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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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The one thing that has not been referenced at all in the midst of all of the Pantopia development is what will happen with the Timbuktu Theater. It was once home to a dolphin show, and later converted into a 4D Theater where it debuted R.L. Stine's The Haunted Lighthouse. After running for one year, the show was discontinued to make way for an alternating schedule of Leslie Nielson and Eric Idle's Pirates 4D and Sesame Street Lights Camera Imagination.


The theater closed quietly a few months ago and it has been reported a few times on Twitter that the sounds of heavy work have been heard going on inside.


As long as they get rid of the mildew shower at the end, I'll be happy.

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Can someone explain where the wheels on the RV are going to run on the tower?

If I understand correctly, the tubes on the side that have gaps in them currently is where the wheels will run inside of.


Can we assume then that more rails will be added before the tower is finished?

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Can someone explain where the wheels on the RV are going to run on the tower?


This tower looks a bit different because of the new feature, but the rails that will hold the vehicle in it's place, as well as feature the brakes will be on the different lines of small squares sticking out of the tower.


You can look at how it is on Hurakan Condor, and you'll see.


I would guess that the longer "beams" sticking out of the tower will be to control the tilting on the way down.




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Went to BGT yesterday - overall the park looked good, but was very packed. The tower is around 100ft now, and I'm guessing that the crane is close to the final 300ft. It will definitely make for an impressive focal point for BGT when it's finished next year.


Took a final ride on Gwazi in the back row (bad idea). Shame seeing the deterioration over time, but for the first few years of operation, it was a pretty great ride. Gwazi was never a top 10 coaster, but it was once a thrilling ride that the whole family could enjoy and offered some variety from the park's B&M-centric lineup.


The park's operations were actually not too bad given the crowds, though there were a few issues:


1) Quick Queue lines on Sheikra and Cheetah Hunt got backed up (around 20-25 minute waits). Clear sign they're over-selling them. Would really like to see BGT switch over to QBots, though that goes for all parks .


2) No station entrace managers at Montu or Kumba. Despite full queues, they had no one regulating the flow of guests in to the stations (they did at Cheetah Hunt and Sheikra). Instead of relatively orderly lines for each row, the stations were essentially giant mosh-pits. Considering a single ticket sale could pay the salary of one employee standing guard at the station entrance, this was quite annoying (could be forgiven on a slow day, but they had to be expecting the crowds given the holidays).


The one thing that has not been referenced at all in the midst of all of the Pantopia development is what will happen with the Timbuktu Theater. It was once home to a dolphin show, and later converted into a 4D Theater where it debuted R.L. Stine's The Haunted Lighthouse. After running for one year, the show was discontinued to make way for an alternating schedule of Leslie Nielson and Eric Idle's Pirates 4D and Sesame Street Lights Camera Imagination.


The theater closed quietly a few months ago and it has been reported a few times on Twitter that the sounds of heavy work have been heard going on inside.


Saw some construction on the building behind that theater from the sky ride (no idea if it's related).

Edited by orangeblue
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Was there ever any plans for a Florida version of DarKastle? Seems like the ride does well enough up in Virginia, just wondering if there was a ride ever designed for BGT, and why it never came to be. I think we'd all love to see on replace the Pantopia theatre, but it's been a few years since BGW put in theirs; the window is probably already closed.

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I took a little trip to BGT today and was greeted by piece #6 of Falcon's Fury. For some reason, it feels like a huge difference between 5 and 6, unlike the difference between 4 and 5.



Anyway, here is the first picture. Sorry it is blurry. It was raining so I had my phone in a plastic bag.



And another further away, but clearer. It is tall enough to easily see from around most of the park and parking lot now.



And here is one from BGTFans.com that is up close and clear.

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The one thing that has not been referenced at all in the midst of all of the Pantopia development is what will happen with the Timbuktu Theater. It was once home to a dolphin show, and later converted into a 4D Theater where it debuted R.L. Stine's The Haunted Lighthouse. After running for one year, the show was discontinued to make way for an alternating schedule of Leslie Nielson and Eric Idle's Pirates 4D and Sesame Street Lights Camera Imagination.


The theater closed quietly a few months ago and it has been reported a few times on Twitter that the sounds of heavy work have been heard going on inside.


Maybe possibly convert the theater to a new animal/pet show. Critter Castaways in the Bird Gardens has been running for a long time and is currently housed in the park's oldest show venue. Seems like moving this type of show inside a climate controlled environment like what they did with The Stanleyville Theater could work or how the Pet's Ahoy Show is housed at Sea World Orlando.

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Does anyone have an estimate of when Falcon's Fury will be open? I'll be visiting for the first time in the middle of March. I know that once the foundation is done, tower rides go up pretty fast, but I'm sure there'll be tons of testing.


If past major BGT attraction openings are any indication, I would think that the park will keep to their usual Memorial Day weekend new attraction opening timeline. This way all of the revamped land would be complete and can open together.

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The last photo of the tower is simply awesome!


It doesn't how much or little downtime this ride will have, when working it will surely be one of the best rides in the world and I can only hope I will get to ride it some day! (I have a feeling we won't see another tower of this magnitude in the world for quite a while, at least not here in Europe).


I also wonder how small they can make these 90 degree tilt towers, in order for the sets to return to the upright position in time, while still give some time on your stomach and be interesting.

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Was there ever any plans for a Florida version of DarKastle? Seems like the ride does well enough up in Virginia, just wondering if there was a ride ever designed for BGT, and why it never came to be. I think we'd all love to see on replace the Pantopia theatre, but it's been a few years since BGW put in theirs; the window is probably already closed.


I think they should build some sort of Egyptian-themed ride in a collapsing temple, and use their current Egyptian walk through as the queue.


But that's just a thought on my part--no validity outside of my own head.

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