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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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They didn't soft open Cheetah Hunt to the public and that opening was a disaster.


Also, Cobra's Curse ride vehicles have started to arrive! (From their Twitter account)

Can't believe Mack is still not using steering bogies on this one!


Also is it just me or this turn looks like a wave turn that gives sideway airtime?


Imaging the feeling of sideways airtime alone is awesome!


One hopes that it will be 69.69% as good as the horseshoe turn on Dragon's Fury at Chessington. Yes, Guy I chose that percent just for you.

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They didn't soft open Cheetah Hunt to the public and that opening was a disaster.


Also, Cobra's Curse ride vehicles have started to arrive! (From their Twitter account)

Can't believe Mack is still not using steering bogies on this one!


Also is it just me or this turn looks like a wave turn that gives sideway airtime?


Imaging the feeling of sideways airtime alone is awesome!


One hopes that it will be 69.69% as good as the horseshoe turn on Dragon's Fury at Chessington. Yes, Guy I chose that percent just for you.


Much love and respect! Thanky!

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^ Until enthusiasts start complaining when they put the nets up.


But they will be theming. They are snake catching nets


Great to see the lift staring to be installed I can't wait to see that all finished and themed.


I like the idea of that theme! Have a bunch of snakes in the net that just randomly drop on people as they are walking underneath - that would work great for Howl-O-Scream!

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Does anyone know if Montu is open yet? I'm going to be in the Tampa area from Feb 9th - 17th and wanted to see if it will be open by then or any of you heard anything about it opening? Also what days are the least busy to go?

Montu is scheduled to reopen February 20th. As for the best day to go, Mon-Thurs are the slowest days.

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I was at the park on Monday after running the Celebration half marathon and aside from Montu being down it was a perfect day of coaster riding.I had gone also on a Monday in January and I was freaked out as pretty much every coaster was down,I think It was Sheikra and Scorpion and everything else including Falcons Fury was down(and Sheikra opened after noon!!).But this Monday with waits at 5-10 minute max it was ride as much as you can,it had been a while since I had been to the park where even Cheetah Hunt had low wait times.I'm sure on my next visit for the Food and Wine festival the waits aren't going to be as nice.As far as Falcons Fury goes,it's still the only ride out there that freaks me out!!

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Have to give credit to SeaWorld Parks for coming up with some fantastic color schemes for this years additions.

Don't they both have the same colors, just flipped? Beautiful AND cost-effective!


Im confused as to how swapping the paint colours is in anyway cost effective? Its not like the park paint the ride themselves as its installed it comes pre painted from the manufacturers.

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Have to give credit to SeaWorld Parks for coming up with some fantastic color schemes for this years additions.

Don't they both have the same colors, just flipped? Beautiful AND cost-effective!


Im confused as to how swapping the paint colours is in anyway cost effective? Its not like the park paint the ride themselves as its installed it comes pre painted from the manufacturers.

Remind me never to make a joke again.

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I'll be visiting for the first time on Feb 25th and I want to make the best of the day there. It's a Thursday so it shouldn't be too crowded hopefully. Of course I'll hit all the major coasters but is there Any must see shows/attractions/exhibits that I should experience? Thanks in advance for the feedback

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For your trip. One part of the park that doesn't get a lot of love on the sites is Wallaby Way. It is tucked off in a corner, but it's really neat if you like kangaroos and wallabi. For a few bucks you can buy a salad for the little guys , that if you do early, gobble it up. It's really cool when they let the lil guys on the pathway. So cuddly. Actually, the salad looks really good, enough so that I want an extra order for me with a lil dressing on top. After encountering them you just might want to take one of those super cute fuzzy Wallabis home with you.

The trajn can be neat later on in towards evening when the animals are active. We left from the Niarobi station and were told it would be 30 to 40 minutes to get to the next station due to the animals running around. Really cool as the train stopped because the white rhino was charging all over the place. I had no idea the could move so fast. Other than that, remember the Skyway is your friend, and ALL the coasters are good.

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