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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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If Busch Gardens is just borrowing these from a different park, I really hope they end up buying a set. Of those I've ridden, Gwazi is easily my least favorite GCI. Adding some Millennium Flyers would definitely help the ride experience. Without a major change, like new adding new trains, I would have no plans of riding Gwazi whenever visiting Busch Gardens. So here's hoping that the Millennium Flyers are there to stay!

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It's always good to see an amusement park take care of its existing coasters and upgrade them from time to time. However, I am not understanding all this PTC bashing because I rode Hershey's Wildcat with the PTCs and it seemed fine to me. Given the MFs can navigate the track easier it is still basically the same coaster. Nobody seems to complain about the PTCs on the GGs and older CCIs. I guess its a GCII thing...

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Did anyone see the Cheetah Picture?


Some Say it may be a clue to something new




From what I've heard it may be a Maverick style ride themed to a Cheetah,that would be amazing if it's true,but don't they already have a coaster with Cheetah in it's name.


You mean that waste of a coaster in Timbuktu that was handed down from BGW. Trust me, I would take a Maverick style Cheetah themed coaster over that generic wild mouse Cheetah any day. I just had to say that. I got my Cheetah Chase credit years ago, and haven't looked back since.


As for the Millennium Flyers, thank you!!! It's about time!!!! Heck, the last time I was even on Gwazi, was a little over a year ago. ...And that's with a season pass and going 6-7 times a year. I really do hope this helps the ride, because it really could be a fun coaster.

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I rode Gwazi back in March of 2009 and OMG had it gotten so much rougher since my first ride in 07. So rough in fact that I said I would not ride it again. It beat the hell out of me. For wood coasters, it rates right up there with GA Cyclone and that crap is the worst. So a HUGE THANK YOU to BGA for getting MF's for Gwazi, it will for sure improve the ride experience.

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Did anyone see the Cheetah Picture?


Should be interesting to see if anything transpires there...


I was surprised no one pointed out in that link where it mentioned Kumba looks like it is going to be down for most of the month of May. If they give this coaster a little love and a new paint job, this could be bigger than the news of Gwazi adding the Millenium trains!

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While I generally prefer PTC trains to GCI trains, I think GCI trains could only help in this case. After our rides on Gwazi Lion in December, I all but put that coaster on my "don't need to ride ever again" list.

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From what I've heard it may be a Maverick style ride themed to a Cheetah,that would be amazing if it's true,but don't they already have a coaster with Cheetah in it's name.


You mean that waste of a coaster in Timbuktu that was handed down from BGW. Trust me, I would take a Maverick style Cheetah themed coaster over that generic wild mouse Cheetah any day. I just had to say that. I got my Cheetah Chase credit years ago, and haven't looked back since.


That is not what he is saying...He said that BGT might get a new coaster themed around a cheetah, but that it was kinda weird because BGT already has a Coaster name after a Cheetah, even thought its a wild mouse. In other words Why not theme it to some other animal

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There seems to always be a lot of hate for Gwazi... and sure, I can see where some of it comes from... but I've always been a defender of it for some odd reason... Maybe its because I think it is such a pretty coaster... sure she has her cranky days (REALLY cranky where it kicks the living crap out of you), but other days I just think she is just amazingly playful and fun... for me, I've always defended this coaster, despite the sometimes seemingly "two minute car crash" similator... but when it is good, I truly feel it is amazing...


Now over the past few years, I've always wondered with high hopes if Gwazi would EVER receive the MF trains... and a few months ago when Tiger was closed, I prayed that it was for a re-track (which it looked like they WERE doing...) Fast Forward a couple of months and Lion is closed for the same treatment... but much to my disappointment, Tiger is running with the same ole PTC trains... albeit running a bit better, but not as smooth as I was hoping... but now with THIS news, my hopes may still come true... I raise my Amber Boch in high hopes that BGT strongly considers arranging for their own sets of MF trains... Gwazi deserves it... BGT fans deserve it... give this coaster the love it truly needs...


Oh... on a complete side note... my partner and I love this coaster so much that we named one of our cats after it... that and its just fun to yell "GWAZI" when he mis-behaves... which seems to be A LOT!!!

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I've never had an issue with Gwazi either, well... only if I ride the front row do I not have a problem with it. Any other row besides the front beats the hell out of me, so I'll take that extra five-ten minute wait for the front seat.


I'm really excited that they're testing out Millennium Flyers on Gwazi though! After riding Kentucky Rumbler the first thought that went through my mind was, I want them on Gwazi, and now they've arrived!


Maybe this move from Busch wasn't such a bad idea, unless these upgrades/new attractions were already in the works when the parks were sold.

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I'm so excited to see MF trains on the transfer tracks of Gwazi!! In my opinion Gwazi isn't a terrible ride, I've ridden it a few times on 2 separate occasions: 2003 and 2007, but its nice to see it getting some love it deserves. My 2007 ride was somewhat rougher than I had remembered, but it wasn't terrible, then again I was riding in the front. I've been waiting to see this ride get new trains for a while, and glad to see that they're actually taking the initiative to do it. Even if it's just a test run and not official yet like some have said, it's still one step closer to actually installing them. It'll be great to see how this turns out, can't wait!

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Does anyone else notice the extended backrests/headrests?


No other MF train has them...what makes Gwazi so different?

That appears to just be the test dummies in those seats. Notice the seats covered by the tarp in the pictures posted are much shorter.

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Did anyone see the Cheetah Picture?


Should be interesting to see if anything transpires there...


I was surprised no one pointed out in that link where it mentioned Kumba looks like it is going to be down for most of the month of May. If they give this coaster a little love and a new paint job, this could be bigger than the news of Gwazi adding the Millenium trains!



Kumba actually got a brand new paint job about three years ago. I think it just needs to be cleaned since the track is stained from coaster oil/grease.

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Overall, I think Busch does a pretty good job with Kumba. Yes, the stains and rust aren't flattering, but the coaster still provides a great ride after all these years. Except for the one rough part before the first corkscrew, the ride is actually quite smooth.

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^ and night rides on Kumba are just bliss. Rode several times during Howl-o-scream last October and by far the Kumba rides were the highlight of the trip.


If Gwazi is only testing the MF trains, let's hope that the testing goes well and they order some. I like the coaster well enough, but any lovin' is good in my book and MF trains are awesome.



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Kumba actually got a brand new paint job about three years ago. I think it just needs to be cleaned since the track is stained from coaster oil/grease.


#1 suckiest thing about my 2007 trip to Orlando, with a side trip to BGT. No Kumba.


In other news, it's great to finally see Gwazi getting MFs! But does this make my (pfft, I don't want it to be mine at all) Roar at SFA the only GCI left running PTCs? C'mon, Six Flags!

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