects!

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Am I doing something wrong? I'm viewing this thread via safari on my iPhone 4, but I can't see the video. I just get an empty space.


The same happens when I click on the coaster tube link as well.




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Am I doing something wrong? I'm viewing this thread via safari on my iPhone 4, but I can't see the video. I just get an empty space.


The same happens when I click on the coaster tube link as well.




iPhone doesn't play flash videos.

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