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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Apollo is my fav B&M hyper, though I am biased because Busch is my home park. However, I being my favorite "B&M Hyper" doesn't put it high on my list lol. I much prefer Intamin settings.

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Am I the only one who wasn't impressed by Apollo in ANY seat, including the back row? I actually found it to be probably my least favorite hyper, and my list includes Raging Bull...


You know when I rode it back in 06-07 I thought it was incredible and fun. Up there with Nitro at the time.

But I rode it last year and again this spring multiple times and found it very underwhelming. The airtime is not as intense as it used to be and as a B&M fanboy I have to say, Apollo has developed a *bit* of a rattle.

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Good lord...


I rode Apollo on opening day this year and it's not physically possible for a coaster to be smoother than Apollo is.


I can go back through all 889 pages and never see Apollo's described as having a rattle once. You can call it anything else you want but it does not have a rattle.

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I really enjoy Apollo's Chariot. It isn't my favorite B&M hyper (Goliath at SFoG has that spot,) but it is still a great ride to me. For some reason, I really enjoy that weird flat section between the two hills on the return run.


Plus - it is at BGW which makes it awesome as I love that park



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Good lord...


I rode Apollo on opening day this year and it's not physically possible for a coaster to be smoother than Apollo is.


I can go back through all 889 pages and never see Apollo's described as having a rattle once. You can call it anything else you want but it does not have a rattle.


now Alpengeist on the other hand.. . .

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Good lord...


I rode Apollo on opening day this year and it's not physically possible for a coaster to be smoother than Apollo is.


I can go back through all 889 pages and never see Apollo's described as having a rattle once. You can call it anything else you want but it does not have a rattle.


now Alpengeist on the other hand.. . .


Is awesome? Agreed

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Good lord...


I rode Apollo on opening day this year and it's not physically possible for a coaster to be smoother than Apollo is.


I can go back through all 889 pages and never see Apollo's described as having a rattle once. You can call it anything else you want but it does not have a rattle.


now Alpengeist on the other hand.. . .


Is awesome? Agreed


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I'm going to BGW tomorrow- Up until now I've bought Fast Lane, Flash Pass etc everywhere else.

Reading the blurb on the website it looks like Quick Queue is a bit of ripoff scam like HP Fast Track, am I right?

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Good lord...


I rode Apollo on opening day this year and it's not physically possible for a coaster to be smoother than Apollo is.


I can go back through all 889 pages and never see Apollo's described as having a rattle once. You can call it anything else you want but it does not have a rattle.


now Alpengeist on the other hand.. . .


Is awesome? Agreed

Rattles don't bother me unless the coaster is so boring that it sticks out and annoys me.


Great example: Hydra

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Can we just get a word filter on the damn word? Lol.



I loved Apollo's Chariot back when I rode it 14 years ago! Of course, it was my first B&M Hyper, and was unique then... Still, I can't imagine it being anything less than still very fun, and full of air, even now!

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I'm going to BGW tomorrow- Up until now I've bought Fast Lane, Flash Pass etc everywhere else.

Reading the blurb on the website it looks like Quick Queue is a bit of ripoff scam like HP Fast Track, am I right?


Get the Quick Queue Unlimited. It allows unlimited rides on each ride just like FastLane+ at Cedar Fair parks.

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I'm going to BGW tomorrow- Up until now I've bought Fast Lane, Flash Pass etc everywhere else.

Reading the blurb on the website it looks like Quick Queue is a bit of ripoff scam like HP Fast Track, am I right?


Get the Quick Queue Unlimited. It allows unlimited rides on each ride just like FastLane+ at Cedar Fair parks.

It looks like quick queue has designated seating (like HP) which Im guessing is acouple of rows in the middle?

And it doesn't seem to include Loch Ness.

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Don't bother with Quick Queue. If you do it go for Quick Queue unlimited but it's not necessary and according to the website it doesn't work on Loch Ness or Tempesto.


I love Quick Queue Unlimited in Tampa but it's stupid in Williamsburg.

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I'm going to BGW tomorrow- Up until now I've bought Fast Lane, Flash Pass etc everywhere else.

Reading the blurb on the website it looks like Quick Queue is a bit of ripoff scam like HP Fast Track, am I right?


I think BGW's quickqueue system is absolutely phenomenal. We went on a dead day, the only coaster with a line longer than 10 minutes was Verbolten, so we dropped 5 bucks each on a single ride pass, skipped the 40 minute queue, waited 5 minutes for the front, and rode there.

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I'm going to BGW tomorrow- Up until now I've bought Fast Lane, Flash Pass etc everywhere else.

Reading the blurb on the website it looks like Quick Queue is a bit of ripoff scam like HP Fast Track, am I right?


I think BGW's quickqueue system is absolutely phenomenal. We went on a dead day, the only coaster with a line longer than 10 minutes was Verbolten, so we dropped 5 bucks each on a single ride pass, skipped the 40 minute queue, waited 5 minutes for the front, and rode there.

ok but it didn't sound all that attractive to me as you can only be seated at designated rows (tend to be middle rows).

the price seems on par with cedar fairs fast lane but with restrictions.

i went without quick queue today and wait wasnt too bad (all front rows) around 15-30minutes.

i was quite impressed with the themes and the ambiance of the park but the coasters were just ok, nothing stood out for me.

I don't mind coming back some time though.

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I love Quick Queue Unlimited in Tampa but it's stupid in Williamsburg.


This is good to hear, as Quick Queue in Williamsburg was such a waste of money that I wasn't even going to contemplate it at BG Africa this August. What are the main differences?

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