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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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In theory I should be making it to BGW in 2020 so I'm excited for this announcement. If it's like the leak from a few months ago it will be cool, but it will be fun to see what they do with theming and precise placement (not just someone's NoLimits2 rendering/interpenetration)

Lets be really honest though, I love this park so I'm sure I'll like whatever they put in.

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I am very pleased with the addition of a large intamin 45 minutes down 64 from where I sleep.

Heck, I'm pleased with a new Intamin 8 hours and 45 minutes from where I am so long as I can make it there occasionally

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I am very pleased with the addition of a large intamin 45 minutes down 64 from where I sleep.

Heck, I'm pleased with a new Intamin 8 hours and 45 minutes from where I am so long as I can make it there occasionally


I agree I am usually very pleased with the addition of a large coaster virtually anywhere. But the more proximate, the more pleased I am.

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I am very pleased with the addition of a large intamin 45 minutes down 64 from where I sleep.

Heck, I'm pleased with a new Intamin 8 hours and 45 minutes from where I am so long as I can make it there occasionally


I agree I am usually very pleased with the addition of a large coaster virtually anywhere. But the more proximate, the more pleased I am.

Agreed, but Waldameer and Darien Lake aren't adding anything big anytime soon, so I'll be happy with my favorite park getting a nice addition.

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Busch Gardens Announces: Pantheon, Fastest Multi-launch Coaster in North America debuts in 2020





It’s official! The FASTEST MULTI-LAUNCH COASTER IN NORTH AMERICA is coming to Busch Gardens in 2020! PANTHEON combines the might of five Roman gods in an ALL-NEW record-breaking display of strength, speed & power, reaching a top speed of 72.5 mph


Busch Gardens Williamsburg


Busch Gardens Williamsburg has sent us a press release following their announcement today regarding Pantheon!


Today, Busch Gardens® Williamsburg announced exciting details about Pantheon®, a record-breaking multi-launch coaster set to open in 2020. Featuring a total of four launches, this coaster located in the park’s Festa Italia village will reach a top speed of 72.5 mph, making it the fastest multi-launch coaster in North America.


The new Pantheon combines the might of five Roman gods in one record breaking display of strength, speed and power, including forward and backward launches, two inversions and a 95-degree drop. The gods reinforce the theming of the new coaster and illustrate some of the thrilling elements for brave riders.


“Pantheon is going to be non-stop action for riders. We’ve designed it so that the experience is changing all the time and will keep riders wondering what’s next,” said Larry Giles, Senior Director, Design & Engineering. “Multiple launches, speed changes, a sharp drop and backwards acceleration are just a few of Pantheon’s one-of-a kind traits,” added Giles.


This is the fourth consecutive year of new attractions and follows our 2019 highly popular and thrilling Finnegan’s Flyer™, the only “Screamin’ Swing” in Virginia.


The 2020 opening of this attraction will headline another exciting season at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, which has been named the “World’s Most Beautiful Theme Park” by the National Amusement Park Historical Association for 29 consecutive years and one of 2019 Best Amusement Parks by USA Today 10BEST. From its thrilling roller coasters, world-class dining options and kid-friendly attractions, Busch Gardens offers fun for the whole family.


“Busch Gardens has a history of opening new attractions to thrill guests with exceptional experiences,” said Robert Ulrich, president of American Coaster Enthusiasts.




TYPE OF RIDE: Multi-launch coaster (Fastest in North America)



  • 95° drop
  • Two inversions
  • Four launches
  • Launch 1 speed: 36 mph
  • Launch 2 speed: 50 mph
  • Launch 2 speed (backward): 61 mph
  • Launch 3 speed: 67 mph

TRACK LENGTH: 3,328 feet



RIDE DURATION: Two minutes

SEATS/TRAIN: Two trains, 20 riders per train

LOCATION: Busch Gardens’ Festa Italia

RIDE MANUFACTURER: Intamin Worldwide

RIDE OPEN DATE: Spring, 2020


The best way for guests to enjoy Pantheon next year, and all of Busch Gardens, is with a Membership. Enjoy unlimited visits to Busch Gardens throughout the year and get valuable benefits, and exclusive rewards. For more information, visit https://buschgardens.com/williamsburg/annual-pass/benefits/.







Edited by jedimaster1227
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Busch Gardens Announces: Pantheon, Fastest Multi-launch Coaster in North America debuts in 2020



It’s official! The FASTEST MULTI-LAUNCH COASTER IN NORTH AMERICA is coming to Busch Gardens in 2020! PANTHEON combines the might of five Roman gods in an ALL-NEW record-breaking display of strength, speed & power, reaching a top speed of 72.5 mph


Busch Gardens Williamsburg



surprised it doesn't seem to have any inversions (or at least not any they are trumpeting). . but the fastest multi launch in N. America?


sounds fun.



edit - now that the track layout is showing above too? it certainly looks like it has multiple inversions. Weird they aren't hyping that, but wow, that looks so great.

Edited by bert425
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Lots of complaining about the live feed around the internet, but whatever. Technology has issues sometimes, if it didn't I wouldn't have a job.

It looks like this should be fun, it will be interesting to see the official POV when it's released, even though that's not completely necessary

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The US is finally getting a kicka$$ Intamin launched coaster? INTAMIN?!





Storm Runner


Cheetah Hunt


Kingda Ka

Volcano (RIP)

Wave Breaker

Technically any of the impulse clones.


That said, yes this looks awesome and may finally get me back to that park; my last visit was the year they removed BBW.

Edited by Mike240SX
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