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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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Wow this makeover is looking fantastic. What a difference a little color can make to enhance the overall experience. Kudos to the Busch Gardens team and the hard they're putting into this. This is why I have been a pass holder for nearly 16 years because they are such a top notch theme park.

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I love Pantopia's colors!


About Falcon, that sounds terrifyingly good. I'm only a little bit disapointed there won't be any announcement before the drop. It's not matching the "storyline".

I would have imagined like a Falcon's scream echoes in our ears, and why not a symbol that lights up on the ground, just as if the falcon saw a prey and then diiiiiiiiives!

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I have yet to visit BGT for the first time but I'm very impressed with the makeover to Pantopia. The various colors make the area vibrant compared to the original Timbuktu's colors.


Those watercolor renderings are awesome. Would make a nice piece of art to hang on the wall.

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Timbuktu did need some freshening up, and I think the new Pandora theme will work nicely. The pretzel-and-beer joint has been a hit in Williamsburg, so I understand why they want to bring it to Tampa.

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^aaww, you beat me to this. I saw it on bay news 9 here and they said something about a power failure during the lightning storm passing through now. It looks to me that spot is the turn right after the launch out of the station. Its a big downpour here so those folks must really be getting soaked sitting there.

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The only reason I can think of for it being stuck like that would be a power failure leading to a miss launch, and then the speed was exactly enough to get it to the top and for the train to be perfectly balanced.


But that's kind of a high odds one.

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