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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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Monday. Monday. Man I love Mondays. I was not expecting the Figure 8 to be flat up top but it looks cool. The trenches are just awesome. It also looks like the train will launch flat out of the station and the turn will swoop down into the second launch. Those two launches are too close together to be anything but a boost. I would be very surprised if the next feature isn't a heartline or barrel roll. The old Rhino Rally canyons could hold a nice surprise and a couple of inversions leading into the third launch. The distance following the Third launch is a little short, it will be interesting to see what elements will be there and what the top speed is. The ride looks to end with a nice airtime hill into the brakes.


Cheetaka is officially Florida's best coaster, folks this ain't Hollywood Rockit.

Edited by dragonskeep
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I totally expect there to be a heartline roll in the Rhino Rally trench, if you look at the layout, it either has an inversion there or just a slalom type thing going side to side. This latest video shows that the screamscape layout was incorrect about the second launch. Notice the Moroccan style arch above the second launch, look for the area to be full of those arches.

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To be honest, that didn't look all that amazing. It kinda looked slow and boring, and it seems like they used video effects to make it seem otherwise. Nonetheless, I'm still very excited for this! Intamin makes good stuff like 99% of the time, so I fail to see why this would be any exception.

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I really don't see how this thing is going to interact with the exhibit. Other than the cheetah lure track near the first launch, where would it possibly interact with the exhibit? I know Busch said it, but I think the "interactive exhibit" is more about the technology inside the exhibit, there are a bunch of TVs in the exhibit.

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The rise up into the figure 8 looks like it will provide some major airtime the the element Imo doesn't look slow at all. I'm very happy with what I'm seeing in these clips, (Intamins are the only coasters that make me want to buy plane tickets and those new woodies in china lol) this coaster looks like it's going to be amazing ride.

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I really don't see how this thing is going to interact with the exhibit. Other than the cheetah lure track near the first launch, where would it possibly interact with the exhibit? I know Busch said it, but I think the "interactive exhibit" is more about the technology inside the exhibit, there are a bunch of TVs in the exhibit.

I guess since you can't picture it, there won't be any animal interaction.

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Ratmead, Is the lure track going to launch with the train? Obviously not with every train but periodically? I think the ride will be interactive in the way Manta is, the queue will have viewing and a non rider entry for the animal exhibit. A high speed coaster can't really interact with an animal unless it is separated by glass or something. I mean even a bad ass cat would become insane if they had a roller coaster in their house.


I agree about the Tower producing some cool airtime, and then into some tight turning, and while elevated, yeah that doesn't look boring to me. I remember when the animation for Maverick was released, people thought that ride looked boring. I think the video effects are intended to conceal other elements and replicate the sunny weather of the intended theme, not to mis-represent the ride.


The end of the ride seems a little lacking but you won't find me complaining.

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I really don't see how this thing is going to interact with the exhibit. Other than the cheetah lure track near the first launch, where would it possibly interact with the exhibit? I know Busch said it, but I think the "interactive exhibit" is more about the technology inside the exhibit, there are a bunch of TVs in the exhibit.

I guess since you can't picture it, there won't be any animal interaction.


Really? Who are you rolling your eyes at? So we know the exhibit layout, we know the coaster layout, we know the exhibit is on one side of the path, the queue is on the other. This may blow your mind but the reason I can't picture it is because I can picture what the area is going to look like. I was asking a question, "where would it possibly interact with the exhibit?" Instead of rolling your eyes, why not answer the question? Wait, you didn't want to add to the discussion, just wanted to post your little remark, for what? I never said there wasn't going to be any animal interaction, I just said I didn't see where it would happen.


Anyways, I honestly don't know if they are going to time up the launches with the cheetahs running, that would be cool but who knows. Not sure how much you would be able to see from the coaster anyways. We have very good idea of what the queue is going to look like, there just isn't a place for cheetahs to get there. I don't have any inside information, I am just going by what was in all those plans, and honestly those plans are batting 1.000.


After Manta, I think this rides queue will be a bit of a letdown. Don't get me wrong, this ride is going to be amazing, but Manta's queue set the bar very high, so high I don't think a refurbed monorail station is going to cut it. In case anyone missed it, here is what the cheetah exhibit will look like. Unless Busch all the sudden got really good at keeping secrets, this is the only cheetah exhibit. I can post one that isn't colored if you would like, I just think this one is a bit easier to read.


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^ Cool, that answers the lure track question. I am holding out hope that there will be something about the queue that is more like Manta. Is the queue going to be only in the old monorail building? It does seem like there wont be very many places for viewing from there. However, I just cant see them not trying a see the cheetah be the cheetah type thing.


I had a thought that is at least new to me, will the train launch out of the station from 0 to 60, and then be boosted even faster by the second launch? I wouldn't expect it to stop before the third launch so that must be the case right?

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Just going off the plans, it looks like the queue will be just in the old monorail station. Again I don't see how that is it though, it just seems too small. Hopefully the plans are incomplete and there is good surprise regarding the queue, but it looks pretty clear cut if you ask me. That said it would be probably the smallest queue at BGT so hopefully I am just missing something.


The train does get launched out of the station, that is the first. The second launch (boost really now that the video confirms it) is directly after the turn out of the station, with the third being on the way back near rhino rally.

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^^How does that make four? One from the station, one into the figure-eight tower, and one out at Rhino Rally. The straightaway after the tower at the beginning isn't a launch, as far as anyone knows, just a quick run through a trench.

The straight section of track in the first video sure as hell looks like a launch, and unless it's just an optical illusion, it looks like it accelerates through there.


EDIT: I get it after looking at the plans, but up until now, that portion of the first video always looked like a launch to me. Not sure if I'm the only one....

Edited by Skycoastin Steve
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I see what you are saying, they use the same noise as the other launch. Gotta remember that first video is coming directly from a 100+ foot drop though.


You definitely aren't the only one, I admit it's weird to have such a straight piece of track, sad thing is I wouldn't be surprised to see trims there. There was a layout that had it incorrectly labeled that made its way around the internet, so I am sure everyone figured there was one there.

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