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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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^^Williamsburg had a Sesame Street Christmas show in the Old Globe Theatre during the first year of Christmas Town, as well as a Sesame Street 4D flick.

Edited by cfc
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A path from Pantopia to the Sheikra plaza would be amazing.


Yeah, you gotta wonder about the future of Scorpion and the log flume. I love a good log flume but that thing is old and it's days have to be numbered. I'd love to see a new log flume ride put into that section.

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Schwarzkopfs were built pretty well and there are several Schwarzkofs that are going on 40+ years operating. I mean, there’s a big difference between BGT and Lagoon, but Jet Star 2 is going on 42 years (40 at Lagoon) and Fire Dragon going on 33 years (31 at Lagoon). I mean, sure, Lagoon has had to do a crap ton of work to keep Jet Star 2 operating safely, like fabricating stronger wheel housings, replacing the anti rollback system, fabricating new track, reinforcing the track and uprights, new PLC, new loading station, and the constant welding, but for them it’s worth it. Likewise Fire Dragon has had to have some work done on the uprights and track, but nothing major, and the trains are still in great condition. BGT could keep Scorpion operating for quite a few more years easily.

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I really like the retheming of that whole area. Other than Scorpion, the area always seemed dated and a bit tacky to me. Much as I like Scorpion, I would skip it if the crowds were larger. It was a long trek to the area. If that area gets really busy because of all the newness, I really hope they bring back 2 train operations on Scorpion like back in the 90's and early 2000's. Otherwise it will be a long wait for the ride. Does anyone know whatever happened to the second train? It always used to sit on the transfer track there after ridership decreased once other coasters took over in popularity and I haven't seen the second train in years now. Also, I really hope the keep the flume ride, it's actually quite fun and one of my favorite old style flumes.

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National Geographic Channel. It's part of the Discovery line up on your cable stations.


Yes, you are correct but I was referring to their second channel ''Nat Geo Wild'' which is airing this show. I haven't been able to find what channel that is from my provider.

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What provider do you have? It is 132 on FiOS, 108 on Comcast, 155 on Bright House, 190 on Dish, 283 on DirectTV, 266 on U-Verse, 144 on Cox Cable, 158 on Optimum CableVision, and 238 on Time Warner. If you aren't listed here, I don't think you have Nat Geo Wild.

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The more of this tower they build, the less I want to ride it! Totally terrifying!


Do we know if they plan to build any sort of structure around the base like BGW did with Mach Tower? I could see them throwing up some logs and stretching some Cheetah Hunt-esque African banners onto it that match the Pantopia color scheme. It should look really nice when it's done either way, but I'd love to see them theme it a little.

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