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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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I don't know why people keep comparing this to Maverick and Fahrenheit. Everything I've seen so far makes this look a lot more like Furius Baco than either of those two coasters.


I definitely don't see the Fahrenheit similarities, but it certainly reminds me of Maverick with the ground-hugging, quick turns and the short hills. But then again, I've never been on Furius Baco.

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I don't know why people keep comparing this to Maverick and Fahrenheit. Everything I've seen so far makes this look a lot more like Furius Baco than either of those two coasters.


I agree. Maverick and Fahrenheit are both relatively compact, while this seems very long, smooth, and stretched out, more like Furius Baco or even Rita.

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I don't know why people keep comparing this to Maverick and Fahrenheit. Everything I've seen so far makes this look a lot more like Furius Baco than either of those two coasters.

Fahrenheit was a recent coaster built by Intamin, so obviously they're similar.


And I'm still giddy about this ride. Seriously giddy. Like doing naked backflips down the street giddy.

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I don't know why people keep comparing this to Maverick and Fahrenheit. Everything I've seen so far makes this look a lot more like Furius Baco than either of those two coasters.


I agree with Robb, at least on the overall layout of the track (at least what we can see from 8 seconds). Most of the clip that we've seen has you in a trench, and obviously Baco spends a good amount of time in the trench as well, so the connections to Baco seem very prevalent right now. As more clips come out, we may see a separation of design that makes it seem more like Mav. I cringed when Robb directly compared it to Baco because that coaster just seems boring and uninspired.. The layout for the BGT-2011 coaster seems a little more exciting from what we've been told so far. And it won't have crappy wing-rider trains (worst 'gimmick' since the standup coaster).


It will be two hours away from me!!! YAY FOR ME!!!!

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Unless the new ride has wing walker seats, I don't see how/why you would compare this ride to Baco. Do you know something we don't Robb? From the video, it looks like the seats are centered over the track, so while it hugs the ground going extremely fast with launches throughout the course, I'm thinking Maverick was the inspiration for the ride.

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By mis-speaking I allowed myself to be mis-quoted, meant to say Maverick and Storm Runner. I can see the Baco comparison, so glad we are not getting those trains. Baco looks quite fun to me but I love Maverick's trains and that's what I would like to see on Cheetaka. This will be another great coaster for sure


That was fast. Maybe they will have to install some track earlier than we thought.

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Unless the new ride has wing walker seats, I don't see how/why you would compare this ride to Baco. Do you know something we don't Robb?


Robb is saying it looks more like Furius Baco in terms of the layout. This ride's layout appears to be wide spread - like baco - and not tight and compact - like Maverick. His comment had nothing to do with the type of train that will be on the attraction.

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^I was thinking the same thing. I just kind of assumed it would be yellow. But I'm SO much happier with this color (Cedar Point being my homepark I've seen more yellow than one should have to ever see). Green doesn't seem to be used often in coasters and it is a shame since it looks so good just as it does in this case. I'm excited to watch this coaster go up and hopefully at some point in the (hopefully not so distant) future I will be able to get to Busch Gardens and ride it as well as the rest of their collection.

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I don't think I posted this yet, but if anyone is interested in how the cheetah exhibit will be, here it is:


If you notice, there is a path that cuts the exhibit in half almost, there is actually going to be a tunnel the cheetahs go in to get to the side with the lure track, they enter on one side of the path and exit right where the lure track starts. In that octagon looking area of the path, there will also be a kids crawl.

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Yup, they have similar things at other zoos that have cheetahs. Here is a good video from the one in San Diego


That one in San Diego doesn't look really good, obviously Busch's will be part of the exhibit, really looking forward to seeing this transformation complete.

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