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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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Just so you know that layout picture is absolutely correct, but Lance over at Screamscape always had the launch wrong. See how it says "launch in trench," that is actually not true, the launch is before that, in front of the monorail building. There is a long straight away in the trench after that tower element.

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Just so you know that layout picture is absolutely correct, but Lance over at Screamscape always had the launch wrong. See how it says "launch in trench," that is actually not true, the launch is before that, in front of the monorail building. There is a long straight away in the trench after that tower element.


But if you listen to the video, it sounds like a launch happens where he says, in the trench. I'm sure they'd put another one there after losing some speed during the figure eight turn.

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That figure 8 element is high up in the air. Remember this picture:

Those are the supports for it, you launch into that element. From that tower, you drop into the trench that is along side the sky ride building. I can assure you the trench that is near the sky ride does not house a launch, I think it was assumed because it was a long straight piece of track. We know where all the launches will be, there is only 3 of them.


In fact here is a profile view of the trench near the sky ride building.


Looking at the video again, I am sure that it is starting in that trench. That video is picking up right after the drop out of the tower element, that path it goes under is the train bridge. However I do not see the pond that is supposed to go over.

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