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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Family inverted coaster announced for 2025!

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Everyone knows that I'm skeptical of everything and always try to bring people down to earth but the track record of this source is impossible to ignore. It's pretty exciting stuff...


Yeah, I try to temper my enthusiasm for things that hint of speculation, but as you said, the track record of this source is impeccable! Hence, why I previously stated that it was very legit. I am definitely stoked to see what it is, and also am ecstatic about one of my favorite parks adding two major coasters in two years, to an already impressive lineup!


And to clarify my comment previously about the height, I was saying that they got permission for the highest point on the ride to be 355 feet, but acknowledging that it doesn't automatically mean whatever is going there is actually going to be 355 at its highest point. Sorry if it was confusing as stated earlier...

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Yeah, I try to temper my enthusiasm for things that hint of speculation, but as you said, the track record of this source is impeccable! Hence, why I previously stated that it was very legit. I am definitely stoked to see what it is, and also am ecstatic about one of my favorite parks adding two major coasters in two years, to an already impressive lineup!

Personally, I think that it's a bit out of character for Busch Gardens Williamsburg of all places to have a 300+ foot tall coaster tower sticking up over the trees. I've still thought that even the heights of Alpengeist and Griffon are cutting it close.

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Back when I worked at the park my crew and I were having a playful debate on tallest drop in the park, Apollo or Griffon... and a ride tech interrupted us saying, “In a couple years neither of those will be the tallest” or something like that. I guess he was hinting at whatever this will be.

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Yeah, I try to temper my enthusiasm for things that hint of speculation, but as you said, the track record of this source is impeccable! Hence, why I previously stated that it was very legit. I am definitely stoked to see what it is, and also am ecstatic about one of my favorite parks adding two major coasters in two years, to an already impressive lineup!

Personally, I think that it's a bit out of character for Busch Gardens Williamsburg of all places to have a 300+ foot tall coaster tower sticking up over the trees. I've still thought that even the heights of Alpengeist and Griffon are cutting it close.

I agree with this.


Believe me, any other day I’d be excited for a 300ft+ coaster, and I still will be when this thing is announced, but I’m not overly excited about the idea of a 300ft+ ride at BGW because it sounds out of place (especially when the rumors point to a Red-Force style ride).

Edited by RollerManic
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I'm not exactly stoked for a Red Force type of coaster either. We already have Kingda Ka on the other side of the Mid-Atlantic. It's gotta be at least an Xcelerator type layout to be worth it.


The park will now be up to three years in a row of high-thrill attractions. I don't want to see them becoming a better-looking Great Adventure.

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I'm not exactly stoked for a Red Force type of coaster either. We already have Kingda Ka on the other side of the Mid-Atlantic. It's gotta be at least an Xcelerator type layout to be worth it.


The park will now be up to three years in a row of high-thrill attractions. I don't want to see them becoming a better-looking Great Adventure.


Counterpoint: I'm stoked for every single thing that you're not stoked about. All of that sounds amazing.

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The park will now be up to three years in a row of high-thrill attractions. I don't want to see them becoming a better-looking Great Adventure.


I just don't understand enthusiasts. A better looking Great Adventure sounds f*cking awesome.

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The park will now be up to three years in a row of high-thrill attractions. I don't want to see them becoming a better-looking Great Adventure.


I just don't understand enthusiasts. A better looking Great Adventure sounds f*cking awesome.



I will also go on record as saying that while I'm not as thrilled for a Red Force coaster at BGW as I would be for a lift hill coaster of that height, it's still awesome, and clearly, it's going to have more to it than RF, TTD, or KK. So it'll be freaking awesome! And while I get what people are saying about the BGW aesthetic, I have a feeling that once it opens, it will look like it always belonged there, because this park is so great about assimilating everything into the environment!

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There have been some photos of vertical construction posted on some fansites/pages I was hesitant to share here, but the park finally shared some of its own. Via BGW's Facebook page and Twitter:


How do you build a coaster fit for the gods? One mighty piece at a time… and with the largest crane ever to be seen at Busch Gardens! Who’s ready for Pantheon?





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This comes from the FAQ on Busch Gardens website.



"Will there be a limited-time sale for discounted tickets this year?

Yes, we will have a discounted Christmas Town Single-Day Ticket ONLINE-ONLY offer from November 4-17, 2019 with prices as low as $22.99.

After the limited-time sale ends, prices will be available starting as low as $24.99 and will continue to increase each day up to a maximum of $54.99 online."


The day I want to visit is currently listed at $34.99. Should I buy the tickets now or should I wait? I was a bit confused by the "After the limited-time sale ends, prices will be available starting as low as $24.99 and will continue to increase each day up to a maximum of $54.99 online."

I just want to be sure I won't be able to get that $24.99 price for ANY day once the sale is over. Any help would be appreciated!

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A Quick Look at Pantheon


I went to Busch Gardens on Sunday, November 3 1) to hit the "last day" of Howl-o-Scream and 2) to check out what's happening with Pantheon.


As for the former, it was sort "Half-o-Scream." The park's staff is working hard to get ready for Christmas Town, which opens on November 16. So, there were no Terror-tories, no "Night Beats" show in the Festhaus, and five mazes out of six open (augmented with some Terror-Tory scareactors).


As for the latter, I shot some photos, mostly from the train. I hope you're ready for plenty of shots of golden Intamin track. I got a few shots from the Germany-Italy bridge and through the fence in Italy.


Let's go in.


The golden spike of "Neptune's Trident" towers over the parking lot.


Let's try Festa Italia first.


Oops! Let's try the train, instead. (So, no Cirquo Sinistro today. I noticed they were putting up a lot of Christmas stuff back there, too.)


Behold the track of gold!


I really like the color they chose--and that element is going to be fun.


A closer look at the spike. I wonder if they'll mount a trident in top.


I imagine there'll be some nice air heading backward down that spike.


This was just a big gap in the hill the last time I checked. Not sure what it's going to be--maybe part of the entrance?


A view of the site through some Christmas Town stuff.


Sorry about the sun glitch, but that track is solid gold!


I have no idea if you'll be traveling up or down this part.


There's still quite a bit of track to be installed, but it's coming along nicely.


Looking back from the Rhine River Trestle.


Christmas is coming, It requires a lot of balls.


"Help! If those deer find their way through our maze of balls, they'll eat us!"


The spike from the bridge between Germany and Italy.


Another view of the supports from the far side of the river.


As I've said earlier, I really like this color for the track.


Even the Dead like Pantheon.


I'll leave you with this shot of the train and fall foliage.

Edited by cfc
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