Not really my thing to have on a cruise ship, but still interesting that engineers can pull things like this off.
I was watching one of my cruise news videos and found this - with video
starts at 2:02
Quite interesting.
An interesting read I found while Farking at Drew's
Not news: father and son bond by building a thing together. News: they're building an amusement ride. Fark: they're ironworkers building the tallest and fastest dive roller coaster in the world .
Kentucky and Indiana State Fairs have stated that the same model/type ride will not be at their fairgrounds:
Crazy stunt at the Pirates Island Waterpark slide in Jamaica.
For a moment it looks like he would miss the edge of the pool.
/From (totally agree) - 'I dub thee "Waterslide Jesus"'
//doubt this will be allowed/tolerated at any U.S. parks
Well, looks like the video got farked.
Oh, well.
Here is a link to UK's the Mirror:
Just out of curiosity, has anyone seen Google street view of this park's boneyard?
Anyone need some seats from the old "Days of Thunder" attraction:,-77.4465884,3a,43.1y,2.94h,78.54t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXD0tGSv1oONXOoiLgYV1Ug!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
There are three dinosaurs there as well.
Dated 2015